加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科面试技巧以及问题分享
先从你的问题谈起。 大家可能对面试时可能问到的问题已经准备很多很多了。有没有想过,在面试结束的时候,面试官会问你有没有什么问题要问他们的,你的回答是。。。没有。。。, 还是问工资多少?。。。 这是一个老外准备的压箱宝典之一。home made的经典代表作。我和我的一些朋友,曾受益于这套资料。现拿出来跟大家分享。 在以下的问题里挑几个,你会马上跳出沉闷的框框,变得与众不同: My Interview Questions The PositionHow many people are you interviewing for this position? Initial training… is there any, and if so, for how long and what does it consist of? Okay, so I arrive in the morning… how would my day typically progress? What do you consider the 5 most important day-to-day responsibilities of this job, and why? Can you tell me the Company Organization structure ? Why is the position opening up, and when do you need me to start? AdvancementHow often are performance and salary reviews, and what are they based on… are they standardized or weighted towards merit and performance? What formal or informal benchmarks will you use to measure my effectiveness and contributions? Based on my effectiveness, how long do you anticipate me holding this position? When my position changes, what are some of the titles I might grow into? What sort of production and employee layoffs and cutbacks have you experienced in the last 3 years? What about in average recessions, generally speaking? Is the company performing well financially. Corporate CultureWhat’s unique about the way this company operates? Why do YOU like working for this company ? What would you say is the best and the worst thing you know about this company? As far as corporate culture goes, what do you and the company consider to be important for me to fit-in to the way of doing things around here? ExtrasTo whom would I report? Will I get a chance to meet him/her? How are new clients usually found… cold calling, internal client referrals, or are we responsible for finding all or most of their own clients independently? What are the start-up costs I would need to incur, if any? 作者: blueberrybaby 总结的不错,但是有些问题不是很妥。感觉面试者比较强势。以下是个人觉得比较有效的在面试后提出的问题:1. What might be the challenges in this position?2. Based on our conversation, do you have any concerns or hesitation regarding my ability to step into this role? 3. What are the next step in this recruiting process?4. You may ask the interviewer: how long you have been with this company? what do you like the best about this company?5. Don't ask about salary/benefit/bonus/promotion in first round of interview, too early. if you are asked for salary expectation, simply say you know the salary range for now and that fit into your expectation based on your qualifications.6. Ask for interviewer's name card and send a thank you note on the same day. Very important to show that you are enthusiastic about this position!
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享再谈一个面试官一定会问,而你也必须要准备的问题:Tell us about yourself…中文有八股,英文也一样。不管是写文章,还是做即兴演讲,说到底,语言只是工具,关键还是看表达思路,在回答任何一个问题的时候,你都要想想,从几个方面来表述,用什么样的先后顺序,想到达到什么样的目的和效果。我当初准备这个问题的时候想到了4个层面:工作经验,教育背景,工作技巧,以及个人性格。公司选人,特别是政府和大公司选人,他们最看中的是性格,他们的目的是选同事,对他们而言,有一点点工作背景和教育背景就足够了,他们更希望的是找一个肯定能跟他们混到一起去的人。当然,走过场的话,还是要先提工作经验,Working: xxx yrs working experience....xxx yrs Canada working experience. main duties .....Study: degrees, certificates, designationsSkills:Personalities:team player, open-minded, easy-going ....down to earth...总之堆些好词,热情开朗的人,容易相处合作的人,多半是受欢迎的人家可能中间会打断问的一些小问题,也是要准备的-在中国做过哪些工作-什么时候来加拿大的,做过哪些工作-A little bit about personal life (单身的可以暗示,出差,迁徙,做加班工作的便利,有家庭的可以暗示是个对家庭有责任心,为了家庭成员的幸福生活一定会热爱和拼命工作的人)-特长爱好,体育啦,音乐啦,阅读啦,不能光说一个大概,一定要真的有一些研究,防止遇到面试官突然产生一点共鸣,就你的兴趣多问1,2个问题。
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享接下来,面试官可能要看你对公司和行业有多少了解,Why are you interested in this company? 我想到的是3个层面,一个是个人职业生涯的规划,一个是对公司团队,文化的景仰,然后说对industry的非常了解和熟悉云云。。1.Career opportunity2.Team and culture3.Familiar industry只要你真的做了调查研究,背得很熟练,内容是真是假已经不重要了,假的说多了,也就成真的了。Make sure you research the company and print off the information so they can see you researched the company. ( Sales, Regions, Products, Employees, Culture, etc )Culture – talk about how you admire and respect...
