加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver最近联合国的气氛不对啊


网友吐槽:最近联合国的气氛不对啊。俄罗斯在那里嚷嚷“人权高于主权”,美国在那嚷嚷“主权不容侵犯”!中国在高呼“打击恐怖主义”,英国高呼“国家统一”……你妹!这是拿错演讲稿了吧!公鸡说:“二货们乃们的发言稿拿串了,另外我家总统要去泡妞没空听你们鬼扯!” 所以说法国才是联合国稳定的基石。

本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。 超赞 赏 反馈:lindazy, reed2007, 三月樱花开 和 14 其他人 小和尚最爱妹的小和尚 0$(VIP 0) 34,0832014-03-06#2 回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊政治就那么回事。

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊一说还真是那么回事儿

大多数同胞逻辑不是一般的差,与其讲道理完全提不起兴趣,只能无视 超赞 赏 反馈:confiture 保尔柯察金 0$(VIP 0) 22,4852014-03-06#5 回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊所谓政治就是名正言顺掌握着国家工具的忽悠。

额滴博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5609139692心路历程大荟萃《漫长的等待、幸福的憧憬、登陆的迷茫》http://forum.iask.ca/threads/漫长的等待、幸福的憧憬、登陆的迷茫.229841/ 超赞 赏 反馈:confiture 一 一笑解千愁 0$(VIP 0) 6132014-03-06#6 回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊顶熊猫秀思想幽默智慧顽皮贴。。。

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊顶熊猫秀思想幽默智慧顽皮贴。。。点击展开...不敢掠人之美,网上看到觉得好玩就转来大家乐乐

本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。 超赞 赏 八根儿 0$(VIP 0) 10,1302014-03-06#8 回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊哈哈,这贴有意思俺来瞎解一下,引发新的骂战俄罗斯出兵,是要保卫乌克兰p民的人权?赶脚逻辑不通换个目标,如果出兵朝鲜,大家觉得通不?米国反对普金动武,自己却阿富汗、伊拉克到处派兵,区别在哪?是不是邪教、独裁可打,民族自决的不能打?天朝反恐是正当的,忌扩大化。只是看疆藏其所为,难!英国在放弃武力的前提下喊统一,8错,看北爱自决的结果了。。。

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊哈哈,这贴有意思俺来瞎解一下,引发新的骂战俄罗斯出兵,是要保卫乌克兰p民的人权?赶脚逻辑不通换个目标,如果出兵朝鲜,大家觉得通不?米国反对普金动武,自己却阿富汗、伊拉克到处派兵,区别在哪?是不是邪教、独裁可打,民族自决的不能打?天朝反恐是正当的,忌扩大化。只是看疆藏其所为,难!英国在放弃武力的前提下喊统一,8错,看北爱自决的结果了。。。点击展开...俄罗斯出兵的理由是保护乌克兰俄语人口的人权,英国这次不是北爱,是苏格兰。哈哈,各家一本经

本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。 超赞 赏 巴 巴黎右岸Guest 0$(VIP ) 2014-03-06#10 回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊小国和小国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,矛盾没了。小国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,小国没了。大国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,联合国没了……

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊小国和小国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,矛盾没了。小国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,小国没了。大国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,联合国没了……点击展开...

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊小国和小国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,矛盾没了。小国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,小国没了。大国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,联合国没了……点击展开...高,实在是高。

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊CBC的资深记者NEIL MACDONALD最近写了一篇有关乌克兰的分析文章On Ukraine, only money and hard power count可以说是最近西方媒体上看到的第一篇真话Listening to U.S. President Barack Obama bang on this week about the importance of world opinion and obeying international law and respecting sovereignty and being on the right side of history, you had to wonder whether he didn't have a little voice in his head whispering: "Really? Seriously? I'm actually saying this stuff?"This is the commander-in-chief of a military that operates a prison camp on Cuban soil, against the explicit wishes of the Cuban government, and which regularly fires drone missiles into other countries, often killing innocent bystanders.He is a president who ordered that CIA torturers would go unprosecuted, and leads a nation that has invaded other countries whenever it wished, regardless of what the rest of the world might think.Disclaimer here: Vladimir Putin's proclaimed justification for invading Ukraine — protecting Russian-speaking "compatriots" in that country from some imagined violence — stinks of tribalism.His rationale is essentially ethnic nationalism, something responsible for so much of the evil done throughout human history.Stated motivation aside, though, what Putin is doing is really no different from what other world powers do: protecting what they regard as national self-interest.And so far, he's done it without bloodletting.Imagine, for a moment, what Washington would do if, say, Bahrain's Shia population, covertly supported by Tehran, staged a successful uprising and began to push itself into Iran's orbit.The U.S. Fifth Fleet is headquartered in Bahrain, just as Russia's Black Sea Fleet is parked at its huge naval bases in the Crimea.To pose the scenario is to answer the question of how America would react.The same goes for all the other countries in America's political realm. The Philippines, South Korea, certain Persian Gulf nations. Imagine if Russia's military tried to return to Cuba.

