加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryCalgary Board of Education - Job Fair - Monday, June 16, 2008


Calgary Board of EducationJOB FAIRMonday, June 16th 200810:00 a.m. ? 8:00 p.m.Carriage House Inn9030 Macleod Trail South Calgary ABJust minutes from Heritage C-Train Station & Macleod Trail. Ample FREE PARKING.We are looking for reliable, self-motivated, & willing people to join our team as:• Full time Cleaners;• Facility Operators with their 5th Class Boiler Ticket;• Lunch Supervisors;• Administrative Assistants; and• Many other positions.By joining the CBE’s world class team you will have access to the following:• Competitive Wages/ Supplementary Income• Planned Shifts• Great benefits for you and your family• Training opportunities, including English Language upgrading in some positions• Excellent vacation and holidaysWhy would you work anywhere else? Join our team today.No appointment needed! Job Applications and Interviews on site! Bring your resume, 2 business related references & any relevant certificates.Go to our website at www.cbe.ab.ca to see all of the job possibilities and details.See You at the Job Fair!Can’t make it June 16th, 2008? No problem! Send us your application by calling(403) 699-0785 or by email [email protected].

回复: Calgary Board of Education - Job Fair - Monday, June 16, 2008Great!

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