加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科【推荐】FRIENDS学习笔记-每天一集(附语音MP3,可在线收听)


第一篇 逃婚 ENTER RACHEL IN A WET WEDDING DRESS. SHE STARTS TO SEARCH AROUND THE ROOM) 下面这段是剧中主人公之一Rachel第一次出现的场面。她穿着淋湿的wedding dress (结婚礼服)闯进了咖啡屋,Monica (Rachel的高中同学)问她究竟发生了什么事,我们来听一下: 右键另存为下载语音 原来Rachel上演了一出逃婚记。她给大家的解释是: RACHEL: Oh God... well, it started about a half hour before the wedding. I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat. When all of a sudden I realised that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. Y'know, I mean, he always looked familiar, but... Anyway, I just had to get out of there, and I started wondering 'Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this for?'. 笔记 乍一看到boat这个字,大家会不会以为别人送了一条船给Rachel和Barry作为结婚礼物呢? 其实这里所说的boat是一种有手柄的,用来盛gravy (作调味用的肉汁)的船形盘。Rachel 说它真的很漂亮(really gorgeous), 女孩子们很喜欢用gorgeous来赞美那些漂亮的东西,而男孩子们通常只用gorgeous来形容漂亮、性感的女孩子。比如有些男生看到迎面走来一个漂亮MM很可能就会吹个口哨,然后搭讪到:Hello, gorgeous! 当Rachel正在欣赏那只漂亮的船形盘时,她突然意识到自己原来对这只盘子更感兴奋,而不是她的未婚夫Barry ( When all of a sudden I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry!). turn on 这个词组可以用来表示把什么东西打开,如turn on the light / the gas (开灯/煤气),除此之外,turn on 还可以用来形容人啦,比如, A lot of guys are turned on by this gorgeous blonde (很多男人都对这个金发美女感“性趣”。) :-Q 随后Rachel被自己的想法吓坏了 (And then I got really freaked out.) freak out 是一个很口语化的词组,可以用来表示不安,焦躁,害怕等情绪;freak这个词本身也可以用作名词或形容词来表示 “不同寻常、怪异” 等,带有一些贬义色彩,譬如:The neighbors think he's a bit of a freak (邻居们觉得他有点怪)。为了吸引眼球,有些地方还会搞一些很恶心的freak show, 例如怪胎展什么的,我是没看过啦,I am afraid it will freak me out. 呵呵。 最后Rachel突然觉得Barry很像“土豆先生”:and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. (一种塑料玩具, Barry长得确实和它很像呢,呵呵)。Hit这个词用得好,既简单又形象,表示某人的脑子突然被一个事实或想法“击中”, 它就相当于前面的realize,又如:Suddenly it hit me. He was trying to ask me to marry him.

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 反馈:Aim, Lucille, lenasky 和 2 其他人 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-19#2 第二篇 Rachel逃婚之后就不得不面对后果了(face the music), 她的老爸很生气,在电话里威胁说要经济制裁她,Rachel一时嘴硬说:"Well, maybe I don't need your money." 等她老爸真的把电话挂了之后,她又忙不迭地对着电话叫道:"Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!"事已至此她只能借住在Monica的家里了。 唉,这一天对于Rachel来说真是糟糕透了,当她正坐在沙发上愁眉苦脸时Monica安慰她说:右键另存为下载语音 MONICA: Okay, look, this is probably for the best, y'know? Independence. Taking control of your life. JOEY: And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. Me and Chandler live right across the hall. And he's away a lot. MONICA: Joey, stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day! JOEY: What, like there's a rule or something? 笔记 在这些事发生之前,Rachel可是一直靠在她那有钱的老爸身上的,所以Monica 才说:”哎,这可能是件好事呢,你想啊,这样你就能独立生活了。” be for the best 是一个极其口语化的表达法,表示某件事情可能并不像看上去那么糟,也颇有点良药虽苦,其利于病的意思,比如:I know it's hard for you to leave him, but it's for the best. 接着号称情圣的Joey也跑来向Rachel表示:"嗨,如果你需要什么尽管来找我好了。" 实际上Joey和另一个"老友" Chandler就住在Monica的对门:Me and Chandler live right across the hall. 按语法讲,Joey应该说 Chandler and I…但在口语中用me也是可以接受的,而且Joey为了突出自己而把Me放到了Chandler前面,然后还很暧昧地加了一句"他经常不在家 (And he’s away lot)"。 Monica很了解Joey, 教训他说:"你别挑逗她了 (stop hitting on her),今天可是她的结婚之日。" 在上一篇当中我们也讲到过hit这个字,它可以用来表示realize, 而这里的hit on someone 的意思是"和某人调情,或挑逗某人", 相当于flirt with someone, 其它类似的表达法还有:to make a pass at someone和 to come on to someone, 例如: "Did you see the way Brian came on to Sally at the office party?" "Oh, Brian has made a pass at every girl in the office." "I know, but he hit on Sally particularly hard." 到底是情圣啊! 最后Joey脸不红心不跳地回了一句:"怎么啦?难道还有什么明文规定不成?(What, like there's a rule or something?)。"

