加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Baohuai,一个人的天空,xianziJJ,以及在读高中的小朋友们,帮帮我呀~


我们学的是莎士比亚作品是Macbeth,凶残的不得了,本来就不喜欢看电影,这种恐怖电影看了三天还噩梦不断。 老师给的论文标题15个, 要求我们每个论文准备一个完整的论题thesis,写两篇Draft给Learning Center的老师一起修改。 下周考试,从15个中选三个,而后我们从三个中选一个。 我要否准备全部?还是把有点关联的连起来变成一个题目,这样可以几方都用。 可是我读了糊里糊涂,看得心惊肉跳,什么Idea也没有,贸然向小老师求助1)Manhood2) Temptation3) Fear4)Ambition5)Fate6)Remorse7)Evil8)Madness9)Betrayal10)Judgment11) Power12) Pride13)Appearance14) Trust15) Violence帮我想想Thesis吧 http://nfs.sparknotes.com/macbeth/page_2.epl 这里有古文现代文的对照。 and Important Quotations Explained can be found from this web site.http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth/

题出得很好!!! 我们学的是莎士比亚作品是Macbeth,凶残的不得了,本来就不喜欢看电影,这种恐怖电影看了三天还噩梦不断。 老师给的论文标题15个, 要求我们每个论文准备一个完整的论题thesis,写两篇Draft给Learning Center的老师一起修改。 下周考试,从15个中选三个,而后我们从三个中选一个。 我要否准备全部?还是把有点关联的连起来变成一个题目,这样可以几方都用。 可是我读了糊里糊涂,看得心惊肉跳,什么Idea也没有,贸然向小老师求助1)Manhood2) Temptation3) Fear4)Ambition5)Fate6)Remorse7)Evil8)Madness9)Betrayal10)Judgment11) Power12) Pride13)Appearance14) Trust15) Violence帮我想想Thesis吧 http://nfs.sparknotes.com/macbeth/page_2.epl这里有古文现代文的对照。 and Important Quotations Explainedcan be found from this web site. http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth/点击展开...

哇,原来十一年级开始研究沙翁了,羡慕啊.昨天一老师说,很多人都将死在ENGLISH 9 .......帮忙顶顶,仙子妹妹快来帮果姐姐啊.

那包怀您也多少写几个idea给我呀,偶快疯掉了每个题目没有框框, 1) Manhood - Misunderstanding of ManhoodWhat is Manhood? Does it mean ambition, impulsion, and violence? 2) Temptation - To obey to temptation?To obey Temptation of ambition, power and lover leads Macbeth to the madness. 3) Fear - Fear is uncertain to the potential danger and conclusionMacbeth’s crime with fear because he do not know the conclusion. 4) Ambition - Who abuses whose ambition? Macbeth abuses his wife’s ambition to seat the throne, while Lady Macbeth abuses his husband’s ambition to be a queen. 5) Fate - Who determines Macbeth’s fate? Who determines Macbeth’s fate? The witches or his own evil? 6) Remorse - Remorse and BetrayalBoth Macbech and his wife have done the crime to betray the King; however, their remorse is betrayal of their crime. 7) Evil - .Who takes the responsibility of Evil on Macbeth?It is neither witches, nor Lady Macbeth, but Macbeth’s evil. 8) Madness - Comparison two kinds of madnessThe cause for Macbeth and his wife’s madness is the same; however, their non-rational behavior look different: one is led to the violence, another to the remorse. 9) Betrayal - Betrayal of remorse Both Macbech and his wife have done the crime to betray the King; however, their remorse are betrayal of their crime. 10) Judgment - Judgment of appearanceA person’s ability is not difficult to be judged from one’s appearance; however, inner quality such as integrity is. 11) Power - Abusing Power causes Violence 12) Pride - Unreality Pride based on Macbeth’s Trust to the Witches Unreality Pride based on Macbeth’s Trust to the Witches, once the saying is approved, Macbeth’s pride is collapsed. 13) Appearance - A person’s ability is not difficult to be judged from one’s appearance; however, inner quality such as integrity is. 14) Trust - Trust King trusts in Macbeth and Macbeth trust in the witches. 15) Violence - Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing:Abusing Power Causes ViolenceViolence 题出得很好!!!点击展开...

9不难,10以后难了11,简直不敢想12怎么难,撞死哇,原来十一年级开始研究沙翁了,羡慕啊.昨天一老师说,很多人都将死在ENGLISH 9 ....... 帮忙顶顶,仙子妹妹快来帮果姐姐啊.点击展开...


