加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal床铺干的事在法语里被叫做démagogie




小糯米 说:我还以为是被窝里做的事呢点击展开...哈哈,对上号了

好词,http://www.economist.com/news/brief...ents-its-primaries-self-funding-one-who-seemsThe art of the demagogueDONALD TRUMP is not going to be America’s next president. The vagaries of the electoral college notwithstanding, the next occupant of the Oval Office will be someone who wins a lion’s share of the 130m or so ballots cast in November next year. And though Mr Trump has spent weeks leading the field of Republicans with White House ambitions, no survey suggests that 60m Americans, or indeed anything like that number, are willing to vote for him.The remarkable thing is not that Mr Trump is not going to be president, but that such a thing should even need saying. This spring it would have seemed self-evident. Mr Trump was then just a rich, oft-married businessman, reality-television star and controversialist. His name conjured up associations such as “arrogant” and “blowhard”—still the words that most readily spring to the minds of voters who are asked about him, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.But since he announced in June, after months of speculation, that he was going to seek the Republican nomination, his fortunes have changed (see chart). He has not only gained a lot of support—between a quarter and a third of Republican voters back him in recent polls—but he has also gained it from across the party. It is not just Tea Party folk and whites without a college education who like him; so do a lot of evangelical Christians, who might be expected to look askance, and many self-described moderates. And even those who do not support him see him more favourably than they did. In Iowa, which has an early voice in the process by which a candidate is selected, the number of Republicans who would “never” back Mr Trump fell from 58% in May to 29% in August.

http://www.theatlantic.com/entertai...k-about-when-we-talk-about-demagogues/419514/What We Talk About When We Talk About ‘Demagogues’It's much more than an insult: It’s a loaded word with a lot to say about the uneasy compromise of the American experiment.He’s been compared to Hitler. And also Voldemort. And also Mussolini, and an African dictator, and Sanjaya, and Biff Tannen from Back to the Future, and, mainly for aesthetic purposes, an orangutan. And yet recently a new epithet has emerged to describe Donald J. Trump, one that aims in its way to combine all those other comparisons into a single, sweeping dismissal: “demagogue.” “Textbook Demagogue.” “American Demagogue.” “Thug demagogue.”As an insult, certainly—as an implicit invalidation of one’s political rhetoric—“demagogue” is a very good word. It’s slightly gentler than “fascist” and slightly more dignified than “buffoon”; it’s extremely opinionated, and yet carries itself with the gravitas of informed objectivity. Uttered aloud—that evocative agog— it forces one’s mouth to gape appropriately. And while Trump is certainly not the only contemporary politician to be dismissed under its auspices (“Demagoguery 101,” Charles Krauthammer wrote of President Obama and his policies), no figure has so clearly deserved the word since Huey Long and Joe McCarthy and Pat Buchanan riled the former century. So deep has the impact of Trump’s fist-pounding rhetoric been that, at this point, there’s a metonymic circularity to the whole thing. The Economist recently published an article titled “The Art of the Demagogue.” It did not need to clarify who it was about.


bingshankou 说:民主多钱一斤点击展开...大于枪的价格

https://forum.iask.ca/threads/中共的宣传全是为了掩饰为什么说贸易战中共国必败.873382/ 超赞 赏 反馈:卡城西北 3com乐国乐国爰得我直 0$(VIP 0) 19,7042016-03-19#8 说说川普这个煽动家Demagogue 这是最近一期Time杂志的封面,不得不说,川普Trump,国内多数翻译为特朗普的在最近的全球媒体上是高频出现那。川 普的家业甚大,不过,多数是祖辈遗产,房地产、酒店业、高尔夫等产业遍布全球,而且经常他的地产上,都标注有大大的标牌:Trump,比如下面这栋芝加哥 第三高建筑就是他的一家酒店,几个大字,在很少见到室外广告、标牌的芝加哥街头显得异常高调,甚至一度收到民众投诉,认为影响了市容。来看看封面中描述Trump的这几个单词:bully,土豪showwan,艺人、马戏团老板、爱抛头露面的人Party crasher,闯入晚会搞砸晚会的人demagogue,煽动家其他的不多说,说说如何记住煽动家Demagogue这个单词,来自于dem+ag,dem-是表示‘people,民众’的词根,常见的单词有:democratic,民主,crac-是统治的意思demography,人口学,人口统计学epidemic,传染的,epi-是‘周边的,周围的’那ag-,这个词根呢,其实就是ac-,记得辅音变换吧,g,k,c,时而在词根里有转变的,也就是说ag-,ac-是同一个词根,意思是‘to do, drive,做,驱动’的意思,常见的单词有:act,行动actor,演员active,主动地pedagogue,教育工作者,这里的ped-是小孩的意思所以呢,demagogue,就是驱动、煽动ag-群众dem-的人。今天的内容就到这里,祝女同学们节日快乐。Luke2016年3月9日

_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 3com乐国乐国爰得我直 0$(VIP 0) 19,7042016-03-19#9 多倫多的川普飯店民主選舉絕對不是為了所謂國家利益或民族利益的政治活動民主選舉就是代理人選擇的過程,哪個個代理人能代表你的利益,或者那個狡猾愚昧的個代理人能騙得你的信任,你就投誰一票。選票面前人人平等,就這么回事。民主的真正價值不是選出最佳領導人,而是保證你有選擇權,就算被騙投錯了,下次你換人就是了。那個偉光正的特色,則是人家永遠正確,你的選擇權被剝奪了。

_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 反馈:luf_7_6 和 Caoca 妹 妹得喂姐夫 0$(VIP 0) 1,0902016-03-19#10 所以我才觉得小希才是一表人才。

bingshankou 说:民主多钱一斤点击展开... In the US, a dime a dozen (tonnes)...

有所拿,有所不拿 ... 超赞 赏 小和尚最爱妹的小和尚 0$(VIP 0) 34,0832016-03-19#12 没群众基础,大家安居乐业,煽个鸟啊?

Long Vacation 说:没群众基础,大家安居乐业,煽个鸟啊?点击展开...是这个理。就算他再能煽动,10年前让他出来选选看?





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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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