在加拿大 we are suffering problems in opening LC with our bank due to little LC line availability for LC at sight. we request you to convert all orders to LC DA 90 Days from BL date. 这里的“little LC line availability ”怎么理解?还有LC...华人论坛
在加拿大 we are suffering problems in opening LC with our bank due to little LC line availability for LC at sight. we request you to convert all orders to LC DA 90 Days from BL date. 这里的“little LC line availability ”怎么理解?还有LC...华人论坛
在加拿大 Winter outdoor problems that need attention The outdoor sports regardless of the season, no matter what time can be carried out. However, there are several points to note when winter outdoor activities. 1, warmth. Outdoor activities in the w...华人论坛
在加拿大 客户交期到了发不了货是问题! 客户的货物好了,却又不付款,又是个问题! 客户的款付了,货物却没好,还是个问题! 评论 Take it easy ! 一个一个解决掉都不是问题啦 评论 做外贸就...华人论坛
在加拿大 1.去健身房跑步,运动文胸根本不起作用 2.这辈子都无法体会趴着睡的舒适感 3.只有在冬天的时候,才能享受到不穿文胸的那种“裸奔”的舒适感。。 4.射箭时一不小心就会撞到。。...华人论坛
在加拿大 这两天经常会出现这样的画面,大家碰到过吗? 评论 超级签证保险 / 探亲保险/新移民保险/ 外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Tol...华人论坛