在加拿大 杜魯多通貨膨脹再次來襲! #JustinFlation strikes again: milk prices up15%. If families start being unable to provide milk to their kids or they start rationing it or diluting it, youre going to start to see an increase in health c...华人论坛
在加拿大 杜魯多通貨膨脹再次來襲! #JustinFlation strikes again: milk prices up15%. If families start being unable to provide milk to their kids or they start rationing it or diluting it, youre going to start to see an increase in health c...华人论坛
在加拿大 杜鲁多通货膨胀再次来袭! #JustinFlation strikes again: milk prices up15%. If families start being unable to provide milk to their kids or they start rationing it or diluting it, youre going to start to see an increase in health c...华人论坛
在加拿大 一个人描述自己喝不喝酒 Ich bin weder oft betrunken noch immer ein Asket. Also zehnmal eher bin ich betrunken alseinAsket,zehnmaleherundzwanzigmalfter. 这句话怎么翻译啊? 求解! 评论 我试着理解一下哈, 不一定...华人论坛
在加拿大 把它当做海带茶来喝不就结了! 继江苏无锡太湖蓝藻暴发,水质发生严重污染后,6月11日,安徽巢湖湖面上又聚积了大量蓝藻,沿岸边水域呈翠绿色、粘稠状。 有网民对此进言:“把...华人论坛