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-20#3 第三篇 这回说得是Monica的哥哥Ross, 他也很倒霉,刚刚离了婚。为什么呢?因为他的前妻Carol发现自己居然是同性恋(lesbian),并爱上了一个名叫Susan的女人。可怜的Ross为此郁闷死了! 这天晚上他叫Joey和Chandler去他家帮忙装新家具 (Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture)。在弄得差不多的时候,Joey想到了一个问题: 右键另存为下载语音 Joey: Ross, let me ask you a question. She got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV- what did you get? Ross: You guys. Chandler: Oh, God. Oh, my God. Joey: You got screwed. 笔记 Ross的前妻把那些好东西,比如家具、音响、电视等等都搬走了,Joey搞不懂Ross还有点什么(What did you get?)。Ross的回答真是傻得可爱,他说 "我有你们啊 (You guys)。" 此话一出, Joey 和 Chandler差点昏倒,Joey 说:"你被坑了 ( You got screwed.)"。 Screw这个字作为名词的话解释为"螺丝钉",用来拧螺丝钉的工具就是screwdriver。作为动词使用时,它当然就可以表示把什么东西拧进墙里或拧紧,如:If we want to hang this picture up, we'll have to screw a hook into the wall. 在俚语中,screw 还有许多其它的意思,像上面所说的 “受骗上当” 就是一例, 又比如:They screwed her for five thousand dollars over that business deal. 受骗之后许多人可能就会很生气地对那个骗子大喊一声 “ screw you !” ,它的意思嘛…就相当于fuck you, 只不过screw you相比之下稍微文雅了那么一点。另外,我们还能经常听到screw up 这个词组,它表示 “把什么事情给搞砸了”, 譬如: I really hate this guy! He screwed up my whole plan. I hope I don't screw up when I take my driver's test.

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 T thefashioner 0$(VIP 0) 192005-10-20#4 支持学了不少


2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 超赞 赏 反馈:taprogge M Maya初出茅庐§粗通皮毛 0$(VIP 0) 3922005-10-20#6 好东西,被我一扫而光.谢谢!

严肃严肃再严肃点 超赞 赏 反馈:taprogge immi 0$(VIP 0) 2,3232005-10-21#7 DAY DAY UP!!!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-21#8 第四篇 上回说到Ross因为前妻的事而感到非常郁闷,他担心万一老天只给每个男人安排了一个女人怎么办?那他岂不是再也找不到自己的另一半了?碰到这种情况,我们大半会劝人家说”天涯何处无芳草”,可Joey是个好吃之人,所以他就很有趣地把 “芳草” 比作了 “冰激凌”,他教导Ross说:"What are you talking about? 'One woman'? That's like saying there's only one flavour of ice cream for you. Let me tell you something, Ross. There's lots of flavours out there.(你在说什么啊? 一个女人? 这就好比天下就只有一种味道的冰激凌似的。我来告诉你Ross, 冰激凌的口味多着呢。)” 末了他还对Ross说了句grab a spoon, 意思是鼓励Ross抓起匙子准备好去品尝各式”冰激凌”。 这天晚上正好Ross和Rachel单独在一起: 右键另存为下载语音 ROSS: Okay. You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. RACHEL: I knew. ROSS: You did! Oh.... I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother. RACHEL: I did. ROSS: Oh. Listen, do you think- and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here- but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe? RACHEL: Yeah, maybe... ROSS: Okay... okay, maybe I will... RACHEL: Goodnight. ROSS: Goodnight. (Rachel goes into her room and Monica enters the living room as Ross is leaving.) Monica: See ya.... Waitwait, what's with you? Ross: I just grabbed a spoon. 笔记 Ross向Rachel承认说他在高中时暗恋过她( back in high school, I had a major crush on you). major 在这里相当于big的意思,have a crush on sb 就表示喜欢某个人,这种喜欢有可能只是一时的迷恋,有句话说得好:It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone ,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 使Ross觉得有些意外的是,Rachel早就知道这个小秘密了,呵呵,女孩子对于感情方面的事情总是比较敏感的。于是Ross又说:"I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother. (我总觉得你只是把我看作是Monica的土包子哥哥)"。Geek在美语当中是用来专指那些穿着很土气,而且很boring的人。而对于figure 这个词许多人恐怕只是把它作为名词来用,它可以表示数字(number)或是女性的身材(woman’s body),但在口语中,figure经常是被用作动词来表示think, believe, feel等等, 比如:We figured (that) you'd want to rest after your journey. 没想到Rachel说她确实是那样认为的, 接着Ross鼓足了勇气吞吞吐吐地问Rachel是不是改天能约她(do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe?) , 生怕Rachel因为同情而点头,他还插了一句and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor (别让我这种很受伤的样子影响你)。 Rachel笑盈盈地回答说maybe, 看到这儿我想Ross应该马上就顺水推舟了,可是他okay了老半天,(我等得急啊…) 居然憋出句maybe I will... 。真是昏倒,要换作是Joey的话早就顺着杆子往上爬了。 尽管我们看得着急,Ross可是在那儿独自高兴呢,这时Monica出来和他说再见,看到他那美滋滋的样子就问有什么事情(what's with you?), 腼腆的Ross觉得自己刚才可是grab a spoon了,哈!我觉得他真是可爱极了

