加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请问有11,12年级的参加BCIT Biotechnology Career Awareness Program ?


Welcome to the thirteenth year of the Biotechnology Career Awareness Program. The program is directed at Grade 10, 11 and 12 students with an interest in science and is built on a partnership between BCIT, Life Sciences BC, local biotechnology companies and participating school districts. The program consists of a series of integrated elements (please see Summary of Events): • A student application and selection process • Final student selection • Laboratory workshops at BCIT • Industry visits There will be 48 openings for the workshops and industry visits. The program will assign an initial student quota to each district and every effort will be made to accommodate interested students if district quotas are not filled. Districts will be responsible for student selection ensuring that students meet the selection criteria (please see Selection Criteria and the attached application form). It is very important that students rank their workshop preferences rather than indicating only their first choice. If students are only able to make one of the workshops, we will do our best to accommodate them. The program will provide bus transportation (when applicable) between the laboratory and the industry site. The Biotechnology Career Awareness Program working group endeavors to improve the program each year. We welcome your feedback on any part of the program at any time. Thank you for helping make the program the success it has become. 好不好

回复: 请问有11,12年级的参加BCIT Biotechnology Career Awareness Program ?好像是在学校正常上课时间和考试时间里。另外还要收费的?BCIT的档次对坛子里的中学生来说太低了点吧。

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。 超赞 赏 Q qlm01 0$(VIP 0) 8842013-09-24#3 回复: 请问有11,12年级的参加BCIT Biotechnology Career Awareness Program ?要收费的,不知道有人参加吗

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