标签:Math - 华人论坛



在加拿大 1. MATH 1021 Contemporary business mathematics with canadian applications ninth edition2. BUS 1038 Business3. ECON 1032 Macroeconomics 12th edition4. CESL 1003 The Canadian Writer's World有意者请联系:QQ:392512816(注明买书)电话:...华人论坛


【雇主直招】Online Art/Math/English Teacher

在加拿大 ONLINE Art or Math or English Teacher for Tutoring Grade1 to Grade 6 Students Queensview Education is a leading private tutoring company, we are helping students from Grade 1 to Grade 6 in a variety of subjects including Art, Math, English...华人论坛


推荐数学编辑器math tape

在加拿大 当我们针对由计算软件生成的文本文件需要进一步编辑的过程中 势必涉及许多复杂数学公式的补充 至于使用word公式编辑器 persoenlich find's verdammt scheisse math tape也许某种程度上会给与我...华人论坛



在加拿大 Math mind , coding buddies,就是志愿者在做。孩子跑去也没有学到啥。 评论 关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。 赏 2016-10-01#2 Y 34 $0.00 学校也一样。而且,哪怕是请个tutor到家里教,最...华人论坛


Math problem

在加拿大 There's this math question I can't solve. It goes like this: How many different combinations of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters use 48 coins to total $1.00? Can anyone tell me how to solve it? Really appreciate if you can. Thanks! 评论...华人论坛


有谁考过BCIT的Math Pre-entry Test?

在加拿大 学文科出身,本身数学基础就不太好,再加上高中毕业都20年了,好多基本知识都忘了。有谁考过BCIT的数学入学测试啊?在学校官网上做过一套sample试卷可是只有一套,也不好估计到底...华人论坛


I need a math tutor

在加拿大 I need a math tutor, who can recommand me one? 评论 回复: I need a math tutor I CAN RECOMMAND A GOOD TUTOR. 647-505-2313 评论 Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 回复: I need a math tutor which grade are you in n...华人论坛


关于spirit of math

在加拿大 有家长了解吗?好吗? 评论 同问,看了他们的curriculum,比学校的内容要难很多,2年级就学质数,正负,比例等概念。感觉有点儿国内的奥数。有没有参加过的介绍一下呢? 评论 学好数...华人论坛


A math sample test from Humber

在加拿大 I found this website, and I guess this is helpful for some of you.http://admissions.humber.ca/admission_testing.htm Please roll down, and you will see Math Competency Test Sample 评论 always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 反馈:1人...华人论坛


Bee Star免费的小学Math练习题,每周2套

在加拿大 Bee Star免费提供Math练习题,每周2套,对提高小孩应用题的解题能力很有帮助。免费注册后就可以使用,2008 Fall本周(2008.08.17)开始.http://www.beestar.org/index.jsp 评论 回复: Bee Star免费的小学...华人论坛


High School Math Teacher for Afterschool Institute

在加拿大 About ACI Institute:Welcome to ACI College Prep! Our after-school test prep center has helped over 60,000 students get into their dream schools since 1987. We now seek young college students who excel at school and want to help others get to...华人论坛


李老师-数学家教补习(Math Tutor)

在加拿大 【李老师-数学家教补习(Math Tutor)】 (曾任教于 San Gabriel High School, Temple Intermediate School, Garvey Intermediate School, 多年教学补习经验, 熟悉老师出题思路, 了解学生不解疑惑, 提醒...华人论坛


数学家教 统计家教 math tutor 辅导

在加拿大 本人毕业于 UCSB (University of California Santa Barbara) 精算统计专业(actuarial science)。多次获得数学竞赛名次奖牌,有两年TA(teacher assistance)经验, 成绩优异,开朗年轻耐心和善。数学和统计...华人论坛


Online Math tutor

在加拿大 大家好,我叫Brian,因疫情原因,大部分学生都被停课了。但是停课不停学,各位同学如果在学业上感到压力和困扰。本人有6年的SAT,Pre-Calculus, Calculus,Physics等科目的补习经验,现在...华人论坛