在加拿大 九爱加拿大网报道:素里皇家骑警最近表示在一次枪支走私调查中缴获了大量枪支和弹药。 Inspector Ryan Element speaks about a firearms trafficking investigation that led to a large seizure of prohibited weapo...华人论坛
在加拿大 九爱加拿大网报道:素里皇家骑警最近表示在一次枪支走私调查中缴获了大量枪支和弹药。 Inspector Ryan Element speaks about a firearms trafficking investigation that led to a large seizure of prohibited weapo...华人论坛
在加拿大 九爱加拿大網報道:素裡皇家騎警最近表示在一次槍支走私調查中繳獲了大量槍支和彈藥。 Inspector Ryan Element speaks about a firearms trafficking investigation that led to a large seizure of prohibited weapo...华人论坛