加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver咨询换领枫叶卡的事



回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事要求是说要有翻译资质的人为你翻译护照上不是英文的内容。我才换过,里面的几个有中文字的章子都被翻译过了,花了40刀


回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事要求是说要有翻译资质的人为你翻译护照上不是英文的内容。我才换过,里面的几个有中文字的章子都被翻译过了,花了40刀点击展开...请问你是在哪里翻译的,能告诉我联系方式吗?谢谢

回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事官网上都有,对翻译的资质没要求,只要不是亲属就行,最后写份申明,签字就完事.但true copy认证,是有资质要求的,很多职业都OK,公务员,教师,教授,牧师,公证师,工程师,医生都行.Translation of documentsAny document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:the English or French translation;a certified copy of the document; anda translator's declaration.Note: The declaration must include the translator's name, the original language of the translated document and a statement signed by the translator that the translation is accurate. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.Important information. Translations by family members are not acceptable.Certified true copiesYou must send certified copies of any legal name change document and of any document that is not in English or French.To have a copy certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:“I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”the name of the original documentthe date of the certificationhis or her namehis or her official position or title andhis or her signatureImportant information. The person who certifies your photocopies cannot be a family member. Copies must be certified in Canada.Who can certify copies?Persons authorized to certify copies include the following:ChiropractorCommissioner of oathsDentistFuneral directorJustice of the peace or judgeLawyerManager of a financial institutionMedical doctorMember of a provincial legislatureMember of parliamentMinister of religionMunicipal clerkNotaryOfficial of an embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorize to certify document issued by the official’s governmentPharmacistPolice officerPostmasterPrimary, secondary or university teacherProfessional accountantProfessional engineerSocial workerVeterinarian

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 超赞 赏 九 九溪 0$(VIP 0) 3,1452013-09-22#6 回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事楼上正解。

回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事查找以前的帖子,有详细的介绍。花钱省事。自己有能力,按照官网的指示,不花钱一样可以翻译。本人6月帮家人自己翻译递交的换卡申请,9月17日已经批准。原打算找家园的一家翻译公司做,一共20个左右的章,但共有3本护照。最新的一本护照是今年5月换领的,只有一个出境章。询问翻译社的女主人,有人一本护照,20个左右的章收40元。跟她商量我也是20个章,只不过是3本护照(复印费本人自付),价格能否优惠。按理说别人一个活40元,我这活也是20个章,只不过是3本护照(复印费自付),按3X40元=120元有点冤枉。可这女主人比较牛,说她们活多得很,大把的中介旅行社活,所以价格没多少商量。既然人家看不上这活,咱自力更生。网上参考家园网友的贴子,自己复印翻译,找我们中文教会的牧师签字。一切OK,已获批。

回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事留爪备用。

回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事用不着翻译。护照上那几个章里就没有几个字。主要是日期。还是阿拉伯数字,谁都看得明白。我朋友就没有翻译,刚拿到枫叶卡。

回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事估计都是中介忽悠的。看到那个牛翻译,让她自个忙去吧。

回复: 咨询换领枫叶卡的事多谢各位!

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