加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科大多伦多地区-French Immersion小学讨论
如题。小朋友明年上一年纪了。 路程:现在步行可到的小学排名不错。现在又考虑报FI,但需要坐校车。课程:据说前三年是全法语教学,到G4开始伴有英语课程。 有经验的妈妈过来交流下利弊。
2007年8月8日,北京加拿大使馆交费,交简表;2007年8月17日,FN;2009年8月7日收到补料信,整两年;2009年11月5日,补料寄出。2012年12月18日ME。2013年1月23日补料妥投。2013年4月16日DM。2013年7月31日登陆。 超赞 赏 L lydialiu 0$(VIP 0) 9782015-09-08#3 前三年全法语教学?不是吧,我女儿他们是上午法语,下午英语啊,刚上一年级,今天第一天。
lydialiu 说:不是吧。quebec的家长拼命想往英语学校。你们却想在法语学校点击展开...呵呵两个方向但是同一种思路 就是多会一种外语
lydialiu 说:只要学校有法语课,就可以报名,我们在上sk的时候,就跟学校说以后要上法语班,具体什么时候报的我忘了,好像是填过一个表,记不太清楚了。点击展开...你们是学校开法语课程但也有英语班的那种么 我们这里好像是专门的法语学校 对口幼儿园 要上法语学校就要离开本小学了 Richmondhill的名气较好的是michael jeans 去年法语学校是一月初报名 今年不知啥时候
这是约克教育局网站上的介绍。感兴趣的妈妈看看。我标红了自己关注的几点。 French as a Second LanguageParents of children entering Grade 1 in September have a program choice to make regarding learning French as a second language. The York Region DSB offers two quality French as a Second Language programs, Core French and French Immersion:Core French consists of 40 minutes per day of French instruction beginning in Grade 4 at your local school.Enrolment in Core French is automatic when a child reaches Grade 4. Core French is compsulsory from Grade 4 to Grade 9.French Immersion is an optional program that consists of full-day French instruction starting in Grade 1, at a designated school in your attendance area.Registration is necessary.What is French Immersion? In French Immersion, students receive instruction in French in a variety of subjects from a teacher who speaks French fluentlyThe French Immersion program begins in Grade 1 and is designed for children whose first language is not French.In Grades 1, 2 and 3, all subjects are taught in French. Starting in Grade 4, time is shared equally between French and English instruction.The French Immersion program continues in high school, at the following locations: Aurora High School, Langstaff Secondary School, Newmarket High School, Pierre Elliot Trudeau High School, Thornlea Secondary School and Vaughan Secondary School.Secondary school students must earn at least 10 French Immersion credits to qualify for the French Immersion Certificate upon graduation.All interested parents/guardians are encouraged to attend their local French Immersion School Information Night at their designated attendance area.Important ConsiderationsIn order to meet community needs and optimize space in schools, students may begin the French Immersion program in one school, but continue in a different school.For the first few months of Grade 1, the children do not acquire skills identical to those learned by children in an English program as the focus is on learning in French.There may be certain lags in English Language Arts skills in the first few years of the program, but by the end of the elementary grades, successfulFrench Immersion students perform as well as their peers in a regular English program.Communication with parents/guardians is in English including, but not limited to, report cards, newsletters and parent-teacher interviews.Reading to a child at home in a child's native language can strengthen literacy skills. Research studies confirm that children achieve greater academic success when parents read frequently (daily) to them.
lydialiu 说:有那功夫把中文学好不好么?点击展开... 恩这也是我考虑的一点。中文是希望她学的,至少能认字。
考虑上法语学校有几个原因:1)女儿话很多。(据说话多的语言能力较强,不知道有没有科学考证啊……)2)小时候学语言比成年来得轻松。经过jk,女儿的英语进步让我们很惊讶。3)小学反正就是放羊的。法语就当是学着玩吧。感兴趣就继续上。反感的就撤到原本的对口小学。4)女孩子也不指望她有什么科学成就,出类拔萃。懂法语就可以看多点卡通片,长大可以看看法文原著和电影,去法国不用翻译,也好。5)英语学习的话,大环境还是在的,每周的阅读量也不会放松,应该不会差到哪里去。 育人经验尚浅。希望家长分享经验和看法哈。
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