请问stacked in cardboard box on pallet with sided bearing piles什么意思呢?
在加拿大 请问stacked in cardboard box on pallet with sided bearing piles什么意思呢?另外客户在包装应用里写的 overpackaging ,按道理是过度包装或包装过剩,可是觉得又不像,客户好像喜欢这样的overpacking,难...华人论坛
在加拿大 请问stacked in cardboard box on pallet with sided bearing piles什么意思呢?另外客户在包装应用里写的 overpackaging ,按道理是过度包装或包装过剩,可是觉得又不像,客户好像喜欢这样的overpacking,难...华人论坛
在加拿大 各位前辈。 我有票货出口到巴西的。关于外箱的唛头。客人提出这样一个问题:can be stacked in four packs? screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new windo...华人论坛
在加拿大 Tubs are stacked into the auto cup dropping modules,then dropped into carriers seater and rotated into dust sucking station for cleaning.Product is filled into tubs by piston filler.Before sealing,tubs with margarine are vibrated by a oscill...华人论坛
在加拿大 can be stacked vertically and horizontally to create a blinder or strip light. Stack them horizontally to increase intensity of the projection for more distant throws or to use as a blinder effect. The strip light stacking can be used for ru...华人论坛
在加拿大 预算有限,只有这两种选择,价格差不多的话买哪种比较好? condo大多交通更便利,但是管理费高,而且我并不需要用到健身房游泳池等设施,感觉交的管理费都浪费了 stacked townhouse大...华人论坛
在加拿大 包车位 超低尺价,800起 还包车位的stacked towns 现在是内部发售 5月正式发售会涨价5万左右~ 赶快联系我锁定吧 微信 michelleyu93 评论 这个是靠近坟墓吗? 评论 Aahh 发表在2楼 这个是靠近...华人论坛