加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver谁知道Statutory Holidays pay的政府规定?


主要想知道雇主Holidays pay给付的条件,Parttime员工,谢谢!英文不太好,贴上来请同学们帮忙!Statutory HolidaysThe ten statutory holidays in British Columbia areNew Years DayFamily DayGood FridayVictoria DayCanada DayB.C. DayLabour DayThanksgiving DayRemembrance DayChristmas DayEaster Sunday, Easter Monday and Boxing Day are not statutory holidays.To qualify for statutory holiday pay employees must:Have been employed for at least 30 calendar days,AndHave worked on at least 15 of the 30 days before the statutory holiday.**Employees who worked under an averaging agreement any time in the 30 days before the statutory holiday do not have to meet the 15-day minimum.Qualified employees who are given a day off on a statutory holiday must be paid an average day’s pay.Qualified employees who work on a statutory holiday must be paid:Time-and-a-half for the first 12 hours worked and double-time after 12 hoursPlusAn average day’s pay.An average day’s pay is the total regular earnings divided by the number of days worked in the previous 30 calendar days.Regular earnings include wages and vacation pay received for vacations taken, but does not include overtime pay.Days worked includes all days where wages were earned as well as any days of annual vacation taken in the 30 calendar days before the statutory holiday.Employers and a majority of employees can agree to substitute another day for a statutory holiday. The substitute day must be treated the same as a statutory holiday.


Shaw 可靠信赖,周到服务 ,全职促销销售 604-653-9312无合约无安装费 超赞 赏 K Kartzchen 0$(VIP 0) 9,2542015-09-12#3 楼主努力学英文吧

在holiday之前的30天内如果工作满了15天,按这些天数的平均值付holiday这天的薪水。(比如工作满了18天,用18天的薪水总合除以18=平均值)有些做payroll的人偷懒,公司也不严格的话,如果此员工大概平均每天工作8小时左右,就按8小时付了,也懒得那么仔细算。不过,如果工作天数少于15天,就没有holiday pay了。

yyddss 说:在holiday之前的30天内如果工作满了15天,按这些天数的平均值付holiday这天的薪水。(比如工作满了18天,用18天的薪水总合除以18=平均值)有些做payroll的人偷懒,公司也不严格的话,如果此员工大概平均每天工作8小时左右,就按8小时付了,也懒得那么仔细算。不过,如果工作天数少于15天,就没有holiday pay了。点击展开...谢谢回复!因为听人讲,只有fulltime才有holiday pay,又对自己英文的理解能力不太自信。

Kartzchen 说:楼主努力学英文吧点击展开...是要努力学的,有时候整句的英文,理解不太好!

麦苗 说:谢谢回复!因为听人讲,只有fulltime才有holiday pay,又对自己英文的理解能力不太自信。点击展开...parttime同样是公司的正式employee,哪能如此歧视?EI, CPP,vacation pay不是都照拿嘛full time应该也是这样算的

Pay eligibility and holiday paymentTo get paid on a BC statutory holiday an employee must have been an employee for at least 30 days before the holiday out of which he/she must have earned wages for at least 15 days.If an employee is required to work on a stat holiday he/she must be paid 1.5 x wages for the first 12 hours and 2 x wages afterwards in addition to the regular day's wage. Not a bad deal at all.


yyddss 说:parttime同样是公司的正式employee,哪能如此歧视?EI, CPP,vacation pay不是都照拿嘛full time应该也是这样算的点击展开...我感觉是老板想不给

在假日前后两天如不上班,就没有假日钱。比如说国庆节,如6月30日及7月2日没有上班,国庆节就没钱,除非6月30日是你的regular off。这是我省规定。

Life is simple, but not easy.Pay eligibility and holiday paymentTo get paid on a BC statutory holiday an employee must have been an employee for at least 30 days before the holiday out of which he/she must have earned wages for at least 15 days.If an employee is required to work on a stat holiday he/she must be paid 1.5 x wages for the first 12 hours and 2 x wages afterwards in addition to the regular day's wage. Not a bad deal at all.点击展开...谢谢,最少15天,是指工作4小时也算一天吗

clearpondvillager 说:这里还有BC省年假的规定,中文班版。点击展开...收藏了,谢谢

IloveHalifax 说:在假日前后两天如不上班,就没有假日钱。比如说国庆节,如6月30日及7月2日没有上班,国庆节就没钱,除非6月30日是你的regular off。这是我省规定。点击展开...嗯嗯,问假日当天,比如labour day

麦苗 说:我感觉是老板想不给点击展开...不想给很容易,不让你干够15天就行了如果够了,那他说了不算

麦苗 说:谢谢,最少15天,是指工作4小时也算一天吗点击展开...1小时也算,只是被平均后没多少钱罢了

麦苗 说:嗯嗯,问假日当天,比如labour day点击展开...同样道理。不清楚你省的规定。

Life is simple, but not easy.1小时也算,只是被平均后没多少钱罢了点击展开...我记得bc省一天最少工作时间是两小时,如果由于种种原因——不管是雇主或者雇员的原因,实际工作时间不到两小时,雇主也必须付两小时的工资。


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