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在加拿大 作为一个在加国生活了十多年的的华人,非常吃惊国内大量做外贸的同行在自己的产品描述,甚至公司网址中使用“cheap“。英文中“cheap”同中文中的“便宜”(更贴近廉价的,不值钱...华人论坛
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在加拿大 In 1921, Guccio Gucci in Florence, home of the founder of operating a small leather goods and luggage shops. Lundui Se in the hotel for many years after the Buddha Gucci Caps, his elegant aesthetics of the British aristocracy and have gradua...华人论坛
在加拿大 They would have each Lord Chancellor vibram five fingers kso perform precisely the same office for the jurisprudence which he finds ready to his hand, which was performed for the old common law by the fathers of English equity. But this is t...华人论坛
在加拿大 My Assignment experts is one of the highest and authoritative websites providing cheap essay writing services to all students. Our Ph.D. experts and professionals are present 24/7 round the clock to assist students with these assignments. W...华人论坛
在加拿大 自吹自擂的政绩包括∶节省预算近10亿元;取消了汽车登记税;减少了自己的办公室预算;与市府员工工会达成标倚缘男议;推动公车服务成为基本服务以避免罢工;将多市央街以西地区的垃圾...华人论坛
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在加拿大 Thanks to the recent financial crisis, frugality and thrift are increasingly becoming positive attributes. But if, like many people, you find yourself looking for ways to trim your spending, you may find yourself flirting with what can be a...华人论坛
在加拿大 hi my name is honghyup lee that here for introduce university.this school has LA, beuna park, diamond bar branch. Also accredited school by government. it means u dont have any problem with getting new visa and pass immigration at border. Th...华人论坛
在加拿大 hi Im introducing cheap business university in LA. This school has Buena park diamond bar branch. Its business university that accredited school which means this degree is real and can be used in USA.Also can be transfer to other school late...华人论坛
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