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房屋设施 House Facilities 精选基本句 1、 水池子堵了。The sink is backed up. ○ The sink is clogged. ★sink n.水槽,水池 ★clog v. 阻塞 ☆back up 堆积 2、 水龙头漏水了。The faucet is leaking. A:The faucet is leaking. 水龙头漏水了。 B: Again?! 又漏了?! ★faucet n. 龙头 ★leak v. 漏,泄露 3、下水道又堵了。The drain is blocked again. A:The drain is blocked again. 下水道又堵了。 B:I’ll ask someone to fix it. 我去找个人来修一下。 ★drain n. 下水道 ★ blocked a. 堵塞的 4、 热水器坏了。The water heater’s out. ○ The water heater keeps going out. 热水器总是坏。 ○ There isn’t any flame in the water heater. 热水器里没有一点儿火苗。 ★heater n.加热器 5、 浴缸需要擦洗了。The bathtub needs scrubbing. ○ The bathtub is backing up. 浴缸下水道的水在往外溢。 ○ The bathtub is leaking. 浴缸漏水了。 ★bathtub n. 浴缸,澡盆 ★scrub v. 洗擦,擦净 6、马桶溢水了!The toilet overflowed! ○ The toilet is running. 马桶漏水了。 ○ The toilet won’t flush. 马桶不能冲水了。 ○ The toilet is clogged. 马桶堵上了。 ★toilet n. 抽水马桶,盥洗室 ★overflow v.溢出 ★flush v.冲洗,冲刷 7、 断电了。The electricity is cut off. ○ The electricity isn’t working. 停电了。 A:The electricity is cut off. 断电了。 B:I’ll go find the reason. 我去看看是怎么回事。 ★electricity n.电,电流 ☆cut off 切断,断绝
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