加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科外国皇室十大丑闻盘点


Besides their high-profile fairy-tale weddings, what do you know about the private lives of the world's somewhat mysterious royal families?  Historically, royal families have never been short on scandal, bringing a great deal of shame on their people and countries. In recent years, the British royal family has excelled at earning the top spot as one of the world's most scandalous royal families。  对于神秘王室成员的私生活,除了那些高调的童话婚礼外,你还知道什么呢?   10.瑞典小公主遭劈腿黯然退婚 现年27岁的马德莱娜公主是瑞典王位第三顺位继承人,2009年8月她与现年31岁的平民帅哥、执业律师贝里斯特伦宣布订婚,但婚期一直没有确定。就在瑞典民众翘首企盼这位“欧洲最美待嫁公主”出阁之际,瑞典王室突然在一份声明中称,经过慎重考虑,马德莱娜公主与贝里斯特伦共同作出解除婚约的决定。虽然王室没有透露个中原因,不过据瑞典八卦媒体披露,公主退婚是因为未婚夫贝里斯特伦与一名著名的瑞典女子手球队球星在酒店共度春宵!  挪威著名名人杂志《视和听》2010年4月刊登了一篇针对现年21岁的瑞典著名女子手球选手多拉・乌普史托姆・博格的人物专访。后者声称,她于去年4月在瑞典某热门滑雪度假胜地参加朋友举行的社交晚会时,邂逅了贝里斯特伦。多拉回忆道:“我们(随后)在酒店里欢度春宵。凌晨4点左右,他陪着我打的回了家。”  In April 2010, 27-year-old Princess Madeleine, third in line to the Swedish throne and known as the most beautiful princess of Europe, called off her engagement to attorney Jonas Bergstrom amid rumors that her fiancé had a one-night-stand with Swedish female handball player Tora Uppstroem Berg (see small photo), who told the Norwegian magazine Se og Hoer in an interview that Jonas and her spent the night together at a popular Swedish skiing resort in April 2009.

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#2 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点9.瑞典国王曾欲与性感模特私奔  Swedish King Carl Gustaf was once a quiet, mild-manned and dignified king for many years. He had also been famed for maintaining admirable marital relations with Queen Silvia for 34 years. However, "The Reluctant Monarch", an unauthorized book published in 2010, shocked the Swedish people and the world. The king was described in the book as a man fond of having wild sex parties and frequenting strip clubs. He was also alleged of using the state police to hide the evidence. The king even had a wild love affair with the biracial model beauty Camilla Henemark, once planning to elope with Camilla to a distant island, where they would live on coconuts。

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#3 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点8.摩纳哥"驸马"与裸女激吻被拍 当摩纳哥卡罗琳公主正带着4个孩子在瑞士滑雪时,她的丈夫却在泰国海滩与一个“陌生女人”缠绵度假。  德国名人杂志《彩色》周刊2010年1月7日曝光了卡罗琳的丈夫???具有德国血统的汉诺威亲王厄恩斯特在泰国普吉岛“自由海滩”被偷拍的一组照片。照片上,现年55岁的厄恩斯特和一名长发、戴墨镜的年轻女子待在一起。报道指出,很多来自德国的游客都认出了厄恩斯特,但他仍毫无顾忌地与这名漂亮女人逗笑。他还将这名女子搂入怀中亲吻,随后一起到海滩游泳。该女子甚至还让厄恩斯特为自己涂抹太阳油。晚上,他们还一同住在曼谷东方饭店的豪华套房中。  In January 2010, German weekly magazine Bunte exposed a set of snapshots, showing the 55-year-old Prince Ernst August of Hanover, husband of Monaco's Princess Caroline, sunbathing on a beach in Thailand and passionately kissing a young girl with long hair, while his wife was skiing with their four children in Switzerland. Ernst swam with the girl and applied tanning oil on her. The couple stayed together in a luxury suite at the Oriental Bangkok。

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#4 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点7.斯威士兰王妃开房被捉奸 2010年8月初,多家南非媒体纷纷风传??非洲小国斯威士兰国王姆斯瓦帝三世的第12任王妃姆斯瓦蒂・诺桑多・都蓓竟趁国王出访之际,与已婚司法部长杜米索・马姆巴在酒店偷情,结果被安全特工当场抓个正着。日前,马姆巴被当场“捉奸在床”的照片终于曝光。  23-year-old Nothando Dube, the 12th of 14 wives of Swaziland's King Mswati III, was evicted from the royal palace in November 2011, one year after her alleged infidelity was exposed by the South African media. Queen Dube made Mswati III furious in August 2010 when she was caught sleeping with Ndumiso Mamba, then justice minister of the country, in a luxury hotel by security guards. Dube was placed under house arrest after a picture showing Ndumiso hiding in the base of the bed was

