加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科呼吸治疗师



回复: 呼吸治疗师http://www.carta.ca/AboutUs/default.aspxhttp://www.csrt.com/en/index.asp

回复: 呼吸治疗师我在国内从事呼吸治疗20余年,想去加继续从事呼吸治疗工作,要读啥?难吗?点击展开... I do not think you need going back school first with 20 years experience in your field. You could update your knowledge at home by yourself.

回复: 呼吸治疗师谢谢猫,我打算去学呼吸师,将来搞本行

回复: 呼吸治疗师入学考试要求?

回复: 呼吸治疗师http://www.michener.ca/ce/postdiploma/sleep_med.phpSleep Medicine Technology Graduate Certificate Program

Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 多多宝贝1323 0$(VIP 0) 8022012-02-21#7 回复: 呼吸治疗师IELTS is an overall score of 6.5 with all components (bands) of the test being at a 6 or above. 'Academic' test format is required.

Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 coolham 0$(VIP 0) 2762012-02-23#8 回复: 呼吸治疗师呼吸治疗师目前的就业前景堪忧。尤其是在安省,很难找到全职工作,前年毕业的学生,一个班只有8个人找到了工作,其中7个是临时工,而且收入也不怎么好。这几年由于经济危机,大批的人涌向医疗行业的技师、治疗师这些职业,医院也缺少funding,不愿意多雇人,所以选择之前还是要慎重。

回复: 呼吸治疗师上面的信息很重要,学什么很关键,要不一下子好几年,而且还有钱和精力

回复: 呼吸治疗师呵呵,有没有同胞在加拿大做呼吸治疗师的呢?

回复: 呼吸治疗师我目前就在一个专科医生诊所(sleep and pulmonary centre)工作。

Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 L Lazy Boy 0$(VIP 0) 5022012-02-29#12 回复: 呼吸治疗师我们那里看样子工作还挺多的,不过多数是PART TIME的就是了。而且竞争挺大的,有很多能够得到工作的是在国内或者是其他国家是医生,来这里当不成医生了就转行的人。

回复: 呼吸治疗师我目前就在一个专科医生诊所(sleep and pulmonary centre)工作。点击展开... 楼上是什么时候毕业的,在安省吗?目前RT的就业市场如何呢?我收到了两个学校RT专业的offer,很犹豫是否去读,因为同时还申请了nursing。按自身兴趣和国内专业来讲,喜欢RT,但非常担心就业市场的问题,请给些指导,谢谢!

回复: 呼吸治疗师我们那里看样子工作还挺多的,不过多数是PART TIME的就是了。而且竞争挺大的,有很多能够得到工作的是在国内或者是其他国家是医生,来这里当不成医生了就转行的人。点击展开... 又来了一位!在哪里啊?帮助分析一下就业前景吧!安省似乎已经饱和了呢!

回复: 呼吸治疗师楼上: 我们那里看样子工作还挺多的,不过多数是PART TIME的就是了。而且竞争挺大的,有很多能够得到工作的是在国内或者是其他国家是医生,来这里当不成医生了就转行的人。 你在哪里呢,我也想问,如果没有国内医生背景,但有辅助科室背景,毕业后好找工作吗,谢谢

回复: 呼吸治疗师你们都往ON去啊?为啥个个都以为大城市就好找工作,难道不知道竞争也相应很大吗?我不是RT,只是平时浏览我们医院招工网站,都是UNDER PROFESSIONAL嘛,看到挺多的。反正平时也认识一些给他们EVALUATE的人,听起来都是背景很强的人。你们去找那些你们要申请的学校毕业的人才对啊。每个省都会特别优待自己省毕业的,外来的人更难加进来

