加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科PSW课程培训, 100% Co-op, 并推荐工作, 西人护理院实习
1. We specializes in Dementia care , our graduates will have the highest demeaned in retirement home, nursing homes, Adult Day Centre , hospitals and private agencies. 2.We also run Retirement Home and Dementia Support day Centre, both facilities are supporting Dementia patients.3. The team of instructors are best qualified to teach and instruct. 4.By offering the complete Montessori Methods For Dementia ™ workshop, our graduates will be qualified, 5.Peak College offers support with resume development, assistance with job searching, interview preparation. * Weekdays , evening , weekend classes available. * Peak College is Registered as a private career college under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 . * Location : 1140 Sheppard ave west. Unit 12 Toronto. * Please contact us at 647 456 2363 for any inquires. 私人护理是帮助学生迅速找到高收入工作的一条捷径。 这个专业毕 业的学生主要是从事对老年人、家庭等日常、个人护理。完成并拿到PSW的学生能够参加NACC考试。 几乎100%立即找到专业工作。 薪水从$15/小时到$25/小时不等.在这个专业中,您将学到医疗知识,及护理老人、婴儿的专业知识。我们安排学生临床实习。我们PSW专业的所 有毕业学生不但完成了所有课程顺利毕业而且取得了优异的考试成绩。地址: 1140 Sheppard ave west. Unit 12 Toronto电话: 647 456 2363如果有什么其他问题,也可以PM, 谢谢
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