加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver手握阳具?


新闻:《18岁持刀新移民手握阳具占街车 警9枪击毙(图)》的相关评论应该是刀具吧,三寸小刀,又是输入法搞的鬼?

回复: 手握阳具?什么输入法

原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]什么输入法点击展开...阳具输入法.

回复: 手握阳具?"用一把刀恐吓那些女孩子,而同时用手握着他的阳具"

乱码"用一把刀恐吓那些女孩子,而同时用手握着他的阳具"点击展开... 空车,人都走了,根本没危害了警察在这个时候打九枪。

回复: 手握阳具?警察应该用电击枪

回复: 手握阳具?空车,人都走了,根本没危害了警察在这个时候打九枪。点击展开...因为他手握阳具嘛,所以警察叔叔们对他打了手枪

回复: 手握阳具?阳具输入法.点击展开...学习了

原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]因为他手握阳具嘛,所以警察叔叔们对他打了手枪点击展开... 他要是握著機機,那警察鼠鼠就打灰機?

回复: 手握阳具?下次碰到警察蜀黍别忘了说:"看好了,这是机机不是阳具,只准打灰机,不准开手枪额。"哈哈哈哈

回复: 手握阳具?"用一把刀恐吓那些女孩子,而同时用手握着他的阳具"点击展开...

回复: 手握阳具?新闻:《18岁持刀新移民手握阳具占街车 警9枪击毙(图)》的相关评论应该是刀具吧,三寸小刀,又是输入法搞的鬼?点击展开...英文版:18-year-old identified as man shot by police on TTC street car Jeremy Ing was a passenger on the street car. He remembers his early morning ride interrupted by girls screaming. “So I looked at the back of the streetcar and saw that the gentlemen had stepped out of his seat and threatened them with a knife, and was holding the penis is his hand as well.” The bus driver stopped the streetcar and evacuated the other passengers; only Yatim was left on the bus.

买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 药物补助计划吾家小园 / 健身 / 减脂 / 读懂验血报告新闻:《18岁持刀新移民手握阳具占街车 警9枪击毙(图)》的相关评论应该是刀具吧,三寸小刀,又是输入法搞的鬼?点击展开...警察发现他拿着把肉枪,果断开枪击毙

回复: 手握阳具?卧赛 真厉害

回复: 手握阳具?新闻:《18岁持刀新移民手握阳具占街车 警9枪击毙(图)》的相关评论应该是刀具吧,三寸小刀,又是输入法搞的鬼?点击展开... 和尚,不懂英文在加拿大生活没问题,尤其列知文等地,但如果想参与当地社会建设,讨论各种热点问题,不懂点英文或法文是不行的.

回复: 手握阳具?和尚,不懂英文在加拿大生活没问题,尤其列知文等地,但如果想参与当地社会建设,讨论各种热点问题,不懂点英文或法文是不行的.点击展开... 视频里他也没有掏枪动作? http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/0...g-of-sammy-yatim-as-top-cop-promises-answers/ VIDEOS OF INCIDENT DRAW ANGER FROM PUBLICLocal resident Martin Baron first posted the video of the incident on YouTube, tweeting: “To witness a shooting is horrible, but in front of your house?”He told the National Post that he didn’t see Yatim make any threatening movements toward police.“This is what was weird. He looked like he was frozen, in shock. He was standing with the knife up at shoulder height beside his head. The whole time I saw him, I didn’t see him move. He really looked like he was just frozen,” Baron said.However, he said he couldn’t see Yatim when he was shot or shortly beforehand.“Nine shots, I just sort of visualized – what kind of damage have they done? And then about 30 seconds after that, we heard the Taser. That just seemed over the top. Like what are they doing?” he asked.Joseph Spedaliere, 55, a teacher who lives on Bellwoods Avenue, said he was awakened early Saturday morning by shouts of “drop the knife!”He said he couldn’t hear Yatim at all.

回复: 手握阳具?中国的警察叔叔喜欢一枪毙命,对付这些持刀的精神病人,是中国警察炫耀自己的时候,一般是手到擒来,报告了可好写了。就等着加工资。有时候抓了又放,放了又抓。这些武疯子在中国已经造成很多的无辜死亡。其实武疯子他们潜意识知道自己犯法国家拿他无法,所以有持无恐。中国对于严重伤人的武疯子又不加以看管,还不如大家拿。

回复: 手握阳具?中国的警察叔叔喜欢一枪毙命,对付这些持刀的精神病人,是中国警察炫耀自己的时候,一般是手到擒来,报告了可好写了。就等着加工资。有时候抓了又放,放了又抓。这些武疯子在中国已经造成很多的无辜死亡。其实武疯子他们潜意识知道自己犯法国家拿他无法,所以有持无恐。中国对于严重伤人的武疯子又不加以看管,还不如大家拿。点击展开... 绑架人质中,而且危及人质安全的关头当然一枪毙命最好,地球人都知道。但加拿大最近的案例是:一个人独自在一辆公交车上,从视频看,嫌犯长时间凝固不动,竟然被警察九枪乱枪打死。 视频里他根本没有掏枪动作,这段录像比较清楚,请仔细停格看。 http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/07...mises-answers/ VIDEOS OF INCIDENT DRAW ANGER FROM PUBLICLocal resident Martin Baron first posted the video of the incident on YouTube, tweeting: “To witness a shooting is horrible, but in front of your house?”He told the National Post that he didn’t see Yatim make any threatening movements toward police.“This is what was weird. He looked like he was frozen, in shock. He was standing with the knife up at shoulder height beside his head. The whole time I saw him, I didn’t see him move. He really looked like he was just frozen,” Baron said.However, he said he couldn’t see Yatim when he was shot or shortly beforehand.“Nine shots, I just sort of visualized – what kind of damage have they done? And then about 30 seconds after that, we heard the Taser. That just seemed over the top. Like what are they doing?” he asked.Joseph Spedaliere, 55, a teacher who lives on Bellwoods Avenue, said he was awakened early Saturday morning by shouts of “drop the knife!”He said he couldn’t hear Yatim at all.

回复: 手握阳具?可知道引爆一個炸彈要幾多秒?誰說他握著的是陽具,而不是遙控引爆裝置?疑犯是不是等待警察接近時,引爆炸彈,同歸於盡?如果疑犯成功,十多名警察便會同日歸天。最後發射的電擊槍,是不是要測試疑犯是否詐死?

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.可知道引爆一個炸彈要幾多秒?誰說他握著的是陽具,而不是遙控引爆裝置?疑犯是不是等待警察接近時,引爆炸彈,同歸於盡?如果疑犯成功,十多名警察便會同日歸天。最後發射的電擊槍,是不是要測試疑犯是否詐死?点击展开...严重同意

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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