在加拿大 新式租车行业,即不像租贷(Lease), 也不像普通的租车公司,更像Netflix。CBC 报道:Consider it Netflix for cars. There's a new model for getting behind the wheel — one aimed at attracting a consumer that's less...华人论坛
在加拿大 新式租车行业,即不像租贷(Lease), 也不像普通的租车公司,更像Netflix。CBC 报道:Consider it Netflix for cars. There's a new model for getting behind the wheel — one aimed at attracting a consumer that's less...华人论坛
在加拿大 小猪有车最新模式的汽车租赁及购车平台,一站式搞定,本地人lease的价格就能租到车,对就是你想要的平台。无中间商赚差价 小猪有车piggycars全新模式汽车金融租赁模式,对本地人...华人论坛