标签:Strong - 华人论坛


Be strong, honey. I love you, too

在加拿大 A man escapes from a prison where he has been kept for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair. While tying the girl to the bed he get...华人论坛



在加拿大 Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany. 评论 爱情不是大张旗鼓的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴 评论 或者是爱情不是山盟海誓,而是简单相伴 评论 你太厉害了,英语真好。向你学习。...华人论坛



在加拿大 Promise myself to be be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. 我想改变一下,针对客户,怎么改变?多谢 评论 楼主是想针对客户表达以下意思: 我保证我会变得更强,无论何事都不能打乱...华人论坛



在加拿大 we need very strong boxes that the insidesize measurement is 12 X 9 X 2.5 inches with clear cover and the thickness of the box must be 2.6 to 2.7 mm and then for shipping each of the sheer cases will go inside the box and shipped to save shi...华人论坛



在加拿大 1. It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices.But you are a strong person 只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。而你正是这样一位强者。 2.Nothing is impossible to a willing...华人论坛


求助包装strong foiled plastic

在加拿大 strong foiled plastic是什么样的包装? 有人知道吗? 我们做石材,客户说他们的产品要放到院子里,包装要经得住风雨,不能用木箱,就说了如上的包装。 在包装中,foil 有什么常用的意思...华人论坛



在加拿大 strong引言:/strong一个朋友是瑞士的采购商,他问我:为什么供应商在合作以后,第二次报的价格居然比第一次高了,实际上原材料等价 格也没有上去。我去问这个供应商原因。供应商说...华人论坛


大温地区房地产2月报告 ZT

在加拿大 Strong demand continues to drive housing market Vancouver, B.C. March 2, 2006 - Healthy sales and increased listing activity this February was stronger than previous years except for last year, which posted the highest sales on record. The R...华人论坛

温哥华 Vancouver

大家带孩子去strong start吗

在加拿大 如题。感觉如何? 评论 回复: 大家带孩子去strong start吗没去过,刚在网上查了一下,感兴趣! 评论 超赞 没去过,刚在网上查了一下,感兴趣!点击展开...我去过三次。 评论 回复: 大家...华人论坛



在加拿大 Strong hiring in the services sector boosted the number of jobs created in Canada last month to a higher-than-expected 14,200 while the unemployment rate fell to 6.1 percent from 6.2 percent in January, Statistics Canada said on Friday. 加拿...华人论坛


A Weak or Strong Immune System

在加拿大 [FONT=quot;arial,]A Weak or Strong Immune System[/FONT] (What can weaken your immune system) Our genes play a part in determining how strong or weak our immune system is. Under the right or wrong set of circumstances, we can and will get si...华人论坛


IT数码及移动互联 - 第一次写微博

在加拿大 /STRONG第一次写微博:我知道在中国有近亿的网民,年小的我?有查过,但年大的就应属我伯父了。他已98岁,每天都要上网聊天,中、英文均来,最近迷上腾讯的QQ,他qq帐号是:39380881...华人论坛



在加拿大 Strong Sales/Price Growth Continue in 2012TORONTO, February 3, 2012 ― Greater Toronto REALTORS® reported 4,567 sales through the TorontoMLS® system in January 2012. This number was 8.8 per cent higher than the 4,199 sales reported in Jan...华人论坛