Winter outdoor problems that need attentionThe outdoor sports regardless of the season, no matter what time can be carried out. However, there are several points to note when winter outdoor activities.
1, warmth. Outdoor activities in the winter, the most important thing is to keep warm. Best winter clothes to wear soft texture waterproof, breathable and cold gloves / hat / scarf, cold shoes / hiking shoes. This prevents slipping on snow and ice, but also conducive to mountain walking. Should also bring a few winter clothes spare.
2, skin care. Low winter temperatures, dry and windy, the surface of the skin more moisture loss. With some large oily moisturizing skin care products to prevent rough skin, chapped. Winter ultraviolet strong corresponding preparation sunscreen. (Girls must be with skin care products oh)
????Abrupt climate change (such as protruding winds, sudden drop in temperature, etc.), it is best to suspend outdoor activities, take emergency measures. Because the snow filled, can easily become disoriented. Absolutely avoid single activities such as separate to fetch water.
4, diet. Drink plenty of water, eat more fruit. Due to the dry and cold, often feel thirsty, but drinking too much, outdoor activities be inconvenienced, ready to carry the the throat tablet can relieve thirst. Eat more high-energy food.
5, frostbite. Low winter temperatures, fingers, feet, face is easily frostbite site. Once the feeling of numbness or frostbite should be back to the room, hand gently rubbing relief.
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