加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryDear Pro-Internet Supporters,互?咀的支持者
Because of you, the CRTC was forced to reconsider its decision to allow usage based billing (Internet metering) to take over Canada. This was a big win for the pro-Internet community, but this is far from over. The review of Internet metering is open for public comments, but we can be sure that Big Telecom is exerting significant pressure on the CRTC to move forward with less affordable Internet access. We need your help to call on the CRTC to stop the meter and end Internet caps. Join Calgary supporters in a local Stop The Meter petition drive on Saturday, February 26 at 1 PM. This is part of the Stop The Meter National Day of Action. We are encouraging Calgary supporters to print off the Stop The Meter CRTC petition, meet at a central location on February 26th (for example a coffee shop, campus, or library), walk around, and ask Canadians to help us call on Ottawa to Stop The Meter on Internet use. The signed petitions will then be collected and mailed to the OpenMedia.ca office, where the feedback will be relayed to the CRTC. This is vitally important as we build our case that Canadians want open, accessible and affordable Internet access. To find out more about your local Stop The Meter National Day of Action, please check out your organizing team's Facebook page and Google Group. Be creative! Why not dress up as meter maids to spark people's curiosity, or write a Stop The Meter theme song? We'll be helping local petition drive teams to invite local media to help spread the word that the CRTC is still reviewing UBB and that this is far from being a closed case. For more information on the Stop The Meter Day of Action email our event coordinator Glyn at [email protected] For the Internet, The OpenMedia.ca Team亲爱的亲互联网的支持者, 因为你,CRTC被迫重新考虑其决定,允许使用计费(互联网计量)接管加拿大。这是一对亲互联网社区大胜利,但这还远远没有结束。 Internet的计量审查,供公众公开征求意见,但我们可以肯定的是大电信施加重大压力的CRTC少负担得起的移动互联网前进。我们需要您的帮助,呼吁CRTC停止米和结束因特网帽。 参加在当地停止周六,2月26日下午1时计请愿驱动卡尔加里的支持者。这是停止计国庆行动的一部分。 我们鼓励卡尔加里支持者打印关闭停止计CRTC请愿书,在中心位置2月26日举行会议(例如咖啡厅,校园,或图书馆),随意走动,并要求加拿大人来帮助我们在渥太华呼吁停止在互联网上使用的仪表。已签署的请愿书将被收集并邮寄到OpenMedia.ca办公室,那里的反馈将转达给CRTC。这是非常重要的,因为我们建立我们的情况下,加拿大人要公开,方便和价格低廉的互联网接入。 要了解当地的停止计国庆行动的详情,请检查您的组织团队的Facebook页面和谷歌集团。 有创意!为什么不装扮成米女佣引发人们的好奇,或写一停止计主题曲?我们将帮助当地连署队,邀请当地媒体帮助宣传该CRTC仍在检讨UBB代码,而这远不是一个封闭的情况。 欲了解更多有关信息停止行动计日发电子邮件至我们的活动协调员格林glyn.l @ canadaparticipates.ca 对于互联网, 该OpenMedia.ca队
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