加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?


20天以前,我接到一个电子邮件,说是一个南韩的女学生要到加拿大来留学,想租我的房子,因为,我在英文网站上发了一个租房广告。一个自称美国人给我手机一个短信,说他的女儿要来留学,想租房。并说明女儿在韩国。紧接着,他女儿就来了邮件:HelloThanks so much for the reply,because my dad did informed me that he contacted you concerning a place you have for rent..I am Amanda Phillips,female ,23 a British America and will like to rent the place you posted on the listing because i will be coming over in few weeks from Korea and more over my dad want me to get a place in a week time because he will be traveling in order to make the payments on my behalf. I will be schooling and will like to discuss few things concerning the apartment now in hopes that we could go ahead and agree on a few things before my move in. Now on to smoking, I do not smoke or like being around smoke,if however i have a roommate who smokes we can make an agreement that he or she is to not smoke inside the apartment..this is only being my suggestion.*I would have loved to see it but since am very far away i will like you to send me some pics ,size and rent charges* Also I will like to know if there is any garage or parking space cos my dad is already making arrangement for a car.*. I will also like to know if an advance payment can be issue out ahead my arrival which will stand as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over to rent the place and which will also serve as a collateral for you to hold the place for me, upon my arrival to move in.*. If the #4 questions am gonna ask is YES, I will like to know the total cost for me to pay for a month rent including utilities, before i move in, something like a deposit or something to guarantee me the place prior to me arrival.*. I will like to know the major intersection nearest to your neighborhood like shopping mall, bus line etc

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 轻舟已过万重山 0$(VIP 0) 3822014-02-25#2 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?网上一搜一大把。

回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?奇怪的是,她竟然附件发来了照片。租房发照片,引起了我的怀疑

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 M mmj053 0$(VIP 0) 9402014-02-25#4 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?紧接着又来一封邮件;说她爸爸是美国官员。等等......请注意,这是美国的电话号码。Hi Thanks for replying back soon,i want to inform you that i am satisfied with the details and have send your details to my dad who agreed to issue out the rent deposit payments to you in form of check or cash because he will be traveling on official duty out of the states by the week that is why he agreed to make out the rent deposit on before he travels,but meanwhile i will want you to send me your full names,address,zip-code,Phone nos so that he can send the rent deposit payments to you in order to secure the place ..You can get to in touch with my dad on James Scott 563 265-2610,563 265-0973 or [email protected]

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 M mmj053 0$(VIP 0) 9402014-02-25#5 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?我尝试着告诉她押金和租金的支付程序,HelloI kindly want to inform you that i have forward your details to my dad who will get in touch with you concerning the rent deposit which will be issue out to you soon and kindly send in your mobile so that my dad could get in touch with you soonest

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 M mmj053 0$(VIP 0) 9402014-02-25#6 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?这封信告诉我还有额外资金:Hello Did my dad informed you about extra funds which was included in the rent deposit which will be delivered to you on my behalf?Because i did asked my dad to include the extra funds with the rent deposit on my behalf..Secondly,I want to inform you that i have purchased some items and stuffs which i want them to be delivered to the house on before my arrival..I will provide more details as soon as you have the rent deposit in your possession ....You can get in touch with my dad for more details Amanda

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 M mmj053 0$(VIP 0) 9402014-02-25#7 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?她爸爸出场了;Hello [COLOR=#35A1D4 !important]I am James Phillips,i got your email from my daughter {Amanda Phillips} concerning the place you have for rent,She provided information concerning the place ,pictures and rent status,So I kindly want to inform you that i have instructed my finance broker to issue out the rent deposit payments which will include extra funds which will cover her expenses to move her things down and some money to spend as soon as she arrives over there..[/COLOR]I will call you soon immediately the payments is issue out by my finance broker...NB..I have also discussed this details with my daughter{Amanda Phillips}ThanksJames

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 M mmj053 0$(VIP 0) 9402014-02-25#8 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?他爸爸指示财务代理给我的信;我很好奇,还要做保付支票。Dear Top of the day to you and hope you are fine.I am John Snow,the official finance broker of Mr James Phillips.[COLOR=#35A1D4 !important]I have just been instructed to make a certified cheque payment you by my client due to your on going transaction.[/color]Kindly reconfirm your details below so as to avoid delays in the delivery of the payment so we can proceed asap with the payment.John Snow

无为大侠 融汇惯通奇怪的是,她竟然附件发来了照片。租房发照片,引起了我的怀疑浏览附件330332浏览附件330333点击展开...把你的頭像發給她說是你本人,看她會不會懷疑.

回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?哎,你就说,屋子可以给你留,押金直接交现金,别啰嗦了。

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点) 超赞 赏 wu7up 0$(VIP 0) 1,4712014-02-25#11 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?一般是这样的:给你支票作为订金和一个月的租金,同时多给你些,让你买什么东西。然后在你存了支票3天内,说不来了,你自己留下定金扣除你代买东西的费用,让你把多余的钱用直接汇给他。等他拿到你的钱,就取消他的支票。因为你的银行还来不及从他的支票里面拿到钱,你的银行会从你的账户里面把钱扣走。

回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?耐心等了一个星期,杳无音信,这时我发现了一个铁证:我的qq邮箱都有发件人的时区显示,她们给我的邮件只显示一个时区:阿姆斯特丹、柏林、罗马时间,于是,我不想玩了,我要戳穿她,我问:你在哪?I am in seoul Korea...她说;I am really sorry,but i want you to know that the payments have been issued out ..My finance broker should have contact you now concerning the rent deposit issued out to you ..紧接着她爸出场了:Hello ,My dad finance broker should have contacted you by now..财务代理也出场了;Hello The payments have been issued out and should get to you soon..I have inform my client {James Phillips}concerning the payments issued out...James我继续戳穿她:No!,My email shows that you are in Europe.You are all in the same address!Why do you want to do that?

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 Elephant 0$(VIP 0) 1,7592014-02-25#13 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?骗子多给的钱,都是要求你用西联汇款回去,所以,你要求对方,押金只收西联汇款,就完了.因为西联汇款退不回来,所以骗子都要求这汇款,你就没得退了.

期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负. 超赞 赏 M mmj053 0$(VIP 0) 9402014-02-25#14 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?这下消停了,以前很快就回复,这下再也不会有回信了。想想好笑,洋人的骗术实在笨拙。

无为大侠 融汇惯通骗子多给的钱,都是要求你用西联汇款回去,所以,你要求对方,押金只收西联汇款,就完了.因为西联汇款退不回来,所以骗子都要求这汇款,你就没得退了.点击展开...如果我不退钱,骗子不是佘老本了?哈哈。

无为大侠 融汇惯通如果我不退钱,骗子不是佘老本了?哈哈。点击展开...本来没收钱,哪里能退钱?

回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?GX,LZ财色双收。

回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?這些騙子不是洋人,否則英文不會這麼爛,一般都是從非洲發出的,像在尼日利亞,騙子是一大工業,從業者眾多,歷史悠久的。

回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?這些騙子不是洋人,否則英文不會這麼爛,一般都是從非洲發出的,像在尼日利亞,騙子是一大工業,從業者眾多,歷史悠久的。点击展开...但是,时区显示是欧洲。

无为大侠 融汇惯通 超赞 赏 syx0341 0$(VIP 0) 1,4622014-02-25#20 回复: 这个骗局如果继续玩下去,会是什么结果?老骗术,10年前就收到过,后一律放到垃圾邮件,不费口舌

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大

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