加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科旅游及户外 - 准备近期去参加邮轮旅行的注意


准备近期去参加邮轮旅行的注意了, 其它邮轮是不是有这个公告,就不知道了。Norwegian Cruise Lines TRAVEL ALERT: CORONAVIRUS PROCEDURESUpdated: 2/12/2020The safety, security and well-being of our guests and crew is our number one priority. We have proactively implemented several preventative measures outlined below due to growing concerns regarding Coronavirus infections in China. We will continue to consult with The World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and take appropriate additional action as needed.Policies currently in place include:Any guest that holds a Chinese, Hong Kong, or Macau passport, will be unable to board any of our ships, regardless of residency.Except U.S. Alien Residents holding an Alien Resident Card (ARC), also known as a "Green Card" travelling on itineraries that sail from a US port and end in a US port. Any crew members joining our ships that hold a Chinese, Hong Kong or Macau passport will not be allowed to board our ships. In addition, any crew members who have travelled from, visited or transited via airports in China, including Hong Kong and Macau within 30 days will not be allowed to board our ships. Guests who have travelled from, visited or transited via airports in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, within 30 days of their voyage embarkation, regardless of nationality, will not be allowed to board any of our vessels. The standard incubation period recognized by the WHO and U.S. CDC for this virus is 14 days.Guests who are denied boarding will be issued a refund when they provide proof of travel. The recent Hong Kong port closure will result in itinerary modifications and we will share the revised itinerary as well as further details as they become available. Prior to the port closure in Hong Kong, we implemented non-touch temperature screenings for all passengers embarking from this destination and any guest who registered a body temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius or higher, were not allowed to board. Guests on these voyages were also subject to temperature screenings when returning from shore excursions at ports of call.Guests who were unable to sail due to a high temperature were advised to open a travel insurance claim with their insurance provider. For all guests, we will continue standard pre-boarding health reporting and evaluation. Any guests who appear symptomatic are subject to pre-boarding medical evaluations including but not limited to temperature checks as deemed necessary. Any guest who exhibits symptoms of any respiratory illness while on board will be subject to additional screening at our onboard Medical Centre and may be subject to potential quarantine and disembarkation. We have implemented additional cleaning and disinfection protocols on board all voyages. These protocols will be enforced in addition to our already rigorous sanitization standards in place. Singapore and the Philippines are not currently allowing Chinese nationals to disembark at their ports. Guests with a Chinese passport who are travelling on voyages that disembark in one of these regions will not be allowed on board our ships. If additional port restrictions are put into place we may have to modify this policy as needed.Guests who are denied boarding due to this will be issued a refund.The above measures will remain in effect until further notice and are subject to change at any time as we evaluate the situation and continue to consult with local health authorities as well as the WHO and U.S. CDC.At this time, we have made a number of itinerary changes and none of our vessels are currently calling to ports in mainland China. We also have the flexibility to alter our itineraries as needed to avoid areas of concern. All itineraries that call in mainland China for the next six months are currently under review and we will communicate any itinerary revisions as soon as possible. As always, we will closely monitor the situation and take appropriate action as necessary.We apologize for the inconvenience to any guests affected by these measures put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all our guests and crew.For frequently asked questions and information regarding the coronavirus, please visit the following websites:World Health Organization (WHO)WHO Travel AdviceUnited States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC)European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)CLIA Coronavirus FAQsCLIA Public Health and Medical PolicyNorwegian's Peace of Mind | Norwegian's Commitment to Our Guests | Norwegian Cruise Linewww.ncl.com

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:kknd, 周雅, 顾楚 和另外1个人 0.35 哈法 387$(VIP 0,#10) 29,7362020-02-14#2 我是看到这个新闻之后,才找到上面的通告的:Ottawa woman banned from cruise thanks to 'racist' policyhttps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-woman-chinese-passport-banned-norwegian-cruise-line-1.5464097

Life is simple, but not easy.几天前的新闻了。点击展开...CBC 今天才发表。

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 家园小千 1$(VIP 0,#370) 47,6332020-02-14#5 现在坐邮轮形同噩梦,封闭的环境太多的接触机会,一个超级传播者搞的天地不宁,今年邮轮公司的业绩要惨了


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