加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary登陆定居 - 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题


最后跟教授确定下来,9月份要去那边念博士了,到时候我老婆会跟我一起过去。我们两个都是在新加坡的一个不错的大学的念的工科本科,所以英文方面应该没有什么大问题。我老婆念的是Electrical Engineering,虽说还没有工作经验不过她practical方面非常强,不知道她拿着这样的陪读签证在卡城好找专业相关的工作吗?起薪如何?我是想如果她过来只是做散工把专业拉下就不值得了。请大家给点建议吧。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题欢迎你们俩来卡城!没有工作经验,practical还能多强呢?虽然我明白你的意思,可是雇主不这样想。虽说现在经济不错,石油领域工作机会多,但没有本地经验的人找工作仍就很难。工程师的工作起薪6万多刀。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题。。。什么是陪读签证。。。要找到雇主才好转工作签证的

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题。。。什么是陪读签证。。。要找到雇主才好转工作签证的点击展开...我按照大使馆网上的要求给她申请的就是visitor visa,已经批了。就是不知道这个visitor pass到时候能不能转工作签证。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题欢迎你们俩来卡城!没有工作经验,practical还能多强呢?虽然我明白你的意思,可是雇主不这样想。虽说现在经济不错,石油领域工作机会多,但没有本地经验的人找工作仍就很难。工程师的工作起薪6万多刀。点击展开...谢谢您的回复,她也在申请研究生,做两手准备吧。您可以推荐给我们几个当地的求职网站吗?

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题我按照大使馆网上的要求给她申请的就是visitor visa,已经批了。就是不知道这个visitor pass到时候能不能转工作签证。点击展开... 要先找到工作, 然后让雇主给她办工作签证,原则上移民局当然不提倡, 但是没说不可以转

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题转不了, 改student and visitor visa的类型必须回国重新申请。我按照大使馆网上的要求给她申请的就是visitor visa,已经批了。就是不知道这个visitor pass到时候能不能转工作签证。点击展开...

民有钱---你贪,民有女---你奸,民有房---你拆,民有话---你删!民有难---你演,民有冤---你关,民有事---你推,民有疑---你编!民有产---你搬,民有苦---你窜,民有孕---你流,民有摊---你掀!民骂你是王八蛋,你却自称父母官转不了, 改student and visitor visa的类型必须回国重新申请。点击展开...Eligibility to apply from inside CanadaYou can only apply for a work permit from inside Canada if:you have a valid study or work permit, or your spouse or parents have a study or work permityou have a work permit for one job but want to apply for a work permit for a different jobyou have a temporary resident permit that is valid for six months or more oryou are in Canada because you have already applied for permanent residence from inside Canada. You will have to pass certain stages in the main application process before you can be eligible for a work permit.You must also have the following documents:a job offer from a Canadian employera completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, andwritten confirmation from HRSDC that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion.In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.)You must also do the following:Satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Police Certificates for more information.Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题Eligibility to apply from inside CanadaYou can only apply for a work permit from inside Canada if:you have a valid study or work permit, or your spouse or parents have a study or work permityou have a work permit for one job but want to apply for a work permit for a different jobyou have a temporary resident permit that is valid for six months or more oryou are in Canada because you have already applied for permanent residence from inside Canada. You will have to pass certain stages in the main application process before you can be eligible for a work permit.You must also have the following documents:a job offer from a Canadian employera completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, andwritten confirmation from HRSDC that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion.In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.)You must also do the following:Satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Police Certificates for more information.Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)点击展开...谢谢,信息很给力~

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题谢谢您的回复,她也在申请研究生,做两手准备吧。您可以推荐给我们几个当地的求职网站吗?点击展开...不建议你们俩都读研究生。研究生是做研究的,如果毕业后再出来找工作,基本上是白浪费了几年的光阴。你读博士更甚。大学教职很少,尤其华人找到教职更难。再说大学收入很低,据说平均薪水才7万多。在卡城,工程类的大学生一毕业很多都能拿到这个数字。10万多的工程师比比皆是。因此建议你夫人来这边后直接找工作。相信你们专业能力很强,但这边石油类的许多工作技术含量很低,水平高也显示不出来优势。你们过来后,熟悉相关的公司,碰到机会,就能开始专业工作了。找工作的网站基本不管用,尤其对于没有本地经验的新人。过来后直接让朋友给推荐吧。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题楼主两口子是ntu,triple e的吧?

