加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver8 jobs that pay $50 an hour


配药的日子真好过 from: http://msn.careerbuilder.com/Article/MSN-3474-Job-Info-and-Trends-8-jobs-that-pay-50-an-hour/?SiteId=cbmsn43474&sc_extcmp=JS_3474_advice While salary isn't always the main reason why someone looks for a job, it's usually at least a factor. People like to know that the money they'll be making will cover their financial obligations and allow them to live comfortably.Everyone has a different idea of what their ideal salary would be, but many people would likely be very happy making $100,000-plus. If you have a job that pays $50 an hour and you work the standard 40-hour workweek for 52 weeks, you can make around $104,000. If that sounds appealing, consider the following eight jobs that can provide that paycheck.1. Advertising, promotions and marketing manager*Job description: Advertising, promotions and marketing managers plan programs to generate interest in a product or service. They work with art directors, sales agents and financial staff members.Typical education level: Bachelor's degreeMedian hourly pay: $52.052. Physicist and astronomerJob description: Physicists and astronomers study the fundamental nature of the universe. They develop new technologies, methods and theories based on the results of their research that deepen our understanding of how things work and contribute to innovative, real-world applications.Typical education level: Doctoral or professional degreeMedian hourly pay: $50.693. Top executiveJob description: Top executives devise strategies and policies to ensure that an organization meets its goals. They plan, direct and coordinate operational activities of companies and public or private-sector organizations.Typical education level: Bachelor's or master's degreeMedian hourly pay: $48.684. Computer and information research scientistJob description: Computer and information research scientists invent and design new technology and find new uses for existing technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for business, science, medicine and other uses.Typical education level: Doctoral or professional degreeMedian hourly pay: $48.395. Financial managerJob description: Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization. They produce financial reports, direct investment activities and develop strategies and plans for their organization's long-term financial goals.Typical education level: Bachelor's degreeMedian hourly pay: $49.966. Nuclear engineerJob description: Nuclear engineers research and develop the processes, instruments and systems used to get benefits from nuclear energy and radiation. Many of these engineers find industrial and medical uses for radioactive materials -- for example, in equipment used in medical diagnosis and treatment.Typical education level: Bachelor's degreeMedian hourly pay: $48.047. Political scientistJob description: Political scientists study the origin, development and operation of political systems. They research political ideas and analyze the structure and operation of governments, policies, political trends and related issues.Typical education level: Master's degreeMedian hourly pay: $51.658. PharmacistJob description: Pharmacists dispense prescription medications to patients and offer advice on their safe use.Typical education level: Doctoral or professional degreeMedian hourly pay: $53.64​

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