加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^
在家园很久了,发现家园里有很多关于夫妻团聚、父母团聚,亲人探亲如何办理的经验贴,我也是其中的受益人,看着那些帖子准备材料,顺利的办了团聚和探亲。 现在,年龄已不算轻的我,目睹周围幸福的准妈妈,新妈妈们,很是羡慕!也打算跟随你们的脚步,体验一下做妈妈的美丽~却发现论坛里,系统的介绍怀孕、孕检、新生婴儿检查,以及新生婴儿都涉及办理什么证件等的帖子似乎很少~ 所以我想在这个帖子里搜集一下,请妈妈们,准妈妈们来谈谈经验和经历,然后我会在一楼加上目录,方便其他人查阅~ 谢谢~~ 目录 Growth and Development,Newborn - Routine Checkups(生长发育,新生儿~~~例行检查)...............................1楼BC ROUTINE IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE infants and children (BC省婴儿及儿童常规免疫时间表) ........................6楼Publicly Funded Immunization Schedules for Ontario August 2011(安省公费免疫时间表2011年8月).................7楼Newborn Registration Service (安省新生儿证件及福利申请).......................................................................8楼pampers diapers' size and weight (帮宝适尿不湿尺寸重量表).......................................................................9楼
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 超赞 赏 反馈:jiaqiuping beinglove轻轻尘埃一粒.. 0$(VIP 0) 12,2642012-04-16#2 回复: 请妈妈们说说新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等^_^我自己先来吧,找到一个网站上介绍新生婴儿所做的检查~http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/tc/growth-and-development-newborn-routine-checkups 下面是内容:Growth and Development,Newborn - Routine CheckupsBirth examYour baby's first checkup begins in the hospital right after birth when a doctor assesses the baby's Apgar scores. This test checks certain physical traits to help determine whether your newborn needs any interventions or special monitoring right away. Temperature and vital signs are always closely watched during the baby's first 6 hours. Your baby may also have the following soon after birth:A hearing assessment. Many states require hearing screening on all babies who are born in hospitals, because speech and language have a better chance of developing normally when hearing problems are caught and treated early. The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all newborns be screened for hearing loss.1A thorough physical exam. Within 24 hours of birth, a doctor will examine your baby, check his or her breathing and heartbeat, and assess the baby's ability to pass urine and stool.Measurements of length, head circumference, and weight.Injections, such as vitamin K, and possibly some immunizations, such as for hepatitis B. For more information, see:Immunizations.Immunizations: Questions Parents Ask.A childhood immunization record(What is a PDF document?) you can fill out.Antibiotic eyedrops. Because newborns can get eye infections from bacteria in the birth canal, some states require that antibiotic eyedrops or ointment be given.Newborn screening. Your baby has a sample of blood taken from the heel. This sample is used to test for phenylketonuria and other inherited diseases.Well-child visitsIn the first weeks after birth, your baby begins a series of exams by a doctor, sometimes called well-child visits. Doctors have individual approaches to the timing of these appointments. Newborns normally have office appointments scheduled 3 to 5 days after they go home from the hospital, and by 1 month of age. During one or more of these visits, your baby will have:Length, weight, and head circumference measurements taken. These measurements are plotted on a growth chart and are compared to previous and later markings to make sure the baby is growing as expected.A physical exam. The doctor examines your baby thoroughly for any problems. The doctor also assesses the baby's reflexes and general development and observes how you and your baby interact. You are asked questions about how the baby and the rest of the family are doing, how the baby is eating and sleeping, and whether you have noticed any changes in behavior.A blood sample taken from the baby's heel (called a heel prick) to test for certain inherited diseases such as phenylketonuria (PKU). Although your baby may have been tested for PKU at birth, there is a risk of inaccurate test results when the test is done within 48 hours of delivery. A second PKU test should be done several days later, usually at your baby's first well-baby visit. For more information, see the topic Phenylketonuria (PKU).Immunizations. Individual and series immunizations are started or continued at well-child visits. Your doctor can provide you with a schedule so that you know how many vaccines to expect at each visit. For more information, see the topic Immunizations.Routine checkups are a good time for parents to ask about what to expect in the weeks to come. You may find it helpful to go to your baby's checkups with a prepared list of concerns(What is a PDF document?).
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 超赞 赏 O oskar 0$(VIP 0) 1242012-04-20#3 回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^mark
回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^留印,期待下文~~
04年8月02日 BJ FN ,DIY;期间主动补料2次;07年2月13日 ME;3月10日 体检完毕 ;3月16日 寄送补料、登陆费、护照;10月4日 13 ;10月14日 收到大信封;10月19日 1708年2月26日长登加拿大 超赞 赏 反馈:beinglove jiaqiuping 0$(VIP 0) 2,3472012-04-29#5 回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^
回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^虽然不是在此贴回复的,但我看见了这个信息,copy到这里备用,谢谢信息提供者:阿子 关于婴儿出生以后所需要打的预防针:http://immunizebc.ca/sites/default/f...ec_2011_ms.pdf
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 超赞 赏 beinglove轻轻尘埃一粒.. 0$(VIP 0) 12,2642012-06-01#7 回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^follow up: 安省的预防针时间表(2011年8月的)http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/immunization/docs/schedule.pdf
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 超赞 赏 beinglove轻轻尘埃一粒.. 0$(VIP 0) 12,2642012-06-25#8 回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^安省在线新生儿证件及福利申请等~http://www.ontario.ca/en/services_f...12?WT.ac=Newborn&WT.govon_mod_loc=BCStartPage
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 超赞 赏 beinglove轻轻尘埃一粒.. 0$(VIP 0) 12,2642012-06-29#9 回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^帮宝适swaddlers尿不湿尺寸重量表http://www.pampers.com/new-baby-diapers-swaddlers帮宝适cruisers尿不湿尺寸重量表http://www.pampers.com/pampers-cruisers帮宝适baby-dry尿不湿尺寸重量表http://www.pampers.com/baby-diaper-baby-dry 关于选diaper的讨论帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=578638
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 超赞 赏 D decembercx 0$(VIP 0) 1002012-06-30#10 回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^宝贝们马上就要出生啦,这个贴真实用啊
回复: 收集关于新生婴儿的检查和证件办理等经验^_^好帖,支持
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