加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科问个有关加拿大各省学历在其他省份的认可度问题
想请问一下加拿大各个省的学历文凭是只在本省有优势吗?跨省到了其他省认可度就下降或者说竞争性就下降了吗?是不是有这种说法?(指的是college level的diploma) 希望大家能给点看法。近来有朋友建议说如果在哪个省长期居住就在哪个省读书,可是这以后的日子谁也说不准将来就必须一定得呆在所读书的这个省啊!
是的 这是local protection . 当地人有优先权。
毕业看学历,有工作后就是看经历。学历就不那么重要了。到一定级别了竞争得人少了,就没有地区差异了。所以你说 一段时间够换城市 工作 就不再是问题了。
miaomiaolin81 说:毕业看学历,有工作后就是看经历。学历就不那么重要了。到一定级别了竞争得人少了,就没有地区差异了。所以你说 一段时间够换城市 工作 就不再是问题了。点击展开...嗯~!说得有道理。
No Chinese input now.It depends on the fame of the school.As a new graduate, the only background you have is the school, if no one knows the school, how can the employers give you an opportunity if they have other candidates?I believe if you graduate from some famous Canadian U, location (in north america) is not a problem, if you graduate from Standford, MIT ..., the whole world recognizes it.As said by upstairs, if you have worked for some companies with good fame in your field, school background is no longer a very big deal, (maybe not apply to the academic field though).If you just want to study for the diploma, my suggestion would also be:1: before you decide the school, consider studying at where you want to make a living, 2: unless you can find a job first, move only after you have some working experience3: or, move only when you don't have any opportunity after you graduate locally
wu7up 说:No Chinese input now.It depends on the fame of the school.As a new graduate, the only background you have is the school, if no one knows the school, how can the employers give you an opportunity if they have other candidates?I believe if you graduate from some famous Canadian U, location (in north america) is not a problem, if you graduate from Standford, MIT ..., the whole world recognizes it.As said by upstairs, if you have worked for some companies with good fame in your field, school background is no longer a very big deal, (maybe not apply to the academic field though).If you just want to study for the diploma, my suggestion would also be:1: before you decide the school, consider studying at where you want to make a living,2: unless you can find a job first, move only after you have some working experience3: or, move only when you don't have any opportunity after you graduate locally点击展开...Reasonable.谢谢这么详尽的意见advise.个人打算改行由文改理学个diploma,由于年纪大了,就想快速先拿个本地文凭,学门手艺,作为新移民也好能参与到本地竞争来,否则没有一技之长很难在加拿大生存下去。眼见安省和阿省的学校9月都招满了,想学就要等到明年9月,时间耗不起啊!所以看着BC一所学校rolling 入学,所以就想着尽快先学起来,先“有”再参与“竞争”;否则“等”只能是徒耗时光。没啥太高大上的想法,很原始也很朴实。
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