加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科同意全加拿大Drive-thru 新冠测试的来签名
Start Drive-Thru Coronavirus Testing Across Canada NOWSign the PetitionIncrease Drive-Thru Coronavirus Testing Across Canada NOWchng.it
Sharing is caring - Without people sharing info, forum would not exist and no one would benefit from it. Don't be selfish. 超赞 赏 反馈:但为君故沉吟至今 和 lovemapleleaf 0.32 hkkuo33派币先锋 0$(VIP 0,#450) 1,8712020-03-24#2 大都有时间有精力活在家园里了,去签名赞同一个Drive-thru测试方案,为保卫加拿大抗拒病毒出分力真就那么难吗?这不仅是呼吁给患病的人提供方便,也是保护你和你的家人! 看了昨天周一的总理家门口电视讲话,我理解他的感受了。
Sharing is caring - Without people sharing info, forum would not exist and no one would benefit from it. Don't be selfish.大都有时间有精力活在家园里了,去签名赞同一个Drive-thru测试方案,为保卫加拿大抗拒病毒出分力真就那么难吗?这不仅是呼吁给患病的人提供方便,也是保护你和你的家人! 看了昨天周一的总理家门口电视讲话,我理解他的感受了。点击展开...他也得有那么多测试盒。
谢谢支持!已经收到反馈,知道有园友去签名了,谢谢!举手之劳,我们改变着世界!还需要更多有良知园友的支持!现在募集更多的签名! 当然愿出钱的也可以!
Sharing is caring - Without people sharing info, forum would not exist and no one would benefit from it. Don't be selfish. 超赞 赏 hkkuo33派币先锋 0$(VIP 0,#450) 1,8712020-03-24#5 最新进展:Sign the PetitionIncrease Drive-Thru Coronavirus Testing Across Canada NOWchng.it
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