加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科辟谣:新冠病毒没有植入艾滋病基因片段
No, The Coronavirus Was Not Genetically Engineered To Put Pieces Of HIV In ItA recent scientific paper published on pre-print server bioRxiv made some very odd claims about HIV and coronavirus that were quickly debunked by other scientists.www.forbes.comBut, the kicker here is that these pieces of genetic code are also found in countless other viruses and there’s no reason to believe they specifically came from HIV, at all.这些基因片段在很多病毒中都有所发现,并不只是艾滋病毒,而且重合片段很少,不排除是巧合。Just checked their results. The similarity is spurious. Out of 4 inserts they identify between NCov and SARS, 2 are found in bat coronavirus. Of the remaining two, only one is most similar to HIV, and is so short (6 AA) that the similarity is not higher than chance given database4个基因片段中,两个与蝙蝠的冠状病毒相似,剩下两个只有一个片段与艾滋病毒相似,但是太短,巧合的可能性更大。
帕斯卡赌注----人生就是一场豪赌,赌上帝存在吧!17世纪的法国,太阳王路易十四让法国登上法兰西历史上的巅峰,傲视整个欧洲,文学,艺术和科学也随之蓬勃发展,天才的世纪,盛世啊,怎么能少得了天才呢? 我们的旷世天才,帕斯卡踏着祥云来了。 什么? 没听过? 那你一定知道国际单位制中表示压强的基本单位是帕斯卡,简称帕Pa。对,这就是为了纪念法国奇才布莱士·帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal) , 牛人的爱好之一就是要把自己活成物理单位,比如牛顿,瓦特,安培,焦耳...... 帕斯卡就像人类史上最大的龙卷风:1979年的飓风泰培,最高风速高达306 km/h,最低气压为870百帕斯卡,牛人每次出场都这么惊天动地。...forum.iask.ca
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