加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?每天3小时,还是你家有菜材料都买好了?= =每小时至少十块,算吧
专业ESL家教穷游记:旧金山$800西雅图$300 超赞 赏 水 水晶猫 0$(VIP 0) 4,6712012-12-01#3 回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?这有什么好问的,温最低10.25每小时,只烧菜一次前后要最少2小时,菜要自己买好。此外,谁肯只做2小时每天?那么你每小时工资给涨,因为大温规定,最少每次4小时。如果你不给人15元每小时,谁会跑到你家,为伱服务。如果愿意的话,人家也做不长的。你还是自己烧或者叫外卖吧
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?这有什么好问的,温最低10.25每小时,只烧菜一次前后要最少2小时,菜要自己买好。此外,谁肯只做2小时每天?那么你每小时工资给涨,因为大温规定,最少每次4小时。如果你不给人15元每小时,谁会跑到你家,为伱服务。如果愿意的话,人家也做不长的。你还是自己烧或者叫外卖吧点击展开...
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?有兴趣的可以悄悄话,谢谢
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?现在的价格不清楚,我家5年前请过人做晚饭,当时的价格是一天$30。 你每天把材料准备好,人家来给你做,不过我不住在BC省。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?我曾找过一个阿姨,只做晚餐,3菜一汤,每天25刀。因为是租住隔壁的隔壁的邻居,所以要的价格也不太高。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?最低时薪谁做?时间从阿姨出门开始计算,路上遇到堵车什么的照算,如果从洗菜,切菜,到炒菜完毕,手脚麻利的1小时,手脚不麻利的2小时,还有做几菜,是否煲汤等等,炒青菜和红烧肉的时间不好计算呀。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?我曾找过一个阿姨,只做晚餐,3菜一汤,每天25刀。因为是租住隔壁的隔壁的邻居,所以要的价格也不太高。点击展开... 一天三餐加上点心水果啥的, 早餐容易点, 算是三顿价钱, 75刀吧, 再加上做别的家务, 接送孩子, 算是一天100刀, 一个家庭主妇至少值三千一个月. 如果是四口以上的, 还要多点! 再者, 如果晚饭能接两家, 60刀一天, 二十天一个月千二刀, 也该够一个人的生活费了, 所以要养活自己也容易.
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?一天三餐加上点心水果啥的, 早餐容易点, 算是三顿价钱, 75刀吧, 再加上做别的家务, 接送孩子, 算是一天100刀, 一个家庭主妇至少值三千一个月. 如果是四口以上的, 还要多点! 再者, 如果晚饭能接两家, 60刀一天, 二十天一个月千二刀, 也该够一个人的生活费了, 所以要养活自己也容易.点击展开...一个月交通费多少,开车要汽油还要买保险,要是每天一家干4小时,干两家,才算是个工作,否则,就做个饭,谁愿意。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?谢谢各位的信息啊~
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?在加拿大请这样的人工,还不如去餐馆或叫外卖。没有$50(2小时工作x$15+2小时路上x$10)估计没有人愿意干。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?一个月交通费多少,开车要汽油还要买保险,要是每天一家干4小时,干两家,才算是个工作,否则,就做个饭,谁愿意。点击展开... 谁接这么远的, 列市就这么点大, 接两三个BLOCK以内的.
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?谁接这么远的, 列市就这么点大, 接两三个BLOCK以内的.点击展开...哈哈,莫非你有这意思?那你觉得给多少你会做。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?Minimum Daily Pay An employee who reports for work must be paid for at least two hours, even if the employee works less than two hours. If an employee who is scheduled for more than eight hours reports for work, he or she must be paid for at least four hours. If work stops for a reason completely beyond the employer’s control, the employee must still be paid for two hours or the actual time worked, whichever is the greater. An employee who reports to work but is unfit for work only has to be paid for time actually worked. An employee who is not in compliance with WorkSafe BC occupational health and safety regulations only has to be paid for the time actually worked. http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/esaguide/#top
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?Minimum Daily Pay An employee who reports for work must be paid for at least two hours, even if the employee works less than two hours. If an employee who is scheduled for more than eight hours reports for work, he or she must be paid for at least four hours. If work stops for a reason completely beyond the employer’s control, the employee must still be paid for two hours or the actual time worked, whichever is the greater. An employee who reports to work but is unfit for work only has to be paid for time actually worked. An employee who is not in compliance with WorkSafe BC occupational health and safety regulations only has to be paid for the time actually worked. http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/esaguide/#top点击展开...谢谢有用的信息!
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?哈哈,莫非你有这意思?那你觉得给多少你会做。点击展开... 俺没有这个意思, 但是算一下大吃一惊, 家庭主妇对家庭的贡献这么大.
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?Minimum Daily Pay An employee who reports for work must be paid for at least two hours, even if the employee works less than two hours. If an employee who is scheduled for more than eight hours reports for work, he or she must be paid for at least four hours. If work stops for a reason completely beyond the employer’s control, the employee must still be paid for two hours or the actual time worked, whichever is the greater. An employee who reports to work but is unfit for work only has to be paid for time actually worked. An employee who is not in compliance with WorkSafe BC occupational health and safety regulations only has to be paid for the time actually worked.点击展开...这个说的不清楚,肯定是有其他条文。什么工作8小时工作,必须支付4小时。什么和什么呀!!!我记得公司财务曾经说过,BC law最低工时必须4小时。
回复: 请一个阿姨只做晚餐,不住家,一个月得多少钱?这个说的不清楚,肯定是有其他条文。什么工作8小时工作,必须支付4小时。什么和什么呀!!!我记得公司财务曾经说过,BC law最低工时必须4小时。点击展开... This comes from BC government website: http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/esaguide/ Your colleague should talk to you about the second one "If an employee who is scheduled for more than eight hours reports for work, he or she must be paid for at least four hours".
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