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊There is an order of things; it is disturbed at the world's peril.And Ukraine, for better or worse — decidedly worse, those in the western portion of the country will tell you — has for centuries been in Russia's sphere.Crimea, the region of Ukraine now occupied by Russia, was part of the Soviet Union and was deeded to Ukraine in 1954 to celebrate the 300th anniversary of a treaty that bonded much of Ukraine to Tsarist Russia.To suggest, as European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso did this week, that Ukrainians "have shown that they belong culturally, emotionally but also politically to Europe," is just wishful thinking, even if some Ukrainians wish it were true.Furthermore, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was right when he pointed out that many of the countries denouncing Putin's intervention were actively involved in encouraging anti-Russia Ukrainians to overthrow an elected, if distasteful, president and government.Victoria Nuland, a senior American diplomat, was caught in flagrante delicto a few weeks back, chatting with another American official about which Ukrainian opposition figures should and shouldn't be installed.Washington's reply: It was unconscionable of Russia to intercept and leak that discussion.

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊Incidentally, some of the Ukrainian opposition groups that have now ended up in power are thuggish, anti-Semitic, anti-Russian, extreme right-wingers.Putin's description of them — ultranationalists — was mild. You just wouldn't know it listening to Western politicians.In Obama's case, sitting beside him on Monday as he gave his lecture on international law from the Oval Office was close ally Benjamin Netanyahu.The Israeli prime minister, having just engaged in a protracted, robust handshake for the cameras, presides over a country that operates a military occupation in the West Bank, violating the "international law" Obama was demanding Putin obey.The U.S. insists that Israel's occupation can only be solved by respectful negotiation between the parties themselves, and it vehemently opposes punishing Israel with the sort of moves currently being contemplated against Russia.It's easy to go on and on in this vein — Britain's prime minister, who leads a nation that helped invade Iraq on a false pretext, denouncing Putin's pretext for going into Crimea. The NATO powers that helped bring about the independence of Albanian Kosovars complaining about the separatist aspirations of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, etc.But that's diplomacy. Hypocritical declarations and acts are woven into its essence.What's remarkable is the unspoken pact among the Western news media to report it all so uncritically.When Obama spoke, the gaggle of reporters in attendance rushed to report his statements, mostly at face value.Likewise, Western news reports seriously reported Russia's ridiculous threat to end the role of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency, as though Russia's creditors will begin to accept rubles at whatever exchange rate Putin decrees.On TV and in print, we hear serious talk about the possibility of economic sanctions against Russia — which would only trigger a devastating trade back-blast against European economies.

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊Other media analysts agree with the angry flailings of U.S. foreign policy hawks, who seem to think Obama should be much more aggressive with Putin, although they have few concrete suggestions. (A frustrated Senator John McCain demanded that rich Russians be barred from Las Vegas.)The unspoken media-government arrangement is understandable, I suppose.We must at least pretend there's international law and fairness and basic rules, because it reassures us that we live in a world where raw power doesn't ultimately rule.But it's all just gibberish; through the looking glass. We might as well be reporting that slithy toves gyre and gimble in the wabe.Money and hard power count, and that's that. The big players have it, and the smaller players play along. If we need the anaesthetic liquor of self-delusion to deal with it, well, drink up.

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊我觉得奥巴马是近几届美国总统中对外政策最模糊的一个,他的注意力似乎集中在美国国内,对外政策给我的感觉是被动反应,发生了什么就处理什么,没有全盘和长远的对外政策规划。

本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。 超赞 赏 八根儿 0$(VIP 0) 10,1302014-03-06#19 回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊老美继续当他的世界警察,照米国人的价值判断去遏制冲突各方,不主动出击浪费米国p民的税钱和生命,一般来说是好事只是有时候,俺会很自私的希望山姆去定点清除金家,解放北韩。。。

回复: 最近联合国的气氛不对啊小国和小国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,矛盾没了。小国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,小国没了。大国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,联合国没了……点击展开...

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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