加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver加湿器or空气净化器?
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?觉得家里干燥想用加湿器,因为有小孩,所以warm的不太适合。风扇类的家里有一个,开起来后跟直升机一样吵。超声波的在国内用过,加湿器周围地上全是水,估计这边的超声波的也差不多吧。今天看见还有一种空气净化器,貌似也带加湿功能,不知道如何?哪位家里有用得好的来推荐一下。谢谢先。点击展开...这个现象不会是你的加湿器出什么故障了吧。我用过很多,没有发生过这样的情况。
钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore这个现象不会是你的加湿器出什么故障了吧。我用过很多,没有发生过这样的情况。点击展开...不知道啊,国内用的什么亚都超声波加湿器,开了以后像雨雾一样的喷出来,不要多久加湿器周围的地上就一层水,郁闷死了。
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?正在琢磨这个问题,超声波加湿器的确会是周围地板变湿,主要是水蒸气凝结的缘故。目前就是每晚小孩洗完澡后就顺手把孩子的衣服洗起来凉在卧室。
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?正在琢磨这个问题,超声波加湿器的确会是周围地板变湿,主要是水蒸气凝结的缘故。目前就是每晚小孩洗完澡后就顺手把孩子的衣服洗起来凉在卧室。点击展开...就是啊,总不能拿个盆装着吧。那种空气净化器不知道好不好用
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?用过了,冷的热的加湿器,最终都送人了。买几盆人参树最好,天然加湿不用电。
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 Davidsy 0$(VIP 0) 32,4512012-11-30#7 回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?Triad AFD The Triad AFD is a HEPA, High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter. Adding the Triad AFD to the top of a Triad air mover will clean the air of allergens, bacteria, dander, dust, dust mite debris, mold spores, pollen, and other particles. The Triad AFD can also be used with an optional carbon filter*, (sold separately), to remove smoke and odors on the restoration jobsite. Convenience and Performance in the same package! Easily Portable and Offers the Best Space Maximization also Delivers the Highest CFM/Air Exchange Performance in it's Class. No Additional Power Requirements The Triad AFD does not increase the 1.48 amp draw that the TRIAD air mover utilizes. Multifunctional Capabilities The Triad AFD not only cleans the air. You can duct the filtered air easily to another location or utilize the air flow to provide incremental drying across the linear surface of floors, upwards along walls, or wherever you want to direct it. Standard Filter Sizes The Triad AFD utilizes the most commonly used pre-filter and HEPA filter sizes, making it easy to source replacements. The TRIAD airmover has a reinforced, insulated seal to ensure a high filtration and clean air delivery rate. * Carbon Filter sold separately. Item Number: 1.007-902.0Housing: Impact Resistant Roto-Molded HousingCFM: 450 CFM with Filters InstalledFilter: Captures 99.97% of airborne particles down to 0.3 MicronsFilter Sizes: (2) Prefilters 16"x16"x1" HEPA filter 16"x2
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?觉得家里干燥想用加湿器,因为有小孩,所以warm的不太适合。风扇类的家里有一个,开起来后跟直升机一样吵。超声波的在国内用过,加湿器周围地上全是水,估计这边的超声波的也差不多吧。今天看见还有一种空气净化器,貌似也带加湿功能,不知道如何?哪位家里有用得好的来推荐一下。谢谢先。点击展开...貌似你在国内用的超声波的是直接将凉水雾化,这里的好像是加热蒸发的,水汽直接在空气中了,地上没有水的
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?貌似你在国内用的超声波的是直接将凉水雾化,这里的好像是加热蒸发的,水汽直接在空气中了,地上没有水的点击展开...这里好像分两种,一直warm的,可能像你说的那样,但是家里有小孩的可能烫到。一种cool mist的,怀疑就跟国内的差不多。
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?Triad AFD The Triad AFD is a HEPA, High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter. Adding the Triad AFD to the top of a Triad air mover will clean the air of allergens, bacteria, dander, dust, dust mite debris, mold spores, pollen, and other particles. The Triad AFD can also be used with an optional carbon filter*, (sold separately), to remove smoke and odors on the restoration jobsite. Convenience and Performance in the same package! Easily Portable and Offers the Best Space Maximization also Delivers the Highest CFM/Air Exchange Performance in it's Class. No Additional Power Requirements The Triad AFD does not increase the 1.48 amp draw that the TRIAD air mover utilizes. Multifunctional Capabilities The Triad AFD not only cleans the air. You can duct the filtered air easily to another location or utilize the air flow to provide incremental drying across the linear surface of floors, upwards along walls, or wherever you want to direct it. Standard Filter Sizes The Triad AFD utilizes the most commonly used pre-filter and HEPA filter sizes, making it easy to source replacements. The TRIAD airmover has a reinforced, insulated seal to ensure a high filtration and clean air delivery rate. * Carbon Filter sold separately. Item Number: 1.007-902.0Housing: Impact Resistant Roto-Molded HousingCFM: 450 CFM with Filters InstalledFilter: Captures 99.97% of airborne particles down to 0.3 MicronsFilter Sizes: (2) Prefilters 16"x16"x1" HEPA filter 16"x2点击展开...貌似很专业的样子,我搜搜看。
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?貌似很专业的样子,我搜搜看。点击展开...1300多刀,是个HEPA 滤芯,品牌是prochem
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?1300多刀,是个HEPA 滤芯,品牌是prochem点击展开... 1300多刀!
回复: 加湿器or空气净化器?1300多刀!点击展开...我家用的是20块的,出水蒸气的,一个水壶一样的,用在卧室很好。
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