加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科看了service canada里的申请状态。这算还会收到产假EI吗?不明白。
看了service canada里的申请状态。这算还会收到产假EI吗?不明白我老婆平时周末打工,5月底预产,去年11月中旬就不再上班了。申请了产假EI,给出了以下结果。No Employment Insurance benefits are payable to you from November 25, 2013 to March 09, 2014到今天也没有收到什么其他信息,这算是拒了呢还是要等到产前两个礼拜才会有EI收到呢? *****************************************************No Employment Insurance benefits are payable to you from November 25, 2013 to March 09, 2014 because you are not considered available for work during this period.If you disagree with our decision, which is based on the Employment Insurance Act and its Regulations, a request for a reconsideration of that decision must be made in writing within 30 days of the date the decision was initially communicated to you. For more information on how to request a reconsideration, please visit www.ei-ae.gc.ca.Start Date of Claim:November 24, 2013Type of Benefit:Regular benefitsTotal Insurable Earnings:$7,357Benefit Rate:$202Federal Tax:$0Total Insurable Hours:871Total Weeks of Regular Entitlement:20End Date of Claim:November 22, 2014
WHY SO SERIOUS? 超赞 赏 木头的耳朵 5$(VIP 0,#180) 2,2462014-03-28#2 应该是March19之前不享受任何Benefit,因为产假EI最早申请时间好像是预产期前7周,再次之前如果申请,最多只能申请Sick EI,即使是Sick EI也有时间限制的。产假EI至于批不批。因为生产前11月到3月没工作,所以评估得的是每两个星期200多。你可以这几天打个电话过去问下,是否需要重新申请。
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