在加拿大 CDCS教材上有这么一段话( (ii)): The fact that payment made by both the confirming bank and the issuing bank is without recourse is evidenced in UCP 600, sub-article 7(a) - 'the issuing bank must honour' - and UCP 600, su...华人论坛
在加拿大 CDCS教材上有这么一段话( (ii)): The fact that payment made by both the confirming bank and the issuing bank is without recourse is evidenced in UCP 600, sub-article 7(a) - 'the issuing bank must honour' - and UCP 600, su...华人论坛
在加拿大 RT...记得以前都是Good Academic Standing...因为今年努力了一下。。。这玩意学校能给钱么?以后transfer到别的学校有好处么? 评论 辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗...华人论坛
在加拿大 代朋友问: 孩子的老师要推荐孩子参加Alberta Junior Honour Band,为期三天的练习,最后一晚演出。他们不住在卡城,参加的话,需要特地申请假期和安排住宿,还有其他要考虑的事情,所...华人论坛