加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryChristmas activities for kids


1. A Child’s Christmas ? Dec. 18, 2:30 pmThe Calgary Civic Symphony welcomes the Calgary Girls Choir in this programme of seasonal favourites sureto delight children of all ages! The programme includes traditional orchestra music, songs by Chilcott andWillcocks, music from Home Alone and White Christmas, as well as sing-along and more.The concert also features two young pianists from Mount Royal Conservatory’s Academy program ? BrynWiley & Angela Wu - performing Camille Saint-Saëns’ ever-popular Carnival of the Animals. Mayor NaheedNenshi will narrate light-hearted poetry for this work.Location: Jack Singer Concert Hall (205-8 Ave SE)Contact: [email protected], Create Your Own Gingerbread House and New Year Cookies? Dec. 22 & 29, 10:30 amParents and children are invited to this free collective kitchen program by Parent Link Family CentreLocation: 101, 120-17th Ave SWContact: 403-263-1543 or 403-266-6686 ext.2253. The zoo has Christmas lights on from 6-9pm everyday now.

We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future. 超赞 赏 B baobaomama 0$(VIP 0) 3082011-12-08#2 回复: Christmas activities for kids音乐会是免费的吗?写email就可以报名?

回复: Christmas activities for kids音乐会是免费的吗?写email就可以报名?点击展开...请把费用情况讲一下吧

回复: Christmas activities for kids音乐会是免费的吗?写email就可以报名?点击展开...我也不清楚,是910发的email。你可以发email给[email protected]咨询一下。

We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future. 超赞 赏 B beneathwing 0$(VIP 0) 6272011-12-09#5 回复: Christmas activities for kids顺便汇报一下今天去zoo看christmas lights的情况。动物园网站上说6点开始,我们5点半到的,已经可以进了。里面有吃饭的地方,当然是burger, hot dog什么的,味道还不错(也可能是我们饿了),并不比外面的更贵。我们宝宝21个月,今天晚上玩得很开心。他本身就喜欢看灯,里面还有一些其他专门给小孩准备的活动,像长长的滑道,干草堆什么的。我们宝宝坐在草堆里都不愿意走了。他也非常喜欢音乐彩灯,一边看着灯光的变换,一边跟着跳舞,最后是强行抱走的。大部份人到7点以后才来,等我们7点半走的时候,买票的人已经排起了队,那么大的停车场都差不多满了。门票是大人10元,2岁以下免费,2岁以上好象是7块,晚上停车免费。

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