加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?
儿子六年级的数学书上有一道题如下:List all factors that are common to all of the following numbers. 30, 42, 48哪位大仙给个答案, 因为我的答案和书上给的答案不一致。。 晕啊。。。
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?1,2,3,6
There are two things you can do with your head down - play golf and pray. 超赞 赏 反馈:MAISIE sabre 174$(VIP 0,#15) 85,0652013-12-12#3 回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?1,2,3,6
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?54、60、66、72、78、84、90、96。。。。
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?给楼上同学们都加分了, 我的答案也是1,2,3,6, 可是书上却是1,6, 我就奇怪, 书上的答案难道能错?!然后让儿子去问老师, 老师也说是1,6! 简直是搞不懂, 不然我今天找老师学习一下?
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?给楼上同学们都加分了, 我的答案也是1,2,3,6, 可是书上却是1,6, 我就奇怪, 书上的答案难道能错?!然后让儿子去问老师, 老师也说是1,6! 简直是搞不懂, 不然我今天找老师学习一下?点击展开...维基也是这个答案:The number 54 can be expressed as a product of two other integers in several different ways: Thus the divisors of 54 are: Similarly the divisors of 24 are: The numbers that these two lists share in common are the common divisors of 54 and 24:
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?给楼上同学们都加分了, 我的答案也是1,2,3,6, 可是书上却是1,6, 我就奇怪, 书上的答案难道能错?! 然后让儿子去问老师, 老师也说是1,6! 简直是搞不懂, 不然我今天找老师学习一下?点击展开...跟你说句大实话,这里的数学老师有时水平还不如国内的学生呢!老外的数学,哈哈,有次我上manager's accounting,一个白人女孩子就是看不懂老师黑板上怎么1000+2500+500就成4000了!
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?好像和国内以前学过的概念不大一样。5x6=307x6=428x6=48 so: 1 and 6 ?
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?到现在还没整清爽呢, 明天再问问老师吧
回复: 30 42 48 的COMMON FACTORS是什么?還有:-1, -2, -3, -6, 和 0
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.维基也是这个答案:The number 54 can be expressed as a product of two other integers in several different ways: Thus the divisors of 54 are: Similarly the divisors of 24 are: The numbers that these two lists share in common are the common divisors of 54 and 24:点击展开...正解
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