加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科美国运通(加拿大)怎么这么糟糕?



帮顶不懂为什么申请运通? 我早就把运通取消了,没有任何积分,还在很多地方不收。你就先在TD 申请一Visa 卡,攒信用,很快就大批申请表直接寄你了。



西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超赞 赏 反馈:marthew 小糯米 0$(VIP 0) 4,8792018-07-26#5 英文那么多,看不懂。。。。。

AMG12 说:帮顶不懂为什么申请运通? 我早就把运通取消了,没有任何积分,还在很多地方不收。你就先在TD申请一Visa 卡,攒信用,很快就大批申请表直接寄你了。点击展开...也不是说非要有运通。我也刚收到RBC和汇丰的信用卡。但是运通这个程序和服务让人受不了。从来没有遇到过的情况。

daxigua001 说:写这么多不顶一个电话过去...点击展开...电话已经打了。信里面讲了很多和客服电话的内容。从来没有遇到的情况。

jaideuxchats 说:我申请了他们的信用卡,告知到邮局做身份认证。当然是应该的。但后来Canada Post投递员脑子抽疯,把程序搞错了。虽然ID确认我还是做了,但是American Express Canada 说不接受。奇葩的是,他们说这个程序不能重复,现在唯一的办法是我飞到多伦多去他们总部当面做认证。我住在温哥华!!我气得不得了。写了封投诉信(内容贴在下面)。他们还没有电子邮件地址,我明天就打印邮寄到他们总部去。不比不知道。我在新加坡的时候人家美国运通服务多好啊。这个开始就感觉这么烂。=====================To: American Express CanadaRe: 2018XXXXXXXXXCADDear American Express,I have been a customer of American Express USA and American Express Singapore. I enjoyed the convenience and prestige of Amex cards. In addition, I was thoroughly impressed by the helpful and courteous customer service provided by Amex Singapore. This is why, after recently moving to Vancouver, I decided to apply for a credit card with American Express Canada, particularly given the global card transfer option provided by your company. I thought the application process would be a smooth sailing, and never imagined the dismaying experience that it turned out to be. I am sure that you will be as shocked and appalled as I am, after you read my story below.I submitted my online application for a SimplyCash(TM) Card on June 30th. On July 5th, I received an email from American Express New Accounts, informing me that an ID verification would be conducted in relation to my card application. The email stated that I would be receiving a Canada Post Delivery Notice, prompting me to visit one of their retail branches with my official Canadian identification. I understand the importance of ID verification, and was more than happy to comply with the requirements.On July 13th, I received an XpressPost envelope in my mailbox. The envelope bears the blue Amex logo. I opened the envelope, expecting to find a delivery notice with instructions to go to a Canada Post branch to conduct my ID verification. Instead, I found a letter thanking me for completing the identity verification process with Canada Post, and that I would be receiving a decision on my application within 5-10 business days.I thought this very strange. Therefore, I called Amex’s New Accounts Dept (1-800-575-2273) immediately. The agent who answered my call said that it was an error, and that he would investigate the matter and get back to me by the end of the following Monday (July 16th). When I did not hear back from him, I called the Amex hotline again on July 18th. An agent named Marco answered my call, and he told me that the issue was still under review, and that I would receive a call within 24-48 hours. Unfortunately, I did not receive a callback from American Express.On July 20th, I went to a Canada Post office (XXX branch) with the Xpresspost envelope that I had received on July 13th. I explained the situation to the employee at Canada Post. The lady told me that this had been an error on the part of Canada Post. I should not have received the letter directly. Instead, I should have received a notice with instructions to come to the post office with my ID. My ID would then be verified at the post office, and the letter delivered to me at that time. However, since this was not my fault, she would help me do the ID verification right then and there. I had my Canadian permanent resident card with me, and therefore, the ID verification was completed. And I thought the process was finally over.A few days later (July 25th), I called American Express to check the status of my card application. An agent named Geeta answered my call. To my surprise, she told me that even though American Express had received my ID verification from Canada Post, the information was not acceptable because the “correct” procedure had not been followed. She explained that I should not have received the letter before the verification was conducted. She said she understood that this was not my fault. Shockingly, Geeta then said that the ID verification process with Canada Post could not be initiated again, and that the only option was for me to personally fly to American Express’ head office in Ontario to have a face-to-face verification of my identification.I was dumbfounded at this turn of events. I asked Geeta why the ID verification I did at Canada Post office on July 20th was not acceptable. She repeated her previous answer that the “correct” procedure had not been followed, without explaining how the departure from the “correct” procedure affected the integrity of the verification process. Geeta insisted that there was no alternative to me personally flying to Ontario to conduct my ID verification for my card application. Being a Vancouver resident, naturally, this was not a viable option for me.I finished the telephone conversation in utter disbelief. I completely understand the importance of verifying prospective clients’ identification, and have been most compliant and cooperative in this process. It is true that Canada Post had not followed the correct delivery procedure, but that was through no fault of mine. Most importantly, I cannot comprehend why the ID verification conducted on July 20th at Canada Post (XXX branch) was not acceptable to you, merely due to a minor departure from Amex’s procedures. I cannot see how the integrity of the verification process was in any way compromised to render it unacceptable to American Express (Canada). By Geeta’s explanation, I would have to say that American Express (Canada)’s position is inflexible to the point of being unreasonable. I hope that you will re-look at my application, and find that the ID verification is to your satisfaction to enable the application to proceed. I trust that a global and influential company like American Express has sufficient reason and common sense to not ask someone to fly 4400 kilometers, in this day and age (or, for that matter, in any day and age) to merely complete a credit card application.I await your response to this matter, and remainSincerely yoursXXX=====================点击展开...虽然错不在你,但因为在ID确认中,产生错误,触发了运通的警告系统,为了防止有人窃取信用卡,即使你再去确认,也不再予以承认。客服要求你去多伦多面对面确认,看起来不合理,但仔细想想也是为保证个人信息安全和防止信用卡被窃用。打电话对方无法确认你是真正的持有人,除非你已有了此卡,对方会一步问你的个人信息,比如出生日期,家庭住址等,以确保是卡的持有人。

