加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额?
我最关心的人是我的伢 超赞 赏 H hongwuxie 0$(VIP 0) 1,0572012-02-20#2 回复: 请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额?自己顶一下
我最关心的人是我的伢 超赞 赏 C CFT2008 0$(VIP 0) 7102012-02-20#3 回复: 请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额?你问的是tax credit吧?有两个,一个是联邦的,一个是省的。数字不同。最近邮局提供报税表,免费索取,上面有详细的数字。
回复: 请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额?每个家庭的情况不同,这个问题只有你自己才能回答。对于联邦税来说,把 Federal Tax Schedule 1 研究一下,数字就有了。举个简单的例子:男方收入比方说是T4 :55,000, 女方收入(T4):6000。男方的Federal Tax credit:1. basicl personl amount: 10527;2. spouse or common-low partner amount: 10527-6000-12*100(UCCB)=3327;3. amount for children born in 1994 or later: 2131;4.CPP contributions; 2217.605. Employment Insurance premiums: 786.76;6. Canada employment amount: 1065;7. Public transit amount : ?8. Children's fitness amount: ?9. Children's arts amount : ?10. Home buyer's amount: ?11. Interest paid on your student loans: ?12. Your tuition, education, and textbook amounts: ?13. tuition, education, and textbook amounts transferred from your spouse: ?14.medical expenses for self, spouse, and your dependent children born in 1994 or later: ?15. Donations : ?16.... 大概是这个样子,希望有所帮助。 除了tax credit, 还有一个叫 deduction 的,比如: RRSP, Child care expenses, moving expenses 等等,这些在计算net income 的时候就抵减了。比如上面说的男方收入55000, 如果他买了5000 RRSP,有Child care expenses 2000,那么他的net income =55000-5000-2000=48000.
回复: 请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额?谢谢你,我再仔细研究。马上给你加声望
我最关心的人是我的伢每个家庭的情况不同,这个问题只有你自己才能回答。对于联邦税来说,把 Federal Tax Schedule 1 研究一下,数字就有了。举个简单的例子:男方收入比方说是T4 :55,000, 女方收入(T4):6000。男方的Federal Tax credit:1. basicl personl amount: 10527;2. spouse or common-low partner amount: 10527-6000-12*100(UCCB)=3327;3. amount for children born in 1994 or later: 2131;4.CPP contributions; 2217.605. Employment Insurance premiums: 786.76;6. Canada employment amount: 1065;7. Public transit amount : ?8. Children's fitness amount: ?9. Children's arts amount : ?10. Home buyer's amount: ?11. Interest paid on your student loans: ?12. Your tuition, education, and textbook amounts: ?13. tuition, education, and textbook amounts transferred from your spouse: ?14.medical expenses for self, spouse, and your dependent children born in 1994 or later: ?15. Donations : ?16.... 大概是这个样子,希望有所帮助。 除了tax credit, 还有一个叫 deduction 的,比如: RRSP, Child care expenses, moving expenses 等等,这些在计算net income 的时候就抵减了。比如上面说的男方收入55000, 如果他买了5000 RRSP,有Child care expenses 2000,那么他的net income =55000-5000-2000=48000.点击展开...
回复: 请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额? but ... Child care expenses 2000 must be for 女方 (lower income in this case) to claim, normally!点击展开... 对,Child care expenses normally claim by the one with lower income, 但是,在特定条件下可以由高收入方claim.比如,低收入方上学,因病住院等...... 我也就随便举了个例子,并不严谨,抱歉!
回复: 请问:在阿尔伯特省家有4岁孩子的家庭可以有多少报税抵扣额?对,Child care expenses normally claim by the one with lower income, 但是,在特定条件下可以由高收入方claim.比如,低收入方上学,因病住院等...... 我也就随便举了个例子,并不严谨,抱歉!点击展开...
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