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-22#9 第五篇 这一天大伙又像往常一样坐在一个名叫 Central Perk 的咖啡屋里闲聊,Phoebe刚约会回来: 右键另存为下载语音 Phoebe: (entering) Hi guys! All: Hey, Pheebs! Hi! Ross: Hey. Oh, oh, how'd it go? Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said 'We should do this again!' All: Ohh. Ouch. Rachel: What? He said 'we should do it again', that's good, right? Monica: Uh, no. Loosely translated 'We should do this again' means 'You will never see me naked'. Rachel: Since when? Joey: Since always. It's like dating language. Y'know, like 'It's not you' means 'It is you'. Chandler: Or 'You're such a nice guy' means 'I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you'. Phoebe: Or, or, y'know, um, 'I think we should see other people' means 'Ha, ha, I already am'. Rachel: And everybody knows this? Joey: Yeah. Cushions the blow. 笔记 Ross 问Phoebe她的约会(date)怎么样 (how did it go?),Phoebe 回答说不怎么好,那人送她到地铁(subway)后说了句( We should do this again!)就结束了。大伙听到这都心知肚明了,只有不谙世事的Rachel还转不过弯来,于是大伙便给Rachel补习了一下 “约会语言(dating language)”,比如刚才的这一句 We should do this again. 就可以理解为You will never see me naked. (我们永远不会 "赤诚" 相对啦!)。Rachel显然还不太相信每个人都知道这种约会语言的弦外之音,Joey给了肯定的答复,并说了句Cushions the blow. 要理解这句话什么意思,还得先来看看cushion这个词,作为名词,它就是我们日常用的 “靠垫”。大家平时肯定有过和朋友或兄弟姐妹在家打打闹闹的经历,虽是闹着玩,但有些人的手脚特别重,这时我们就会随手抓起一个靠垫去遮挡一下,这就是cushion the blow, 其引申出来的含义就是 "减少(不愉快事物)影响",例如:He has lost his job, but he's got a lot of money in the bank, so that will cushion the blow. 当然cushion也可单独做动词用,表示 "减缓…冲力、效力",如:They had put mattresses on the ground to cushion his fall. 相信那些有过恋爱或相亲经历的人都用过所谓的dating language, 其目的只是为了不使对方太过难堪而已 (cushion the blow)。