回复: 呼吸治疗师多多宝贝,有些具体的细节要请教,请看消息。

回复: 呼吸治疗师我向多伦多的RRT协会咨询过,下面是他们给的回函。不过的确如8楼所说,RRT的职位很少。我从去年9月起定期在working in canada网站上查询,工资不低35/h,但是整个GTA的职位需求一般只有1个,有2、3个月没有需求。搞得我现在都没兴趣了。 Thank you for contacting the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (CRTO). In order to work in the field of respiratory therapy in Ontario you will be required to meet the registration requirements of the CRTO in place at the time of your application. The current criteria include: a) graduation from an educational program approved by the CRTO (a list of the approved programs is posted on our website at http://www.crto.on.ca/apprvdpgms.aspx ), and b) successful completion of a CRTO approved examination. Since you have not graduated from an approved Canadian program you will likely not be immediately eligible for registration with the CRTO. However, we have designed a Pre-Registration process to assess whether applicants educated outside of Canada meet the requirements for registration, and if not, refer them to an appropriate pathway to fill those gaps and integrate into Respiratory Therapy in Ontario. The following steps outline the typical Pre-Registration process: 1. Pre-Registration Form to begin the process you will need to complete and submit the Pre-Registration form (http://www.crto.on.ca/pdf/Reg/PreReg_Form.pdf ). 2. Credential Evaluation and Authentication As part of the Pre-Registration process you will be required to have your academic qualifications verified by World Education Services (WES Canada). Please ensure that official transcripts from your educational program have been sent directly from the Registrar’s / transcript office to WES. WES will attest to the authenticity of the documents reviewed and prepare a course-by-course evaluation report as required by the CRTO. WES will send the evaluation report to you and to the College. To have your academic qualifications attested by WES, contact WES at www.wes.org/ca. Please note that you are responsible for the cost of the report and will be charged directly by WES for its services. 3. Respiratory Therapy Program Review - In order of an international program to be deemed substantially equivalent to an approved Canadian program it must be reviewed and undergo a detailed assessment for equivalency. The College will look for evidence that the entry to practice competencies (please see the National Competency Profile posted on our website at www.crto.on.ca/ncp.aspx ) were being effectively taught and evaluated by the program. However, since you did not graduate from a Respiratory Therapy program, the program review step would not apply in your case. 4. Competency Review where the pre-registration applicant is asked to meet with CRTO staff (either in person or by teleconference) in order to complete a Competency Review Tool. The purpose of the tool is to assist the College in identifying details of the applicant’s knowledge and experience related to the practice of respiratory therapy compared to the RT competencies listed in the Canadian National Competency Profile (see above). 5. Letter of Direction - Once the Pre-Registration process is complete, the College’s Registration Committee will review the information collected and make a recommendation. A letter of direction will then be issued by the College and the applicant will be directed to one of the three possible Pathways: Pathway 1: This pathway will assist a Respiratory Therapist educated outside of Canada whose respiratory therapy program is substantially equivalent and who is lacking only some particular competencies, to complete specific education. On completion of the process the applicant will be considered as meeting the CRTO’s educational requirement for registration. Please note that this pathway applies only to graduates of respiratory therapy programs. Based on the outcome of the Pre-Registration process, the applicant may be required to complete one or more of the following: Introduction to Canadian Health Care System (www.iehpcanada.utoronto.ca ) Introduction to Respiratory Therapy Practice in Ontario (provided by the CRTO) Anaesthesia Care Critical Care Refresher, including mechanical ventilation Neonatal/paediatric care refresher Pharmacology Refresher Clinical Simulation Clinical Rotations (or if issued a Graduate certificate of registration, undergoes a period of supervised practice) Canadian Board for Respiratory Care Exam Preparation Pathway 2: The supported integration model will assist eligible Internationally Educated Respiratory Therapists and/or other Internationally Educated Health Care Professionals in gaining advanced standing for previous study and integrating into existing full-time respiratory therapy diploma programs. This model will enable learners to access Ontario financial aid support. Two community College RT programs have partnered with the CRTO; Conestoga College in Kitchener and Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. These educational partners will set aside dedicated spaces for eligible candidates. On completion of the program the IERT/IEHP will be a graduate of an approved Canadian RT program and therefore will meet the CRTO’s educational requirement for registration. Pathway 3: Internationally Educated Respiratory Therapists and/or other Internationally Educated Health Care Professionals who have not completed a substantially equivalent respiratory therapy program and who are not eligible for advanced standing will be recommended to apply for regular entry into any of the 6 full-time respiratory therapy programs in Ontario. If accepted the student will be eligible for Ontario financial aid and on completion of the program the applicant will be considered as meeting the CRTO’s educational requirement for registration.For more information please see the Pre-Registration Guide posted on our website at http://www.crto.on.ca/pdf/Reg/PreReg_Guide.pdf

本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。 超赞 赏 L lsf78 0$(VIP 0) 462012-03-28#19 回复: 呼吸治疗师是呼吸治疗师需求很少,还是都在内部推荐就聘用了?有谁知道吗?

回复: 呼吸治疗师http://www.canadianbusiness.com/article/80442--best-jobs-with-salaries-over-这个网站统计的,加拿大收入60000以上的最好职业,呼吸治疗师排第13位。其中5年(2006-2011)就业增长36%

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