加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)
中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)前言众所周知,加拿大(除魁北克外)属于Common Law Jurisdiction。那么,中国律师怎样能够成为加拿大的律师呢?鄙人与部分家园网友作了交流,浏览了一些加拿大官方网站,形成如下笔记,以抛砖引玉。NCA 评估NCA的全称为:The National Committee on Accreditation。它作为加拿大联邦律师协会的常设机构,负责评估任何一个来自其它司法管辖区(包括中国)的律师的资格,如果这位申请人希望成为一名加拿大律师。该项评估,是申请成为加拿大律师的先决步骤,但并不是唯一步骤,稍后详述。同时,该项评估采用统一的标准,着重在申请人的学历和专业背景上。NCA 考试或学习由于中国法律与加拿大法律的显著差别,如上所述,NCA基于申请人的教育和专业背景,一般会要求申请人在以下两个途径中任选其一,以满足要求:1. 通过指定科目的考试;或者2. 注册于加拿大法学院,完成指定科目的学习。NCA证书的颁发如果申请人通过上述任何一种方式满足了要求,NCA将颁发“资格证书”(Certificate of Qualification)。中国律师能够申请NCA证书吗?回答是肯定的。NCA在官网上明确指出,申请人的国籍或者居留权不受任何限制,并且不论他们的法学教育或者专业资格在任何国家取得。 [FONT=新細明體]NCA[/FONT]评估的申请资料 1. 向[FONT=新細明體]NCA[/FONT]递交申请表格,同时直接提交: a. 申请人的(非法律)本科或大专(undergraduate)的最终成绩单或者是大学文凭的最终成绩单,原件;b. 申请人的简历(教育及工作);c. 450加币的申请费(只能以信用卡方式)。2. 同时请求相关机构直接向NCA直接提交:d. 法学院的成绩单;e. 执业所在地的律师协会签发的信誉良好证明;f. 司法考试(或律师资格考试)成绩单3. 语言成绩NCA并未直接规定是否需要语言成绩,只是提醒申请人NCA的考试对语言的要求非常高。所以我个人认为申请人没有必要另行去参加语言测试。NCA的评估期限所有资料完整提交后,通常为3个月。NCA指定的考试/学习科目通常情况下,考试或者学习或者二者兼行均可满足要求。但NCA有可能直接要求申请人就某些科目参加学习,而不能以考试的方法代替。 [FONT=新細明體]1. [/FONT] [FONT=新細明體]以下四门谁都必考(学):[/FONT]Principles of Canadian Administrative LawCanadian Constitutional Law Canadian Criminal Law and ProcedureFoundations of Canadian Law2. 以下6门有人可得豁免,有人必考(学):ContractsTortsPropertyCorporate Law (Business Associations)Evidence Professional Responsibility[FONT=新細明體] [FONT=新細明體]3. [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=新細明體]在某些情况下,若申请人的法学教育年限少于[/FONT][FONT=新細明體][FONT=新細明體]3[/FONT][FONT=新細明體]年,[/FONT][FONT=新細明體]NCA[/FONT][FONT=新細明體]可能额外要求申请人考[/FONT][FONT=新細明體]/[/FONT][FONT=新細明體]学下面这些科目:[/FONT][/FONT]Civil ProcedureCommercial LawFamily LawRemediesTaxation, and TrustsNCA考试规则开卷。可以补考一次。如果补考不过,只能去法学院回炉。向省律师协会继续申请NCA颁发资格证书,只是第一步。要成为合资格的加拿大律师,必须向省律师协会继续申请并参加省律师协会组织的考试。同样,以Upper Canada律师协会为例,申请人无须取得加拿大国籍或者居留权。考试分为两种(以Upper Canada律师协会的规定为例),Barrister和solicitor。均为7小时,开卷。两种考试申请人居然都得参加!不可思议!不可思议!1. Barrister的科目包括:Public lawCriminal procedureFamily lawCivil litigation) Establishing and maintaining the barrister-client relationship2. Solicitor的科目包括:Ethical and professional responsibilityKnowledge of the law (real estate, business law, wills, trusts and estate administration and planning) Establishing and maintaining the solicitor-client relationship需要Articling(实习)吗?法学院的毕业生无疑需要实习。但作为中国律师,取得NCA颁发的资格证书,成功通过了省律师协会组织的律师资格考试,是否仍然需要实习呢?我看官方网站的意思是:无论是新毕业的学生,还是申请人(作为老律师),都必须参加articling, 10个月。结论这条路真够漫长,沿途崇山峻岭,穷山恶水。上述笔记的来源为:NCA的官方网站:http://www.flsc.caThe Law Society of Upper Canada 的官方网站:http://www.lsuc.on.ca欢迎各位前辈和同仁批评和指正。
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)泳哥威武,非常好的帖子。
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毕业,Montreal,新生活。. 超赞 赏 金jj 0$(VIP 0) 3592013-01-31#4 回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)
是金子总会花光!是金子也总会发光!!怀疑比坚信简单得多。。。。。。简表07-7-6 FN 07-11-15 HK SKM确认信:09-4-27... ...终于知道S2永远不会有了。。。 超赞 赏 泡 泡菜坛子 0$(VIP 0) 2,6252013-03-12#5 回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)Mark.
