在加拿大 remember our agreed payment terms, 100% T/T Against scan copies B/L etc right??? 著個付款方式對工廠有甚麼風險? 工廠說著樣算是後TT他們公司不允許,可是我又沒拿到貨到底他們有甚麼風險呢? 還是我誤...华人论坛
在加拿大 remember our agreed payment terms, 100% T/T Against scan copies B/L etc right??? 著個付款方式對工廠有甚麼風險? 工廠說著樣算是後TT他們公司不允許,可是我又沒拿到貨到底他們有甚麼風險呢? 還是我誤...华人论坛
在加拿大 delivery days to be agreed with logistics partner at plant:_________ 这句话什么意思? 后面我该怎么填写?高手快快帮帮忙吧 评论 你这填的什么表格,说清楚,就这一句,没人知道该填什么 评论 和货...华人论坛
在加拿大 As agreed, we reimburse you for what it would have cost us to bring the goods via sea. 评论 按照合同约定,我们请求贵方补偿是因为我们支付了货物过海的运费。 评论 我觉得意思应该这样理解: 根据双方...华人论坛
在加拿大 Agreed – what one can’t see often can’t hurt 客户发的,是句成语吧,虽然看不懂没有什么关系,还是想知道下他的意思,有谁知道吗?希望不吝赐教。 评论 眼不见心不厌 个人意见,还请高...华人论坛
在加拿大 Agreed, but as long as you try to not disappoint other buyers...as it isn't good practice, unpleasant for the buyer and needless to say time consuming for all concerned. [ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-9-2 23:03 编辑 ] 评论 评论...华人论坛
在加拿大 如题,Demurrage to be by the Parties agreed upon vessel’s nomination.是什么意思呢。 在线等~~~~ [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2010-11-2 16:11 编辑 ] 评论 当事人同意指定船舶的滞留期 评论 根据船公司指示,...华人论坛
在加拿大 it is agreed that no responabillity shall attach to the carrier on his agents for failure to notity 这是在通知人一栏里面的 字很小写在括号里 ,求翻译 ,可能有几个单词不正确 评论 承运人及其代理如果联...华人论坛
在加拿大 CIC has agreed not to return any Pre 2008 FSW application upto 90 days after the Bill C-38 becomes a Law and the judge has issued a court order regarding the same after a meeting with respective Lawyers. Now is the time to act fast. 评论 回...华人论坛
在加拿大 CIC has agreed not to return any Pre 2008 FSW application upto 90 days after the Bill C-38 becomes a Law and the judge has issued a court order regarding the same after a meeting with respective Lawyers. Now is the time to act fast. 评论 回...华人论坛