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#5 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点6.柬埔寨拉那烈亲王被控通奸 2006年12月,柬埔寨玛丽公主向市法院提起诉讼,起诉拉那烈王子与著名舞蹈演员屋坡拉搞婚外情,致育有一名男孩。  有消息指出,玛丽公主的讼词由一名与她亲密的人呈送到市法院。  如果法院发现拉那烈王子真的像玛丽公主诉讼所提出的那样,按照柬埔寨刚刚通过的一夫一妻制法,拉那烈王子有可能被监禁一个月至一年,并被罚款250美元,或者面对其他的刑罚。  讼词内还提到拉那烈王子与屋坡拉互相联络,产生爱情,最后还生育一名男孩的过程,违反了国会刚刚表决通过的一夫一妻制法。  In December 2006, Cambodian Prince Norodom Ranariddh was sued at Phnom Penh Municipal Court by his estranged wife, Princess Norodom Marie Ranariddh, over alleged adultery. It was said that 63-year-old Ranariddh filed for divorce after he met and fell in love with his mistress, a classical dancer named Uk Phalla. Ranariddh acknowledged his relationship with Phalla and the fact that they had already had a son. Ranariddh might be put into prison for up to one year due to violation of Cambodia's new monogamy laws。.blkContainerSblkCon p.page,.page{ font-family: "宋体", sans-serif; text-align:center;font-size:12px;line-height:21px; color:#999;}.page span,.page a{padding:4px 8px; background:#fff;margin:0 1px}.page a,.page a:visited{border:1px #9aafe5 solid; color:#3568b9; text-decoration:none;}.page span{border:1px #ddd solid;color:#999;}.page span.cur{background:#296cb3; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; border-color:#296cb3}.page a:hover,.page a:active{ border:1px #2e6ab1 solid;color:#363636; text-decoration:none}

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#6 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点5.比利时国王私生女出自传曝秘闻 现年40岁的德尔菲娜・波尔是比利时小有名气的艺术家,但她最引人关注的却是另一个身份??比利时国王阿尔贝二世的私生女。在她刚刚出版的新书中,她披露了与阿尔贝国王之间的关系,称自己在父亲眼里如同一件“脏衣服”。  德尔菲娜的母亲是比利时女伯爵西比尔。德尔菲娜在《切断脐带》这本书中说:“阿尔贝曾考虑和我的母亲结婚。但我母亲无法承受毁坏比利时王室形象的责任,于是拒绝了他。”上世纪60年代时,阿尔贝二世曾被迫公开承认了这段婚外情,但他从未承认有这个女儿,也从不回应女儿种种言论。  父亲的漠视令德尔菲娜十分寒心和愤怒,在8日接受媒体采访时德尔菲娜说:“传媒聚焦在我身上,不是因为我的作品,而是因为我是国王的‘脏衣服’。”她表示要与比利时王室彻底脱离关系。目前,比利时王室没有对德尔菲娜的新书做出任何评论。  In 2008, 40-year-old Belgian artist Delphine Boel published her autobiography, "Cutting the Umbilical Cord", in which she reveals her identity as the secret love daughter of Belgium King Albert II. She said in her book that she was fed up of getting attention for being the king's dirty laundry and she had to cut the umbilical cord. King Albert II had a love affair with Sybille, Baroness de Selys Longchamps, who gave birth to Boel in 1968. Albert II once sought to divorce Princess Paola and marry Sybille, but Sybille refused to marry him after receiving unwanted pressure from the royal family. Albert II was forced to admit his affair in 1999 when a biography about Queen Paolo disclosed Boel's existence. However, the king has never acknowledged Boel as his daughter. His indifference has deeply wounded Boel。

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#7 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点4.西班牙国王被曝多次婚外情 2008年,在西班牙国王卡洛斯庆祝70大寿之际,记者佩尼亚费尔的新书《卡洛斯与索菲娅的婚姻》也同时上市。  佩尼亚费尔说:“王后经常遭到背叛,国王和她几乎从不睡在同一张床上。”按照他的说法,卡洛斯国王在45年的婚姻生活中曾有“一系列出轨事件”,其中与加泰隆尼亚室内装修师加娅的婚外情已持续了18年。  74-year-old Spanish King Juan Carlos was been plagued with scandals in 2012. After apologizing to the recession-hit country for his Botswana hunting in April, Carlos quickly found himself facing yet another scandal. Spain's Vanity Fair magazine reported in May that Carlos had an affair with a 46-year-old blond German female named Ke Lina Wittgenstein, who had accompanied him on official visits and overseas journeys for on multiple occasions. The magazine claimed that Carlos had kept his illegitimate relationship with Wittgenstein for some years, and that Wittgenstein was the organizer of his hunting trip to Botswana. This is not the first time for Carlos to be involved in a sex scandal. It's an open secret that Carlols' marriage with Queen Sofia is a failure, and he has had a series of affairs over the past 50 years. Pilar Eyre, a respected author and journalist, wrote in her new book that "Queen Sofia's marriage life has been a real -tragedy. Juan Carlos is a professional seducer and age has not slowed him down."