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题Eligibility to apply from inside CanadaYou can only apply for a work permit from inside Canada if:you have a valid study or work permit, or your spouse or parents have a study or work permityou have a work permit for one job but want to apply for a work permit for a different jobyou have a temporary resident permit that is valid for six months or more oryou are in Canada because you have already applied for permanent residence from inside Canada. You will have to pass certain stages in the main application process before you can be eligible for a work permit.You must also have the following documents:a job offer from a Canadian employera completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, andwritten confirmation from HRSDC that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion.In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.)You must also do the following:Satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Police Certificates for more information.Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)点击展开...所以说看了第一句话,lz老婆转工作签证没问题。我有认识的朋友就是一个读书,一个工作签证。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]楼主两口子是ntu,triple e的吧?点击展开...不是,我们是NUS的。您听说过这两间学校吗?不知道新加坡的大学文凭在加拿大找工作吃香吗?

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题不建议你们俩都读研究生。研究生是做研究的,如果毕业后再出来找工作,基本上是白浪费了几年的光阴。你读博士更甚。大学教职很少,尤其华人找到教职更难。再说大学收入很低,据说平均薪水才7万多。在卡城,工程类的大学生一毕业很多都能拿到这个数字。10万多的工程师比比皆是。因此建议你夫人来这边后直接找工作。相信你们专业能力很强,但这边石油类的许多工作技术含量很低,水平高也显示不出来优势。你们过来后,熟悉相关的公司,碰到机会,就能开始专业工作了。找工作的网站基本不管用,尤其对于没有本地经验的新人。过来后直接让朋友给推荐吧。点击展开...谢谢您的建议,每个人有自己的方向。我个人比较喜欢做医疗器械的创新,这次来卡大读博也是因为看好里面一位老师的研究方向,而不是看重卡大的排名。我媳妇 不是很想念博士,只是想以后找一个稳定的工作,但是我觉得如果她在加拿大念硕士毕业出来的起薪应该要比拿着外国的本科找工作薪水要高吧?不知您为什么建议 不要她念研究生?是不是卡大的研究生不太受认可?请指教。。。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题谢谢您的建议,每个人有自己的方向。我个人比较喜欢做医疗器械的创新,这次来卡大读博也是因为看好里面一位老师的研究方向,而不是看重卡大的排名。我媳妇 不是很想念博士,只是想以后找一个稳定的工作,但是我觉得如果她在加拿大念硕士毕业出来的起薪应该要比拿着外国的本科找工作薪水要高吧?不知您为什么建议 不要她念研究生?是不是卡大的研究生不太受认可?请指教。。。点击展开...帖子里面的是建议,仅供参考而已。你自然可以有自己的选择。当你读完博士,可能会有和现在不同的体会。你认为硕士毕业起薪比本科高,是不准确的。假如有两个大学生,A毕业就工作,B去读研究生(不管是硕士还是博士),绝大多数情况下,B的薪水永远都赶不上A. 影响薪水的是工作年限以及职位,而这两个都和学位没有关系。本科学位对工程领域已足够。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题不同意楼上的意见。我认识一个电力专业的master,工作了4年,工资级别还赶不上刚进来的博士。他现在很郁闷,正打算去part time读个博士。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题不同意楼上的意见。我认识一个电力专业的master,工作了4年,工资级别还赶不上刚进来的博士。他现在很郁闷,正打算去part time读个博士。点击展开...俺认为这电力博士工资赶不上高中毕业的piper。大家谈谈吧。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题不是,我们是NUS的。您听说过这两间学校吗?不知道新加坡的大学文凭在加拿大找工作吃香吗?点击展开...如果你想在工程界混,就把文凭这事忘了吧,没人care,你说是宇宙第一牛校,经理也会信你的,因为她/他肯本不看你文凭,hr也不要。如果你在大学或研究机构混,文凭可能有用。如果回国海龟,你得哈佛,麻省,新加坡文凭不好使。

回复: 关于陪读签证在卡城工作的问题CPC Vegreville可以申请一个open work permit

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