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-23#10 第六篇 Monica 要去付一个约会(date), 大伙都想知道什么时候能见见那个人, 可Monica就是死活不答应: 右键另存为下载语音 Joey: So when do we get to meet the guy? Monica: Let's see, today's Monday... Never. All: Oh, come on! Come on! Monica: No. Not after what happened with Steve. Chandler: What are you talking about? We love Schhteve! Schhteve was schhexy!.. Sorry. Monica: Look, I don't even know how I feel about him yet. Just give me a chance to figure that out. Rachel: Well, then can we meet him? Monica: Nope. Schhorry. [Monica and Paula are at work.] Monica: I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him. I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd. Paula: Listen. As someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef, I'll tell you: that is not such a terrible thing. I mean, they're your friends, they're just looking out after you. Monica: I know. I just wish that once, I'd bring a guy home that they actually liked. Paula: Well, you do realise the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy. 笔记 现在我们知道Monica为什么不肯带那个人来见大伙了,她可是有经验教训的(Not after what happened with Steve)。一听到Steve这个名字,最爱嘲弄别人的Chandler来劲了,马上模仿起Steve说话漏风的语调来,这下Monica可是更加下定决心了。 随后Monica在上班时与同事Paula谈起此事,她抱怨说每次她把约会的对象带回家后那些老友们就会针对他(I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him.),Monica说他们就像“土狼(coyote)”一样,找到一个弱处就痛下其手。(They're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd.)。 大家有没有觉得这句话和我们所说的 “捏软柿子”有异曲同工之妙呢? Paula 认为事情并不像Monica说得那么糟,作为过来人,她说那些老友们只是在替Monica 严把质量关而已(they're just looking out after you)。显然Paula以前就很倒霉地遇到过很多 “质量”不好的人,(as someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef), 真是那行人说那行话,作为厨师的Paula很有趣地把那些“质量”不好的人比作了“bad beef”。 Monica最后说她很希望那些老友们都能喜欢她带回家的那个人,哪怕是一次也好(I just wish that once, I'd bring a guy home that they actually liked)。 Paula回答说: “那种机率很小如果你永远不让他们见那个人(Well, you do realize the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy.)。 odds这个词在这句话当中其实就相当于chance, 只是它更加强调与数字有关的机率,比如:If you are male, the odds are about 1 in 12 of being color-blind.(如果你是男性,那就会有1/12的可能是色盲)。另外,slim作为形容词原本是形容女孩子身材苗条的,但它经常用来修饰chance、odds 、hope等词,表示 “机会渺茫”。

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-25#11 第七篇 上回说到Monica不肯把她的约会对象介绍给大伙,但在同事的劝导之下,加上大伙再三保证守规矩(be good), Monica终于把那个叫Alan的人带来了。 送走Alan之后:右键另存为下载语音 Monica: Okay. Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? Monica: C'mon! Ross: ...I'll go. Let's start with the way he kept picking at- no, I'm sorry, I can't do this, can't do this. We loved him. All: Loved him! Yeah! He's great! Monica: Wait a minute! We're talking about someone that I'm going out with? All: Yeah! Rachel: And did you notice...? (She spreads her thumb and index finger.) The Guys: Yeah. Joey: Know what was great? The way his smile was kinda crooked. Phoebe: Yes, yes! Like the man in the shoe! Ross: ...What shoe? Phoebe: From the nursery rhyme. 'There was a crooked man, Who had a crooked smile, Who lived in a shoe, For a... while...' Ross: ...So I think Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured. Rachel: What future boyfriends? Nono, I th- I think this could be, y'know, it. Monica: Really! 笔记 Alan一走,Monica心想那群 “土狼” 肯定要本性大暴露了,于是就先声夺人地说: “ 好,‘Alan批判会’ 现在开始,谁第一个来?(Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm)?” 这里要说一下bash这个词,它看上去似乎很简单,但用法却比较复杂,一词多义,既可作动词, 也可作名词,非正式地表示 “猛击、(用语言)攻击”等意思。它的动名词形式bashing可以和其它单词一起组成新名词,用来表示 “对…不满”,如:government-bashing, gay-bashing , etc. Monica 就用它很巧妙地创造出了 “Alan-bashing” 这个词,颇有些语带双关,因为bash还可以解释为party, 例如:He had a big bash for his 18th birthday. 这次的情况还真与以往不同,“土狼”们你看我,我看你,居然没一个先 “下手 (take the first shot)”, Monica才不信他们会这么好呢,又催了一句:“ Come on. (说呀!),这时她的哥哥Ross终于发声音了,刚开始他还煞有介事地挑起刺来,最后他终于忍不住说出Monica最想听的一句话来: “We loved him (我们很喜欢他)。” Joey觉得Alan最棒的地方就是他笑起来坏坏的(Know what was great? The way his smile was kinda crooked.) Phoebe也连声说是,然后也不知是她的那根神经搭错了,Alan的坏笑让她想起了一首莫名其妙的安睡曲(nursery rhyme),还哼唱给大家听,大伙都被她搞得一楞一楞的,她自己也觉得有些不对劲儿…… Ross接着夸奖Alan,说他将成为衡量Monica所有未来男友的一个标准 (So I think Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured.) yardstick 本身是一种丈量工具,即 “码尺”,其引申之意也就是 “衡量…的标准或尺度”,后面跟介词of或against, 比如:Is profit the only yardstick of success? “什么未来男友,我想这事可能就成啦!” Rachel握住Monica的手激动地说道。 Rachel的意思是指Alan可能就是Monica的真命天子,她知道大伙都明白她想要说什么,所以就简单说成I think this could be, y'know, it. 这次Monica真是激动啊!