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享再接下来,面试必须准备的问题是,我们凭什么录用你?Why hire you… what are you good at...?1.Working knowledge, experience and skills ( familiar with all ... )2.Pleasant Personality3.Ambitions and want to grow with the company4.Dedicated and loyal to company5.Always willing to improve myself – challenge myself to do better each day ( continuous improvement )6.Good problem solver7.Excellent at analyzing ... and coming up with improvement ideas8.Pride myself on providing and ensuring accurate .... in a timely fashion9.Good communicator to present data to team10.Very proficient in ... systems11.Excellent Team player12.Good Leader13.Will put in extra effort as required14.High energy and have great passion for my work以上10多条,也是要必须背熟的,最好再准备几个小故事,以说明是真有实事。归纳一下,分分类,会发现,无非就是说自己工作经验、工作技能有多足,自己有多勤奋,自己的性格有多好,4个方面而已。要在家里对着镜子练习,拼命自我表扬到自己都不觉得脸红心跳的地步,你就离成功不远了。老外对自己的吹嘘是永无止境的,在这个文化背景下,你是千万不能含蓄谦虚的,如果你在面试的时候只稍微那么内敛一下下,你就很可能失去本来可以得到的机会了。
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享再刁钻一点,但也是比较常见的问题,就是问你的优点Best strength?和缺点了Biggest weakness有的,还会让你讲一个在工作中遇到棘手问题的故事Describe a difficult situation you’ve had at work.。。。然后又是讲故事,如何积极主动工作的? Give an example when you’ve shown initiative 太晚太累了,以后有时间精力的时候再继续吧。
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享对了,再啰嗦一句,找工作要盯住大公司投简历,不要觉得那是高不可攀的,技术移民的优势就是工作经验丰富,人际经验丰富,对人性的把握比较精准,把国内的工作经验都写成现在想做的这行的,职位不要太高,经理就好了,让人觉得经验丰富,但不张扬,没威胁,先声夺人,先把看简历的人的魂勾住再说。大公司工作环境宽松,福利好,人际关系友善。所谓穷山恶水出刁民,越是小公司,越是内耗多,越是同事之间,雇工雇主之间容易产生矛盾,自己越是过得艰苦。试想1天24小时,除了8小时睡觉,剩下的16小时你有8小时你都不开心,你的生活还有什么开心可言。无论再怎么绝望,都不能随便人云亦云改专业,坚持下去就一定有机会成功找到本专业的工作。久而久之,你会有积累,会越做越顺,路越走越宽。
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享ding
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享好贴啊! 最近正好需要,谢谢!
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享多谢分享经验
Enjoy each and every day! 超赞 赏 L lndwnn 54$(VIP 0,#26) 9802013-04-13#12 回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享好贴,顶一下,最近用的着。
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享THANKS
身在加国 超赞 赏 B bigmelon 0$(VIP 0) 4452013-04-13#14 回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享ding
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享thx for sharing
先做人,在做事少说废话,多做实事 超赞 赏 hao_xd 0$(VIP 0,#458) 2,3852013-04-13#16 回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享英语不过关,常听不懂面试的问题,答非所问,尴尬
好兄弟,有话好好说! 超赞 赏 阳 阳明 0$(VIP 0) 1172013-04-13#17 回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享好贴!找工作就是不要太在乎他,爱聘不聘,结果经常被聘。
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享谢谢快乐旅途找工作好分享
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享顶一下
回复: 面试技巧以及问题分享很有用,多谢!也希望更多新移友能找到本专业工作!
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