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)这么好的贴,应该置顶!
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)MAKE 不知道有没有人实践过呢???
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)小弟国内律师,加国新登移民,有意以此为目标努力,为向各位前辈同仁请教及交流,建了一个QQ群116512599,欢迎大家前来指点相互交流信息分享快乐与痛苦。。。
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)mark
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)good post
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)同志们好!兄弟很久没有来了。前段时间已经胜利取得香港律师资格,为前进加拿大做律师作了一些铺垫。现在,我就着手进行NCA Assessment.以下是官方网站的FAQ,非常有用。同时,通过这份帖子,我认识了至少两位正在加拿大奋战的同行者。一位已经全部通过NCA指定的考试。另一位只差一门。向他们表示祝贺。我们来了!Applying for an NCA assessment 17. How do I apply for assessment?Submit a completed Application Form to the NCA offices along with your original undergraduate transcripts, a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV or résumé), document check list, and a non-refundable application fee of $450 Canadian, which includes all applicable taxes. You can pay by credit card; personal cheques are not accepted. You must also arrange with your law school or other educational institutions where you obtained your legal education to forward all official and final transcripts to the NCA. If you have been called to the Bar in another jurisdiction please arrange for the issuing institution to mail a letter or certificate to the NCA confirming the date of your Call to the Bar, confirming that your membership is in good standing. Any transcripts for Bar examinations or courses must also be sent to the NCA. Only official documents submitted directly from the issuing institution are used for the NCA assessments.18. When can I apply for assessment?You may apply for an NCA assessment at any time. There are no assessment deadlines. However, your assessment will not be processed until we have received your completed application form, fee payment and all official documents from your law school and, if applicable, from your licensing body. You may apply before you graduate from law school, but your application will be held until your final official transcripts are received from your law school.19. I have arranged for official transcripts. Can I submit my application before I have received confirmation from the NCA that my official documents have been received?Yes. However, we will not contact you until we have received your application form. We will hold all official documents sent to our offices.20. I cannot get official documents from my institution. Can my assessment be completed if I provide original documents of my legal academic credentials?In exceptional cases, we will assess qualifications without official documents. If you cannot arrange for official documents to be sent to our offices, please contact us by email and explain your situation. Please note that we rely on official documents in order to ensure the veracity of the diplomas and certificates. If official documents cannot be provided, depending on the situation we may assign additional subjects in the assessment or advise an applicant that there is insufficient information to complete the assessment.21. I sent my application in and did not hear back from the NCA. How do I know the NCA received my application?The NCA will send you an acknowledgement email within 10 business days of having received your application. The best way to ensure the NCA receives your application is to send your package by courier, registered mail or by express post so you can track your shipment and ensure delivery was made to the NCA.22. How do I know the transcripts sent from my educational institutions were received by the NCA?The NCA will send you an acknowledgement email within 10 business days of having received your transcripts, as long as we have your application form on file. If the transcripts cannot be matched with an application form, we will hold them until both the application form and fee payment are submitted.23. What else can delay processing my assessment application?The NCA processes assessments on a “first come, first served” basis. Once all the necessary documentation and fees are received, your file is put into the queue for assessment. Normally, you will receive your assessment result within three months from the date the last document is received. You will receive an email from the NCA informing you of this date. We open a file and assign a file number when we receive an application form and fee payment. The NCA then waits to receive the required documents from the educational and licensing institutions (if applicable). Once all the documents are received, they are matched to the file and, if ready for assessment, an email is sent to the applicant advising when to expect the assessment result. It is important to note that the name on your application should match the name on your transcript/Bar documents. This makes it easier for the NCA to match your application with documents received directly from various institutions. Failure to use the same name could mean delays in your assessment. If you have changed your name or if you use different spellings of your name, please advise us. Step 1 of the NCA application form includes a section for you to list any previous or additional names that may appear in your documents or files. Assessment Process 24. What factors are relevant to the assessment of my file?The factors considered in the assessment of your file are:the type of legal system where the legal education was acquired (common law, civil law, hybrid, etc.)the length and nature of the legal education program;the subject areas studied;academic performance in respect of the core subject areas required by the NCA, as well as overall academic performance;whether the legal education program is recognized and approved by the local regulatory authority which governs admission to the practice of law in that jurisdiction;whether the mode of study was