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 反馈:immi immi 0$(VIP 0) 2,3232005-10-25#12 好戏连台!!!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 反馈:taprogge taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-26#13 第八篇Chandler 已戒烟多年,可最近又开始吞云吐雾了,老友们对此很不满,而他更是觉得大家对他不公平:右键另存为下载语音Chandler: Hey, this is so unfair! Monica: Oh, why is it unfair? Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal! Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word? And Monica, with that snort when she laughs? I mean, what the hell is that thing? ...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? 笔记说到某人有什么缺点或小毛病,我们大概马上就会想到shortcoming这个词,但在上面的对话中,Chandler却用了flaw这个词来表示相似的意思。Flaw一般是指某件事物有瑕疵,当然用在人身上的话就表示性格方面的某个不足之处,比如: Jealousy is Mary’s major flaw. Chandler觉得抽烟只是一个小小的缺点而已,没啥大惊小怪的,所以他说: “So I have a flaw! Big deal!” big deal其实并不big, 恰恰相反,它总是表示说你觉得某件事情根本不像别人认为的那么重要,这是个很常用的口语,比如:So you've got a part-time job in the supermarket? Big deal! 另外,我们也可以用it’s no big deal 来表示什么事情并不重要或没什么大问题, 例如:It's no big deal if you can't come - just let us know in time.接着Chandler开始数落起其它几个老友的flaw, 像Joey没事就喜欢把指关节摁得直响(knuckle-cracking)、 Ross说起话来每个字的发音都那么铿锵有力(with his over-pronouncing every single word)、Monica笑起来会打隔(with that snort when she laughs),然后他说:“what the hell is that thing? ...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? (这些又都怎么说呢?我能忍受你们的这些小毛病,为什么你们就不能接受我抽烟呢?) What the hell…也是一种很口语化的表达方式,表示 “很吃惊或很生气地质问”,例:What the hell does he think he's doing? Where the hell have you been?顺便说一下,在比较正式的场合下我们最好是用what on earth…来代替what the hell…。

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-27#14 最近不知为何MP3上传多次不成功。没办法,希望听到MP3的朋友可以到学习英语之最佳美剧提供的连接去下载MP3。我这里就不再上传了,请谅解。第九篇一帮老友们没事又坐在一起开侃了,这次的话题是男人和女人:Monica: Would you let it go? It's not that big a deal.Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bamm, a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right?Rachel: Come on! You guys can pee standing up.Chandler: We can? All right, I'm tryin' that.Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me.Phoebe: Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.笔记It’s not that a big deal. 看过上一篇赏析的朋友们肯定会对这句话很熟悉,对啦,它就表示说 : “这没啥大不了的!” 什么事没啥大不了的? 原来Ross觉得女人们能像变戏法一样地把bra 从衣服的袖子里拿出来真是很了不得 (It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve.) maneuver 这个词源自法语,表示一种很巧妙的动作或手法,魔术师们有maneuver,政客们也会玩maneuver, 顺便说一下,在英式英语中maneuver也会拼写成manoeuvre。另外再看一下bamm,这是一个象声词,一声枪响就可以用bam来形容,但它经常被用来表示 “突然、一下子”的意思,如:I’m going around the corner when BAMM! Next thing I know I’m splattered with orange juice.Rachel听了Ross的话后也不以为然,她说: “得了,你们男人还能站着撒尿呢 (Come on! You guys can pee standing up.)” pee是个非常口语化的词,用医学术语来表示的话就是urinate;通常我们只在熟人之间才会用pee这个词,而在一般情况下如果你内急了的话可以说 I need / have to go to the bathroom.Joey 也发表意见说: “Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me. (你们知道什么让我觉得惊奇吗?女人们随时都能看到自己的胸脯,只要一低头就成。我不明白你们怎么能专心工作呢!) blow one’s mind 又是一个很好的口语,它表示 “对某件事情感到既惊奇又兴奋”,比如我的一个朋友前不久居然在网上聊天时遇到了她的小学同桌,之后两人见了面并重拾十几年前的友谊。每当谈起这事时她就可以说:Meeting him like that after so many years really blew my mind. 此外,Joey所说的这句话中还有一个词组也值得提一下,那就是 be beyond sb,beyond是个介词,基本的意思是 “超越” ,在口语中如果你说sth is beyond me, 那就表示某件事情对你而很难理解,比如:Algebra was always beyond me.最后Phoebe 说: “Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.” mean在这里作形容词,意思是 “很不好、卑鄙的”, 它后面可以用介词to, 例如:That was a mean thing to do.Don't be so mean to her!