Life is simple, but not easy.也不是说非要有运通。我也刚收到RBC和汇丰的信用卡。但是运通这个程序和服务让人受不了。从来没有遇到过的情况。点击展开...如果你有汇丰和RBC的银行账户,根本就不需要这么做。因为银行已有你的个人信息。

Life is simple, but not easy.如果你有汇丰和RBC的银行账户,根本就不需要这么做。因为银行已有你的个人信息。点击展开...你的意思是说银行之间应该是信息共享的?


jaideuxchats 说:你的意思是说银行之间应该是信息共享的?点击展开...我的意思是当你在某家银行开账户时,银行已有了你的个人信息,你在这家银行申请信用卡,批准后,你拿到信用卡,只需要激话而已,并不需要确认你的个人信息。

Life is simple, but not easy.我的意思是当你在某家银行开账户时,银行已有了你的个人信息,你在这家银行申请信用卡,批准后,你拿到信用卡,只需要激话而已,并不需要确认你的个人信息。点击展开...个人也是觉得银行的信用卡最方便,有时已经为用户预批了信用卡,审核已经通过了,就等着你接受这个服务。我的fido也是预批了信用卡,结果我接受了返现率更好的母公司Rogers的卡,给的额度很高,可能是用了fido手机好几年了,积累了良好信用。


2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利 超赞 赏 jaideuxchats 0$(VIP 0) 562018-10-10#16 来一个更新:两个多月过去了。这个申请断断续续得在处理当中。比如要我银行给他们发送确认函(我的银行做了)。各种奇葩。现在美国运通要派人专门飞到温哥华来给我做当面身份确认。这个简直是从来没有发生过的事情。现在拿不拿到这个信用卡已经无所谓了。我就是坚持要看这件事怎么结束。


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