full-time, part-time, in-person or by distance;age of degree and/or currency of practice;professional legal experience and qualifications; andthe nature and length of professional legal experience.The assessment criteria are described in greater detail in the current NCA Policies and Guidelines.25. What is the relevance of the jurisdiction in which I obtained my law degree?The NCA assesses internationally obtained qualifications of applicants who wish to be admitted as a lawyer in a Canadian common law jurisdiction. For this reason, the NCA assessment process focuses on the nature and extent of the common law content in an applicant’s legal education (information on legal system classifications can be found in Appendix A and B of the NCA Policies and Guidelines. As legal education is jurisdiction specific, the jurisdictional legal system is an important factor in all assessments.26. What is the relevance of the type of law program I attended?Jurisdictional rules on the Call to the Bar differ greatly. In Canada and the United States, only three year LL.B./J.D. graduates qualify for admission to the Bar, but other countries have various routes that lead to licensure as a lawyer. The NCA examines the national rules for the Call for the law program each applicant completed and uses that information as a factor in assessment.27. Do I always have an option to write NCA examinations or will I be required to attend law school?In most cases, the NCA gives applicants a choice of three methods for demonstrating competence:through the NCA’s examinations;by taking courses in assigned subjects in a Canadian law school’s LL.B. program;a combination of (1) and (2).However, there are some situations where an applicant will be required to attend law school in Canada. These include graduates of distance education programs and people with no common law education or professional experience.28. I graduated from a two year Senior Status or Graduate Entry program in the UK. How many examinations will I be required to write?Senior Status or Graduate Entry applicants are usually required to demonstrate competence in at least seven subjects. This is required to compensate for the shorter educational program. Other factors are considered in the assessment, including academic performance, licensure and professional practice. These other factors may increase or decrease the number of subjects assigned.29. I obtained my legal education by completing a one year Graduate Diploma in Law program. What can I expect in terms of assessment outcome?Usually, GDL applicants have to demonstrate competence in additional subjects to compensate for the shorter program and to augment their knowledge in areas of law not covered during their legal education.30. I attended Bar school training above and beyond my law degree. Will you take it into consideration?Bar school training is a factor in all assessments. Please ensure all documents pertaining to your Call are forwarded to the NCA under seal from the institution.31. I graduated from a law school in a jurisdiction with a mixed legal tradition that includes some common law components. How will you assess my qualifications? Graduates from hybrid jurisdictions that include a common law component will be assessed on the same basis as common law graduates, taking into consideration the common law content of their programs and experience. Most hybrid graduates will be asked to demonstrate competency in at least eight subjects.32. I graduated from a jurisdiction that follows a different legal tradition than common law. How will you assess my qualifications?Applicants from legal systems that do not have a substantial common law component, such as civil law, are considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants who have no common law exposure (academic or professional) are, in the absence of relevant professional legal experience, unlikely to receive any recognition for their legal credentials.33. What is the significance of academic performance?Your academic performance is an indicator of your command of the legal concepts covered during your legal education. NCA policy includes academic performance, both overall law school performance and grades in the 10 core common law subjects (see question 8). If the overall academic performance and/or grades in any of the 10 core common law subjects are low, additional examinations may be assigned. Applicants with poor overall academic performance (i.e. Third Class or lower standing in the U.K., India and Nigeria or a GPA of less than one (1) in Australia) do not normally receive any recognition for their degree.
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)小弟国内律师,加国新登移民,有意以此为目标努力,为向各位前辈同仁请教及交流,建了一个QQ群116512599,欢迎大家前来指点相互交流信息分享快乐与痛苦。。。点击展开...兄弟,建议到我的QQ群来。
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)ahwuang,你去加拿大继续读法律吗?看样子你要自己考资格证书啊!
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)ahwuang,你去加拿大继续读法律吗?看样子你要自己考资格证书啊!点击展开...考虑读个老流氓,可以兑换四门。然后去考BAR。目前先申请认证,看到底需要学几门可以拿NCA证书。
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)加油!我在你的群里,虽然现在不怎么发言,默默关注着大家!
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)加油!我在你的群里,虽然现在不怎么发言,默默关注着大家!点击展开...现在有很多人在发言了。还有一个LSAT满分的高手正在加入。
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)mark,祝愿阿泳早日成功!
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)我怎么加入这个群是单车群?到底是不是法律群啊?
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)有中国律师去做过NCA的评估吗?评估下拉是啥结果? NCA的网站这样写的:passing examinations set and administered by the NCA in prescribed subject areas of law;taking courses in prescribed subject areas of law at a Canadian law school; orcompletion of a Canadian common law degree program.中国律师一般是哪几类?
回复: 中国律师如何取得加拿大律师资格(研究与探讨)很久没来了。楼上的同学请仔细看我的帖子。三种方法都可以。我已经评估了。要求通过8门。这8门也没啥,就是需要时间。除了四门必考的。还有侵权法,合同法,证据法,房地产法。我们有些前辈,已经全部通过了。甚至都参加了律考。需要加群的请发申请。我很少上QQ。争取及时看到你们的请求。呵呵。
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