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-28#15 第十篇Joey: Y'know, I've done nothing but crappy plays for six years. And I finally get my shot, and I blow it!Monica: Maybe this wasn't your shot.Ross: Yeah, I mean... I think when it's your shot, y'know, you-you know it's your shot.笔记老友之一的Joey自称是个演员(actor),其实他充其量只是个跑龙套的而已,用他自己的话来说就是I’ve done nothing but crappy plays for six years. crappy是个极其俚语化的词,其意相当于very bad, 也就是我们所说的 “蹩脚的”, 比如:We arrived late and ended up staying in a crappy hotel.随后Joey说And I finally get my shot, and I blow it. 知道这句话什么意思吗?先来看一下shot这个词,我们最熟悉的解释之一可能就是 “射击”;另外在体育活动中它还可以用来表示 “射门”、 “投篮”、 “击球”等等。但在刚才的这句话中它的意思是“机会”,在口语中我们可以用 have/get a shot at something 来表示 “有机会去尝试着做某事”,例如:I can't get the last two answers in this crossword - here, you have a shot.I thought I'd have a shot at making my own wine since we've got all these grapes.Joey 好不容易得到了一次机会,可他却搞砸了(I blow it)。又碰到了blow这个词,在上一篇中我们看到过blow one’s mind (不明白什么意思?翻上一篇啦!), 现在我们知道了blow还可以用来表示 “没有抓住机会”,再比如:We had a good chance to get the contract but you’ve really blown it now!Joey的shot究竟是什么啊?原来他得到一次做替身的机会,替得是大名鼎鼎的影帝Al Pacino的……屁股 (I play Al Pacino's butt.)! 机会难得,他想好好用屁股 “表演” 一下,可结果却被导演踢走了,原因是 “演得太过火(acted too much with it) 。”

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-29#16 第十一篇Ross和Monica接到电话说他们的祖母快要不行了(it's a matter of hours.)于是兄妹俩便赶到医院去见她最后一面。在Ross俯下身亲吻奶奶的额头以示告别时,已被宣布去世的她突然叫了一声并抽搐了一下,把两个大活人吓得够呛。右键另存为下载语音Rachel: So, um, did she...Ross: Twice.Joey: Twice?Phoebe: Oh, that sucks!Joey: You guys okay?Ross: I don’t know , it's weird. I mean, I know she's gone, but I just don't feel, uh...Phoebe: Maybe that's coz she's not really gone.Ross: Nono, she's gone.Monica: We checked. A lot.笔记一看到Ross和Monica回来了,Rachel就想问他们的奶奶是不是 “去”了,但又觉得不能太直接,所以就问了半句:So, um, did she... (哦,她是不是……)。Ross点点头并回答说:“两次(twice)。” Joey这下搞不懂了,怎么还是两次呢?不过他也没多问,可平时说话一直不动脑筋的Phoebe立马来了句不合时宜的话:“Oh, that sucks! ” suck原本是 “吮吸”的意思,但在口语里它经常用来表示 “……糟糕透了” ,是个极其不正式的表达法,且只能用于现在时, 例如:If your job really sucks, leave it.“My mom says I have to clean the garage.” “That sucks.”Joey接着问他们兄妹俩是否还好(You guys okay?)Ross说: “I don’t know , it's weird. I mean, I know she's gone, but I just don't feel, uh...” 直到现在这个 “去” 字才终于被说出来了,但一般在这种情况下都会避免使用die这个字眼,所以Ross只是委婉地说 “She’s gone.” 然而他又觉得怪怪的(it’s weird), 好像奶奶不曾真的离去。说到 “奇怪”,我们大多都会想到strange, 可美国人却喜欢用weird这个词来形容怪人怪事,如:That's weird - I thought I'd left my keys on the table but they're not there.The man we spoke to was really weird.

