加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科已经填好OSAP表格在网上并且已经提交,请问下一步该怎么做?
回复: 已经填好OSAP表格在网上并且已经提交,请问下一步该怎么做?MSFFA是自己打印出来,交到Canada Post outlet。您这活干得。链接如下:https://osap.gov.on.ca/prodconsum/groups/forms/documents/forms/prd17668137.pdfStep 1: Submit Your Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) Print, complete, and sign your MSFAA After you submit your online OSAP Application for Full-Time Students, print your MSFAA. You can also ask the ministry to mail it to you, but we recommend that you print it yourself. If you applied for OSAP using a paper application, your MSFAA will be mailed to you. Read the terms and conditions, then complete and sign your MSFAA. Take your MSFAA to a Canada Post Outlet Take page 1 of your MSFAA to a designated Canada Post Outlet right away (keep the other pages as reference as they outline the terms and conditions). Please ensure that it prints legibly. You don’t have to wait for classes to begin. You may also take your MSFAA to a National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) kiosk, but they are only available at certain times of year. You must present the following two pieces of documentation to prove your identity: 1. Proof of your Social Insurance Number (SIN): • Your Social Insurance card or • An official Government of Canada document that contains your Social Insurance Number (e.g., a Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment, a Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions, or a Confirmation of Social Insurance Number from Service Canada). 2. One piece of valid photo ID issued in Canada by the federal, provincial or territorial government. Examples of acceptable ID: Canadian passport, permanent resident or citizenship card, Ontario photo card, valid driver's licence or provincial health card with photo. Student ID cards are not acceptable forms of photo ID. Note for students unable to go to a Canada Post outlet: If you can’t go to a designated Canada Post outlet (or NSLSC kiosk) because you’re not in Canada, in a remote area, or don’t have a designated Canada Post outlet nearby, you can mail page 1 of your MSFAA and photocopies of two pieces of documentation to prove your identity (see list of acceptable documentation above) to: National Student Loans Service Centre, PO Box 4030, Mississauga, ON L5A 4M4.
回复: 已经填好OSAP表格在网上并且已经提交,请问下一步该怎么做?我现在在等他给我邮寄过来那个表格,到现在也没收到那个表格,已经等了一周了,是不是还要继续等?
回复: 已经填好OSAP表格在网上并且已经提交,请问下一步该怎么做?我现在在等他给我邮寄过来那个表格,到现在也没收到那个表格,已经等了一周了,是不是还要继续等?点击展开...这个文件应该就在OSAP网站上你的账号下,不需要他们邮寄
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