24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 E Englishbay 0$(VIP 0) 9122006-11-24#7 难得是思想要新颖独特,语言还在其次。论文的篇幅要多长?论证的结论是什么?要不要联系实际生活?

卉樱果 说:11,简直不敢想12怎么难,撞死点击展开...看你撞的我胆战心惊 .别撞了,完成作业先,果姐姐没问题的,加油,.....冲过十一去十二.


好多了好多了,今天放课后去了Learning Center,那里的老师启发了不少。谢谢大家。楼上都加声望啦

卉樱果 说:好多了好多了,今天放课后去了Learning Center,那里的老师启发了不少。谢谢大家。楼上都加声望啦点击展开... 又开始撞墙了?

http://bbs.myboyan.com/index.php?x=724327好多了好多了,今天放课后去了Learning Center,那里的老师启发了不少。谢谢大家。楼上都加声望啦点击展开...

菩提本无树 明镜亦非台 本是无一物 何处染尘埃难得是思想要新颖独特,语言还在其次。论文的篇幅要多长?论证的结论是什么?要不要联系实际生活?点击展开...


尼奥宠物,一个目前最流行,孩子们最爱的游戏 SOSG动漫社团 闪耀青春综合娱乐社区 哇,原来十一年级开始研究沙翁了,羡慕啊.昨天一老师说,很多人都将死在ENGLISH 9 ....... 帮忙顶顶,仙子妹妹快来帮果姐姐啊.点击展开... 汗。。。将死在english 9么?呵呵,我就在读english 9

尼奥宠物,一个目前最流行,孩子们最爱的游戏 SOSG动漫社团 闪耀青春综合娱乐社区 每个题目没有框框, 1) Manhood - Misunderstanding of ManhoodWhat is Manhood? Does it mean ambition, impulsion, and violence? 2) Temptation - To obey to temptation?To obey Temptation of ambition, power and lover leads Macbeth to the madness. 3) Fear - Fear is uncertain to the potential danger and conclusionMacbeth’s crime with fear because he do not know the conclusion. 4) Ambition - Who abuses whose ambition? Macbeth abuses his wife’s ambition to seat the throne, while Lady Macbeth abuses his husband’s ambition to be a queen. 5) Fate - Who determines Macbeth’s fate? Who determines Macbeth’s fate? The witches or his own evil? 6) Remorse - Remorse and BetrayalBoth Macbech and his wife have done the crime to betray the King; however, their remorse is betrayal of their crime. 7) Evil - .Who takes the responsibility of Evil on Macbeth?It is neither witches, nor Lady Macbeth, but Macbeth’s evil. 8) Madness - Comparison two kinds of madnessThe cause for Macbeth and his wife’s madness is the same; however, their non-rational behavior look different: one is led to the violence, another to the remorse. 9) Betrayal - Betrayal of remorse Both Macbech and his wife have done the crime to betray the King; however, their remorse are betrayal of their crime. 10) Judgment - Judgment of appearanceA person’s ability is not difficult to be judged from one’s appearance; however, inner quality such as integrity is. 11) Power - Abusing Power causes Violence 12) Pride - Unreality Pride based on Macbeth’s Trust to the Witches Unreality Pride based on Macbeth’s Trust to the Witches, once the saying is approved, Macbeth’s pride is collapsed. 13) Appearance - A person’s ability is not difficult to be judged from one’s appearance; however, inner quality such as integrity is. 14) Trust - Trust King trusts in Macbeth and Macbeth trust in the witches. 15) Violence - Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing:Abusing Power Causes ViolenceViolence点击展开... 这些是您的题目么?关于每篇题目都要写一段文章?汗。。。没明白过来。说清楚一些我估计可以帮你想出一些idea来~~ ps突然发现,我上次一在美国的同学也是要写一篇对歌的感想,然后全文都是我帮他给出的idea。那人写完后,我在把那人的文章重新写了一遍,修改了全部的错误。。。汗。。。还有一次在学校,老师叫我们写一篇描述环境的文章,也就是给一看一幅照片,然后就描述照片。我自己就随便写了一篇,然后另一个同学叫我写,然后我就认真地帮那个同学写了一篇。结果第二天得分数气死人。。那个同学的文章竟然的了18/20,可是我却得了11/20。。。 把我活活气死了。。。

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