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 反馈:sform6 偏偏枫叶情 0$(VIP 0) 13,4372005-10-29#17 第十一篇的片子我还没看呢,嘻嘻。Tap辛苦了!

2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-29#18 第十二篇Monica的母亲Mrs.Geller向女儿谈起了自己的母亲,也就是Monica刚刚去世的外婆:右键另存为下载语音Mrs. Geller: Do you know what it's like to grow up with someone who is critical of every single thing you say?Monica: ...I can imagine.Mrs. Geller: I'm telling you, it's a wonder your mother turned out to be the positive, life-affirming person that she is.Monica: That is a wonder. So tell me something, Mom. If you had to do it all over again, I mean, if she was here right now, would you tell her?Mrs. Geller: Tell her what?Monica: How she drove you crazy, picking on every little detail, like your hair... for example.Mrs. Geller: I'm not sure I know what you're getting at.Monica: Do you think things would have been better if you'd just told her the truth?Mrs. Geller: ...No. I think some things are better left unsaid. I think it's nicer when people just get along. Monica: Huh.笔记Mrs. Geller 对自己的女儿Monica总是很挑剔,可她居然还问Monica:“你能体会在你成长过程中,总有个人会批评你所说的每句话是啥滋味吗?(Do you know what it's like to grow up with someone who is critical of every single thing you say? ) 这里的someone指的就是Monica的外婆。 “对……持批评的态度,” 我们可以用 be critical of sth 来表示,比如:He is critical of my work. critical 也可以直接用来修饰人,譬如Mrs.Geller也可以这样对Monica说: “Your grandmother was a very critical woman.” 真是有其母必有其女( Like mother, like daughter), Mrs. Geller比起自己的母亲来可是有过之而无不及,每次看到女儿Monica都要挑她的毛病,用Monica自己的话来说就是picking on every little detail (吹毛求疵),pick on 其实就当相于先前所说的critical的动词形式criticize, 如果说criticize还能被人接受的话,那pick on 绝对是让人难以忍受的,因为批评有时还带有一定的合理性,而pick on就是在鸡蛋里挑骨头了。万一你很不幸碰上这种人,你不妨吼上一句:Why do you always pick on me? Monica可没有这么直接,她旁敲侧击地问她妈妈:“So tell me something, Mom. If you had to do it all over again, I mean, if she was here right now, would you tell her? (妈妈,告诉我如果你能重新来过,我是说如果外婆就在这里的话,你会告诉她吗?)” all over again 这个词组不仅仅表达again的意思,还强调从头开始重做某事,又比如:If the teacher doesn’t like your essay, you have to do it all over again. Mrs. Geller应该不会不明白女儿的意思,可她却说:“I'm not sure I know what you're getting at.” 这句话真不错,当别人说话隐隐约约的时候,我们就可以如法泡制地用这句话来一探虚实。到这个时候Monica只能再把话说透一点: “Do you think things would have been better if you'd just told her the truth?”, 她的言下之意就是问: 我不是也该对你实话实话,好让你知道我的感受。Monica满怀希望地等了老半天,却听到她母亲说No, 而且还巧妙地表示说: “I think some things are better left unsaid.” 这就是我们所说的有些事情可以看穿却不可以说穿。话都说倒这份上了,可怜的Monica除了万般无奈地 “哈” 一声外还能怎么样呢?最后我们再来看一下本篇讲到的一些地道表达法:be critical of sthpick on every little detail / pick on someoneall over againwhat are you getting at? some things are better left unsaid

