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Newcomers lured by job prospects Calgary Herald - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 In April 2001, Ting Zhao landed in Canada from Beijing hoping to find work and start a new life.Three months later, Zhao had landed a senior-level job in Calgary with GPS equipment manufacturer CSI Wireless Inc. Now, he recommends this city to friends who are looking for work."Not only my friends in China, but also my friends in Vancouver and Toronto, even native Canadians. I tell them, 'Come to Calgary,'" says Zhao, who calls himself Thomas."There are more opportunities in Calgary, definitely."According to 2001 census data released Tuesday by Statistics Canada, Zhao is one of roughly 12,000 immigrants who have been making Calgary their home since 1995, drawn here by the lure of employment.The federal agency says Calgary's consistently strong labour market and reputation as the job capital of Canada is making it a destination of choice for job-hungry immigrants.The figures show new Canadians quickly find jobs in Calgary, many in the high-tech sector, giving new arrivals a higher employment rate in this city compared with those born in Canada."Calgary is emerging as a centre of attraction for immigrants," StatsCan said, noting that while four per cent of recent immigrants to Canada settle in Calgary, they account for three per cent of the city's workforce.That's disproportionately high, said Mario Lefebvre, associate director of the Conference Board of Canada. Recent immigrants are considered those who arrived in Calgary between 1996 and 2000.- - -Calgary's workforce 1991 1996 2001Labour force 259,970 267,925 291,950Non-immigrants 202,415 211,065 227,450All immigrants 55,520 55,415 61,940Recent immigrants* 10,440 11,275 12,275 Employment rate %Labour force 82.7 83.3 84.8Non-immigrants 83.7 84.8 86.4All immigrants 79.8 78.6 80.2Recent immigrants* 71.5 70.4 73.6 -Those who immigrated to Canada in the five years preceding each censusSource: Statistics Canada© Copyright 2003 Calgary Herald

超赞 赏 T tomgod 7$(VIP 0,#154) 2,9492005-03-14#2 这个........那个......................英文太多,看不懂了啦!!!!

少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业 超赞 赏 兔八哥 0$(VIP 0) 2,5362005-03-14#3 知道HTLM一片冰心,能不能再上点去年的:)

灌自己的水,让别人去喝吧 超赞 赏 stacy_dan 0$(VIP 0) 3812005-03-14#4 我就准备五月登陆卡城了!

生活永远不可能像你想像得那么好,但是也不会像你想像得那么糟,无论是好的,还是糟的时候,都需要坚强。 超赞 赏 H hellobaby 0$(VIP 0) 2552005-03-14#5 不管是黑猫还是白猫,能抓到老鼠的就是好猫!只要有工作,有钱赚,到那里都是天堂,实在不行,就回到地狱来吧!好歹有我口饭吃也不会少了兄弟这碗粥的!

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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大

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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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