加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 VancouverBuying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?


All the amount based on bills is 490, but the customs officer asked me pay about c$60. I told him I heard we can buy total 500 without tax,and I also asked him what is the limitation for tax free? The officer told me there is no limitation,but you need to pay gst+hst for whatever you bought.:wdb

回复: buying in usa,should i pay gst&hst when i cross the board?当天往返没有免税额。24小时以上才有,48小时以上是800

07.1.4 FN, 09.3.17 体检, 2010.1.15大信封毕业,2010.3.10登录温哥华当天往返没有免税额。24小时以上才有,48小时以上是800点击展开... yes, it should have limitation, but the officer told me no limitation. my question is if it is reasonable that I buy something in USA but need to pay GST+HST in Canada?

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?前2天去,在美国睡了一夜。三个人,买了680刀的东西,交了30刀的税。幸好没有多买,在202看到至少2个人把自己的旧皮带旧鞋子扔去垃圾桶,将新买的换上。

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?以后就破破烂烂开过去,崭崭新新开回来

回复: buying in usa,should i pay gst&hst when i cross the board?yes, it should have limitation, but the officer told me no limitation. my question is if it is reasonable that I buy something in USA but need to pay GST+HST in Canada?点击展开...你说limitation, 他根本不明白你说什么?

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard前2天去,在美国睡了一夜。三个人,买了680刀的东西,交了30刀的税。幸好没有多买,在202看到至少2个人把自己的旧皮带旧鞋子扔去垃圾桶,将新买的换上。点击展开...24H 以上才有200/人。睡了一夜还不够吧?

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howardyes, it should have limitation, but the officer told me no limitation. my question is if it is reasonable that I buy something in USA but need to pay GST+HST in Canada?点击展开...当然要付HST 或 GST+PST,不是GST+HST。如果购买的商品不符NAFTA,也许还要再交Duty Tax。BTW,貌似LZ还没搞清楚HST、GST及PST的差别。

联邦FedEx快递最新优惠价奶粉/保健品 无首磅费 $6/磅5~10天即可送达 点击详情电话: 604-312-3030 Email: [email protected]​ 超赞 赏 L livetothefullest 0$(VIP 0) 3012013-01-02#9 回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?You're paying for the total amount spent, that's including taxes paid in the States.

回复: buying in usa,should i pay gst&hst when i cross the board?yes, it should have limitation, but the officer told me no limitation. my question is if it is reasonable that I buy something in USA but need to pay GST+HST in Canada?点击展开...你可以从美国进口100亿美元的货物,只要你按法律付税。死亡和付税,天经地义。Why not reasonable?

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?当天往返没有免税额,我知道就有只买几十块钱东西而被要求税的,也有近600却被放行的;你能做的只是如实申报,按照海关的要求去做而已。

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?实用贴,明白了

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?yes, it should have limitation, but the officer told me no limitation. my question is if it is reasonable that I buy something in USA but need to pay GST+HST in Canada?点击展开... 因为你是当天往返,所以没有免税额 免税额的英文是tax exemption amount,不是limitation。那个海关officer说得没错,只要你肯交关税和HST,你带多少东西进来都可以,there is no limitation.

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?同意楼上所说的,海关没有理解你所问的Limitation.

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?我顺道问一句,如果去美国换4个轮胎,当天往返要交多少税呢?谢谢!

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?我顺道问一句,如果去美国换4个轮胎,当天往返要交多少税呢?谢谢!点击展开...别提轮胎的事阿。说随便买了点衣服糖果就行了。

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?All the amount based on bills is 490, but the customs officer asked me pay about c$60. I told him I heard we can buy total 500 without tax,and I also asked him what is the limitation for tax free? The officer told me there is no limitation,but you need to pay gst+hst for whatever you bought.:wdb点击展开...你表达不清楚吧!结果海关的意思是告诉你,你买多少钱的商品都没有限制,只要你交税。

回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?楼主没搞清楚免税的“税”指的是关税(duty)。HST没有免税额一说。交不交要看(1)你买的是什么商品;(2)Officer的心情。如果是买水果啊大米之类的食品,不需要交HST。


回复: Buying in USA,should I pay GST&HST when I cross the board?here is the CRA introduction, learn by you self: What can I bring back with me? When you return to Canada, duties and taxes are applicable on all purchases unless you qualify for a personal exemption. Personal exemptions allow you to bring goods of a certain value into the country without paying the regular duties. If you have been outside Canada for:24 hours or more, you can bring in CAN$200 worth of goods free of duty and tax;If the goods you bring in are worth more than CAN$200 in total, you cannot claim this exemption. Instead you have to pay full applicable duties and taxes on all goods you bring in.48 hours or more, you can bring in CAN$800 worth of goods free of duty and tax;7 days or more, you can bring in CAN$800 worth of goods free of duty and tax. Goods may be in your possession at time of entry to Canada but are also permitted to follow entry to Canada (via courier, mail or delivery agency).Alcohol and Tobacco - Restrictions apply to the amount of alcohol and tobacco you can bring into Canada under your exemption. If you have been outside Canada for at least 48 hours and are of legal age, you can bring in these amounts of alcohol and tobacco products free of duty and tax as part of your personal exemption:Alcoholic beverages: 1.14 L (40 oz.) of liquor; or1.5 L of wine; or24 X 355 ml (12 oz.) containers of beer.Tobacco products (all of the following):200 cigarettes;50 cigars or cigarillos;200 tobacco sticks; and200 g (7 oz.) of manufactured tobacco.If you bring in more than the free allowance of alcohol or tobacco, you will be required to pay the applicable duties and taxes.As of October 1, 2001, if you include cigarettes, tobacco sticks, or loose tobacco in your personal exemption allowance, only a partial exemption will apply. You will have to pay a minimum duty on these products unless they are marked "CANADA - DUTY PAID - DROIT ACQUITTÉ." You will find Canadian-made products sold at a duty-free shop marked this way. You can speed up your clearance by having your tobacco products available for inspection when you arrive.

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