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 taprogge 0$(VIP 0) 1,2942005-10-31#19 第十三篇感恩节到了,Monica 忙着为大家做感恩节大餐,做到一半的时候,Chandler跑进来让大家去天台看热闹,于是一伙人都跟了出去。热闹看完了,回到家门口时:右键另存为下载语音Monica: Ok, right about now the turkey should be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. Why are we standing here?Rachel: We're waiting for you to open the door. You got the keys.Monica: No I don't.Rachel: Yes, you do. When we left, you said, "got the keys."Monica: No I didn't. I asked, "got the ke-eys?"Rachel: No, no, no, you said, "got the keys".Chandler: Do either of you have the keys?Monica: The oven is on.Rachel: Oh, I gotta get my ticket!Joey: Wait, wait, we have a copy of your key.Monica: Well then get it, get it!Joey: That tone will not make me go any faster.Monica: Joey!Joey: That one will. Joey: Nope, not that one.Monica: Can you go any faster with that?Joey: Hey, I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.笔记Turkey(火鸡),是过感恩节必吃的一道菜,在看完热闹回来之后,Monica 美滋滋地说现在的火鸡应该被烤得外脆里嫩了(right about now the turkey should be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside.)Monica用了两个很好的词crispy和juicy来形容她烤的这只火鸡,前者表示松脆,后者表示鲜嫩多汁,让人听了之后不禁垂涎三尺。正说得起劲的时候,Monica忽然觉得奇怪为什么大家都站在门外(Why are we standing here?) Rachel回答说我们正等着你开门呢,你有钥匙 (You got the keys.) “No I don't (我没有)。”听到Monica这样说,Rachel急了, “你有的啊,我们离开的时候你不是说拿了钥匙吗?(Yes, you do. When we left, you said, "got the keys.") “不是,我是问拿了钥匙了吗?(No I didn't. I asked, "got the ke-eys?") 注意她俩说话的语调,同样一句话 “got the keys”, Rachel用的是降调表示这是一句肯定句,而Monica强调自己用的是升调,所以是句问句,于是误会就这样产生了,搞了半天原来两人谁也没拿钥匙。由此可见我们平时在听说英语的时候也要注意语音语调,因为它能传达文字以外的信息。还好事情还没那么糟,Joey想起来他们屋里有一把备用钥匙(we have a copy of your key),Monica催促他赶紧去取,结果他拿了一抽屉的钥匙过来,一把一把地在试,Monica不耐烦地说: “Can you go any faster with that? (你能不能快一点啊?” Joey的回答很绝: “Hey, I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.” 钥匙洞只有一个,可钥匙却有无数把,你说Joey怎么快得了。math是算术,是mathematics的简写,You do the math 意思就是 “你自个儿去算吧”,怎么样,是不是很简单实用?下回你要表达相同意思时,记得用这句话噢!*本篇所讲到的地道表达法:be crispy on the outside, juicy on the insideyou do the math

2005/05 deliver application;2005/07 FN;2007/02 ME;2007/06 DM;2007/07 PL.......................... 超赞 赏 偏偏枫叶情 0$(VIP 0) 13,4372005-10-31#20 UP!!

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开车的成本,我的10年Ford Edge

华人网我的福特开了10年,里程是85000公里,去养护时,问了一下这些年花费了多少维修费用?工作人员告诉我一共$4700,加上我前两年换了轮胎$1000,电池几百刀,合计6千多加元。在国内时我 ...



华人网随便打开一个网页,发现temu的广告到处都是,上下左右,霸占了一大半面积,简直是强行抢占了别人的页面,非常离谱。我试图使用Google Report an ad/listing功能,填写Complaint on multiple ad ...



华人网拼多多最近在加拿大开店了。 评论 拼多多app被Goolge下架了。Google suspends Chinas Pinduoduo app on security concernsAlphabet Incs Google suspended the Play version of PDD Holdings Incs Pinduoduo app for security concerns ...



华人网家人在国内一直每天服用下面两种抗焦虑症的药,试过其他药都没有效果。准备回加拿大了,但是在加拿大的医保卡已经过期,另外不知道来加拿大有没有同样的替代药物?请问有没有 ...



华人网上来报个到,亚马逊账号被黑了,都不知道对方是怎么操作的...故事有点长,等有时间了再来更新。 评论 现在都有two step authentication,还能被黑,难道魔高一丈?最有效的解决途径是打 ...



华人网在大统华做supervisor要什么条件才可以升副主管,主管?薪水大约多少? 评论 大统华labor太卷了 评论 zxzwan2010 说:大统华labor太卷了点击展开...我问卷不卷了吗? 评论 赞!!! 太棒啦! ...



华人网大家觉得有必要立遗嘱吗在安省 现在自住房想以后留给孩子独生子 评论 有比没有好, 没有的话万一有事真的很麻烦 评论 平安书有钱有业有孩子的必须做,如果大吉利是忽然走了,所 ...



华人网互联网 榜首反而最具设计感? 评论 美学向来没有一定的準则,每个人的审美观各有不同,话虽如此,但当大多数人都认为一件事物是美或醜,总会有一定的参考价值。 评论 早前国外一 ...