加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科没人关注Neuralink 吗? 大家开一下脑洞聊聊他的潜在应用
Musk 前两天做了demo, 已经能把那个东西植入黑猪的脑子里而不会造成脑损伤。也能把机器移除,而黑猪在移除机器后也没有出现任何负面反应。他们刚拿到了FDA的允许和合作协议,准备在那些患有某种病的人身上做人体临床实验。个人感觉这个会是未来5到10年IT界的一个价值增长点。大家都来开一下脑洞,看有什么创业idea。论坛里不缺富人,有钱人们看中哪个idea也可以发起创业邀请呀。我先来说一下想法。近期的话估计没什么人敢往自己身上弄这个,而跟脑神经病治疗有关的应用估计也会被严密监管。但如果以后技术成本降下来了,给宠物猫猫狗狗搞一个还是很有可能。其中一个应用就是把机器发出来的狗狗猫猫产生脑信号翻译成人类语音,达成人宠沟通。
winnerzhu 说:Musk 前两天做了demo, 已经能把那个东西植入黑猪的脑子里而不会造成脑损伤。也能把机器移除,而黑猪在移除机器后也没有出现任何负面反应。他们刚拿到了FDA的允许和合作协议,准备在那些患有某种病的人身上做人体临床实验。个人感觉这个会是未来5到10年IT界的一个价值增长点。大家都来开一下脑洞,看有什么创业idea。论坛里不缺富人,有钱人们看中哪个idea也可以发起创业邀请呀。我先来说一下想法。近期的话估计没什么人敢往自己身上弄这个,而跟脑神经病治疗有关的应用估计也会被严密监管。但如果以后技术成本降下来了,给宠物猫猫狗狗搞一个还是很有可能。其中一个应用就是把机器发出来的狗狗猫猫产生脑信号翻译成人类语音,达成人宠沟通。点击展开...This type of basic research has been going on 15 years ago in various labs not only in US, but also in China, Tsinghua for example. Generally known as Brain Computer Interface, BCI.One good and unique real-life example is Stephen Hawking, who had been relying 100% on a personalized BCI system designed for him for the most part of his life.Neuralink would be one of those commercialized massive productions of similar products, just like the beginning of PC, I suppose or in my opinion. This brain-wave controlled cat ears are the most simple version of BCI in a nut-shell.
numb 说:This type of basic research has been going on 15 years ago in various labs not only in US, but also in China, Tsinghua for example. Generally known as Brain Computer Interface, BCI.One good and unique real-life example is Stephen Hawking, who had been relying 100% on a personalized BCI system designed for him for the most part of his life.Neuralink would be one of those commercialized massive productions of similar products, just like the beginning of PC, I suppose or in my opinion. This brain-wave controlled cat ears are the most simple version of BCI in a nut-shell.点击展开...This one is also really cool. And there is another one call neurosity also does similar things. But no matter what kind of approach, implants or non implants, the brain signal should be the same. The same decoder should be applicable to this kind of product
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