加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科英语学习成长记录贴


4 Powerful Ways To Stay Confident During Uncertain Times4 Powerful Ways To Stay Confident During Uncertain Times发布时间:2012-10-07文章出自:www.pickthebrain.com原文链接:点击查看Life is full of surprises.Sometimes these surprises are pleasant and other times we can’t help but feel a little anxious about what the future holds.Which brings us to the importance of feeling confident, secure, and powerful ― even in the face of uncertainty.Because no matter who you are, what you do for a living, or where you live, you’re always going to face moments of uncertainty (unless you’re psychic and can tell the future, of course). But seriously, these moments of uncertainty might happen in any aspect of your life: at work, in business, or in your relationships, for instance.And often, what differentiates super-successful and happy people from those who are ridden with anxiety and depression is the ability to sustain power and confidence, even in the face of uncertainty.So here are 4 ways to stay confident, courageous, and happy, even when you’re not quite sure exactly how your desired projects ? in love, work, and life ? will play out in the short term:# 1 ? Stay Rationally Optimistic.When we humans think and feel rationally positive, our brains actually perform better. That’s because positive mental states produce higher levels of creativity, productivity, and performance.Which means: if you’re ever unsure about a project’s progress or future outcome, staying rationally positive (not delusional and positive) might just foster the precise creative insight you need to ensure your ultimate success. Not to mention that it’s a total confidence booster in moments of uncertainty (and rightfully so)!# 2 ? Define Your Plans A, B, C, and D.Any time you’re going for a goal in life, it’s good to map out several potential paths to get there. This way you know you’ll somehow arrive at your desired point.Many times having only one potential path toward a goal can leave us anxious or nervous about that path. After all, what if it doesn’t happen as expected?! But imagine how confidentyou’d feel if you knew that you had also mapped out several other paths toward that same outcome? Then you could put your ALL into plans A, B, C, and D…in full knowing that you’ll arrive.How many times has something happened that looked “bad” at the time and then later when you looked back on it you were thrilled that things turned out the way they did? It’s time to realize once and for all that this universe or world supports you and wants you to succeed!The truth is that many times we simply don’t know the best way to achieve our desired outcomes, so we get angry or sad when things don’t work out the way we think they should…only to later realize that it all worked out for our own happiness, joy, success, and benefit. We just didn’t really know any better at the time…we didn’t realize we should becelebrating!Now imagine how confident you’d feel in ‘uncertain moments’ if you just went with the flow because you ‘spiritually’ knew that everything was actually working in your favor…even if it didn’t seem entirely obvious to you at that particular moment in time…Now THAT’S freedom!# 4 ? Do Your Best ? Don’t Stress The Rest.One of the best ways to stay confident in the face of uncertainty is simply to be secure in knowing that you’ve done your best and finally learn to let go of the things you can’t control.One of the biggest mistakes so many people make is that they give it their all at work, in love, or in anything they think is important ? and then they fully STRESS until they know for sure whether their end results will come through as they want them to. (Think school applications, business deals, you name it…it never ends).Solution: when the ball is in your court play your best game, but once it’s in someone else’s court, be cool and stress-free. Refer to # 3 above if you need to!

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴自己励志一下:http://www.history.com/topics/jamestown/videos#life-in-jamestownhttp://www.history.com/topics/mayflower/videos#deconstructed-mayflower

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴学好英语,就是为了更好地学习西方文明。哈哈,给自己一个高尚的理由,激发每日学习英语的动力。本人动力不是很足啊下面我会将自己每天学习的英语材料,系统地上传,希望你在关注我的帖子的同时,也能不断地收获系统英语学习材料。本帖的英语学习材料重点是英语听说材料。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴我的学习动力是:学好英语,学习西方文明,建立一个平衡的世界观。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴我的学习方法论是:系统结构论――具体的学习内容要归类,不能乱学;符号互动论――在情境中学习英语,通过使用英语巩固学习成果;

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴具体学习方法:家园英语学习版介绍的方法,外加一点个人收零。主要是以二语悉得语言学理论为核心,运用全智力全肢体学习方法(就是浑身上下开发出来学好英语)――可以称为全身总动员方法。学习榜样:本版的无极书生。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴由于我的问题主要在口语,所以我的这个帖子主要记录我的的口语学习过程,并系统地提供我所用的英语口语材料。我先从李阳的英语口语开始学习。我觉得他在口语教学上还是有成就的,尽管这个人我不太喜欢。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴李阳英语中的字母发音学习,见附件

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴在雅思考试中,我因为匆忙会犯如下错误:字母g和j搞混,主要是受到汉语拼音的影响;字母a/r/i会搞混,主要是语速快的时候我又脑子又乱有时候,还会将字母和它的音标搞混。比如字母s,我会写成es。所以很汗颜,我学了这么多年英语,在雅思考试的填空题中,我在字母时不时地犯错误。我的英语基础严重不扎实。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴双语的好处之一:Benefits of BilingualismCognitive AdvantagesSince the 1960s (when bilingual immersion programs were first introduced in North America ) studies have shown that bilingual teaching encourages the intellectual development of children in multiple ways:A greater development of abstract understandingA greater ability to create new conceptsA more creative, imaginative, divergent "out of the box" thinking processBetter performance in math and logic skillsBetter problem-solving skills and more creativitySuperior academic performance and better communication skillsA greater ability to process sensory informationBetter self-esteemA wider range of vocabulary which leads to a broader set of associations, expanded vision and more comprehensive understanding.A greater intellectual flexibility

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴双语还有其他一些好处:benefits to mental healthpersonality advantagecultural advantage

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴顶,Keep on going ,坚持!

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴支持一下

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩 超赞 赏 P pragmatist 0$(VIP 0) 5,9082012-10-26#14 回复: 英语学习成长记录贴单词发音方法:1 看单词音标,明白单词要发的几个音素,以及单词重音2 电子词典单词发音跟读3 对比望文生意地读单词,就会读出千奇百怪的发音来,自己还不觉得。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴好像,英语发音,最基本的是单词的音先给发准了。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴island D.J.[?????搀? K.K.[?????搀? n.岛, 岛屿The people on the island are sending up smoke signals.岛上的人们在燃放烟雾信S不发音,如果不看音标,就会把s发出来。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴要把精学的英语学习模式丢掉太平洋中去,因为效率太低,而时间有限,同时英语学习材料那么多。严重同意的人,顶我的帖子一下。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴有道词典非常好,有些单词是有图片,把单词和图片结合起来,或者情境结合起来,是最好的学习英语方法,中间自然就省去了汉语翻译过程。我们的使用英语的汉语翻译过程,是我们过去的学校英语学习方法决定的。不用那个方法,慢慢就改变过来了。

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴美音和英音的六大主要差别第一个差别。字母a在美国英语全发成梅花音,例如after,class,answer,laugh,chance第二个差别是,美国英语中开口“啊”音特别多,英国则一般发成“嗷”。例如单词hot, boss, possible第三个差别是,字母u,在美国英语就直来直去发成/u/,在英国英语发音是/ju/,例如单词super,puma第四个主要差别,字母r在英国英语中经常不发音,但是在美国英语必须要发音。第五个差别:弱化英国英语中的"饿”音,弱化到几乎听不到第六个差别:短元音/i/在美国英语非常短,在非重读音节,短到几乎听不见,甚至可以看做是吞音。例如单词before,behind,listen

回复: 英语学习成长记录贴澳洲口音的两个特点:/ei/---/ai/, /e/---/i/Good day, today, next, where are you going to bed?

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