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#8 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点3."小三"卡米拉修成"正果" 卡米拉长期背负破坏查尔斯与戴安娜婚姻的“第三者”罪名,她与查尔斯长达30余年的“爱情长跑”也一直为世人所关注。  在查尔斯王子和戴安娜王妃婚姻解体中,卡米拉起到了非常重要的作用。卡米拉与查尔斯的私情被曝光后,卡米拉成了公众瞩目的对象。1995年,她与丈夫离婚。2005年4月9日,查尔斯和卡米拉步入礼堂,这对恋人在结束30多年的爱情长跑后,终于正式结为连理。  On April 9, 2005, Camilla Parker Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, finally tied the knot with British Prince Charles, after a relationship that spanned more than three decades since they first met in 1970. Camilla is publicly known as "the other woman" in Charles' life and has been blamed for playing an important role in wrecking the marriage between Charles and late Lady Diana Spencer. It's been said that Charles remained close to Camilla, even after his marriage to Diana in July 1981. Their affair was revealed through a tape in 1992.  It seems as though the British royal family gravitates towards scandals. Camilla once jokingly mentioned to Charles that "her maternal great-great-grandmother, Alice Keppel, was the long-time mistress of Charles' great-great-grandfather, Edward VII." In 2004, a book, entitled "Philip & Elizabeth: Portrait of a Marriage", claimed by citing the words of Sacha, Duchess of Abercorn that Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and her maintained a "passionate friendship" for more than 20 years between 1960s and 1980s。

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#9 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点2.凯特王妃半裸照流出 前段时间刚因哈里王子裸照事件陷入风波的英国 王室,近日又有一位成员陷入同样的麻烦,这个人就是哈里王子的嫂子、威廉王子的妻子凯特王妃。上周威廉王子与凯特王妃在法国南部普罗旺斯的一个私人城堡内  度假时,凯特在池塘游泳的裸照却被法国媒体偷拍下来。这家杂志也将在本周五重磅推出这一消息,而在他们提前披露的杂志封面上,有关凯特王妃的画面都被打上 了马赛克,不过也依稀能够看出凯特并非全裸。  On September 14, 2012, the French magazine Closer published paparazzi photos of Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, sunbathing topless during a holiday with Prince Williams in the south of France. The incident inflamed public outrage on September 17, when Chi, an Italian magazine owned by the same Mondadori publishing company as Closer, published a 26-page special edition featuring 50 intimate photos of Kate on the vacation. Chi claimed to have 200 such pictures of Britain's likely future queen. The scandal evoked memories of William's late mother, Princess Diana, who was also chased after by paparazzi, and were blamed for her tragic death in a car crash incident in August 1997.

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292012-09-29#10 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点1.哈里王子裸照风波 被称为“派对动物”的英国哈里王子日前再次登上美国八卦消息网站的头条,理由是他上周末在美国拉斯维加斯度假时,竟然全裸参加与朋友的派对。美国专门搜集名人八卦消息网站TMZ21日独家刊登了一组哈里全裸的劲爆照片。  The British royal family was embarrassed again when TMZ.com published two exclusive photos on August 21, 2012, showing 27-year-old Prince Harry enjoying a wild nude party at a Las Vegas hotel on August 17. In both photos, Harry is completely naked with an unidentified young woman, who was also naked. The only difference is that, in the first one, the woman hides behind Harry, while in the second, Harry hugs the woman from behind. After the end of the party the couple allegedly disappeared. The prince, no stranger to scandal, gave the royal family a major headache by dressing in a Nazi uniform in 2005. In 2009, he also sparked concerns for his racist remarks in a video clip he shot himself while at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst。.blkContainerSblkCon p.page,.page{ font-family: "宋体", sans-serif; text-align:center;font-size:12px;line-height:21px; color:#999;}.page span,.page a{padding:4px 8px; background:#fff;margin:0 1px}.page a,.page a:visited{border:1px #9aafe5 solid; color:#3568b9; text-decoration:none;}.page span{border:1px #ddd solid;color:#999;}.page span.cur{background:#296cb3; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; border-color:#296cb3}.page a:hover,.page a:active{ border:1px #2e6ab1 solid;color:#363636; text-decoration:none}

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 alberto 0$(VIP 0) 16,2612012-11-29#11 回复: 外国皇室十大丑闻盘点6.柬埔寨拉那烈亲王被控通奸如果事件发生在前,立法在后,可以追溯么?

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