MOL PROSPERITY 028W事故专帖!!!火灾船专帖!!!!!!!!!!
在加拿大 开此帖之为了让更多的高手来帮我们解决问题。。回帖为了方便大家,最后就引用回复吧。。 我有几个问题,我是做CIF,没有买保险(参考我的彪泪一帖)。 1,共同海损是要我给钱吗...华人论坛
在加拿大 开此帖之为了让更多的高手来帮我们解决问题。。回帖为了方便大家,最后就引用回复吧。。 我有几个问题,我是做CIF,没有买保险(参考我的彪泪一帖)。 1,共同海损是要我给钱吗...华人论坛
在加拿大 因为MOL PROSPERITY 028W此事故还在初步处理阶段,所以我用过往的两个真实案列来做一个说明,后面我会贴几张MOL PROSPERITY 028W出事后救援的图片 呵呵,难得组织一次正儿八经的帖子,有点...华人论坛
在加拿大 In a triumphalist speech at the Calgary Stampede, Stephen Harper vowed that, as long as Conservatives were left in charge, Canada would be the exception to the developed world’s decade of decline. “I’m determined that Canada will conti...华人论坛
在加拿大 In a triumphalist speech at the Calgary Stampede, Stephen Harper vowed that, as long as Conservatives were left in charge, Canada would be the exception to the developed world’s decade of decline. “I’m determined that Canada will conti...华人论坛