加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请教,永久居民身份国内病故,怎样在加拿大注销身份?
2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利 超赞 赏 cloud123 0$(VIP 0) 3,1782018-08-12#4 唉,令人莫名伤感
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔趁还有口气,可以给CIC打电话。点击展开...在阴间打。
tototo 说:在阴间打。点击展开...对,去阎王爷多伦多分爷处报到即可。
火娃 超赞 赏 反馈:lever, Saint.Saens, trwetwet 和 16 其他人 家园小千 1$(VIP 0,#370) 47,6332018-08-13#10 这个一定要注销身份的,否则有关退休金退税福利就不会终止,怎么个注销法,问一下政府机关都应该会有提示。
南望王师 说:肯定是共产党的医院和假疫苗草菅人命!如果来加拿大免费医疗打疫苗肯定能康复点击展开...别人都没想到,还是你最聪明。
观文观人观世界。 超赞 赏 反馈:lever, trwetwet, 梦里雪飞扬 和 6 其他人 Notarobot 0$(VIP 0) 5072018-08-13#13 CIC应该不需要,需要的估计是CRA如果非非税务居民,应该还有最后一次报税
Mouse1004 说:请教,永久居民身份国内病故,怎样在加拿大注销身份?谢谢!点击展开...如果死者有在加国报税的话,通知税局。有领取CPP和老人金(OAS),通知Service Canada。如果在加国有遣产办理,也可以让律师一起办理。节哀顺变!
Life is simple, but not easy.唉,令人莫名伤感点击展开...睡觉前和妹妹聊一下。人都有生往,关键是活着如何认真过好每一天。你这么努力,娃又那么优秀乖巧,好好享受生活,不必感伤!我欣赏西人的文化之一就是回忆庆祝一个人的过去。为他/她成功的一生努力的一生感恩。话多希望妹妹不见怪!其实我和很多人看到这个帖子都伤感的。人性使然。
小暑 说:睡觉前和妹妹聊一下。人都有生往,关键是活着如何认真过好每一天。你这么努力,娃又那么优秀乖巧,好好享受生活,不必感伤!我欣赏西人的文化之一就是回忆庆祝一个人的过去。为他/她成功的一生努力的一生感恩。话多希望妹妹不见怪!其实我和很多人看到这个帖子都伤感的。人性使然。点击展开...谢谢姐姐安慰!姐姐总是这么温暖贴心。
需要报告Service Canada, CRA,省级部门(如Service Ontario或Service BC), 注销健康卡、驾照、银行卡,还有财产、退休计划和保险等等。加拿大政府网站上有详细的说明。https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/benefits/family/death.htmlWhat to do when someone diesFor more information, please visit Pensions, benefits and personal identification.If the death occurred in one of the territories or outside Canada:You must report the death to Service Canada by providing:proof of death, such as the statement of death from a funeral director, or a copy of the death certificate; andthe Social Insurance Number of the deceased person.Submit the documents in person at your nearest Service Canada Centre or mail them to the following address:Service CanadaSocial Insurance Registration officePO Box 7000Bathurst NB E2A 4T1If the person died outside Canada, the Canadian embassy or consulate in the country where the person died can tell you what steps to take. Consult the list of Canadian embassies and consulates.Pensions, benefits and personal identificationIf the deceased person was receiving a pension or benefits from an employer, you need to cancel them. You may also ask if survivor benefits are available.People related to the deceased person may be eligible for Government of Canada benefits. Contact Service Canada to find out if benefits are available to the estate or legal representative from the following programs:Old Age SecurityCanada Pension Plandeath benefitchildren’s benefitssurvivor’s pensionEmployment Insurance (EI)Allowance for the SurvivorFederal Income Support for Parents of Murdered or Missing ChildrenIf you were married or in a common-law relationship with the person who died, you may be entitled to certain assets, even if you were not named in the will. Learn more about spousal rights in your province or territory.You also need to cancel the personal identification of the deceased person:PassportCitizenship card or permanent resident cardSecure Certificate of Indian StatusGovernment health insurance, driver’s licence, etc. (contact the provincial or territorial government)Notify the Canada Revenue AgencyContact the Canada Revenue Agency to settle the taxes of the person who has died, and to transfer benefits to a survivor. The Social Insurance Number of the deceased person is used to settle their taxes.For more information, consult What to do when someone has died.Close personal accountsOnce the estate has been settled, close any accounts that don’t need to be kept open.For example:chequing and savings accountsregistered accounts, such as Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Registered Retirement Income Funds, Tax-Free Savings Accounts or Registered Disability Savings Plansinvestment accountsutility accountscredit cardsmemberships or online accounts with regular feesContact the financial institution of the deceased person for more information.To ensure that new credit is not fraudulently requested in the name of the deceased person, it’s a good idea to advise Canada’s two credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion, of the death.Contact EquifaxContact TransUnionMake a life insurance claimTo make a life insurance claim, you will likely need:the policy numbera claim form from the person’s insurance providera copy of the death certificateFind out how to make an insurance claim.If you can’t locate the insurance policy, contact the OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance.Once you’ve made a life insurance claim, there may be a delay before the beneficiaries receive the payment. This will depend on things such as how long the person held the policy and how they died. You may need to consider opening an estate account with the financial institution of the deceased person, to deposit life insurance proceeds payable to their estate.
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